October 29,2007
What is your identity?
In this day and age of identity theft, what is being taken? We never really think about it until it is STOLEN/QUESTIONED/FALSIFIED...
Do you define yourself, physically, emotionally, financially or by what you do?
Who are you? Who am I? I don't know. Do you?
Several incidences this month have certainly made me think that this is a question that I am supposed to be giving some thought to.
This month:
1) My beautiful black leather wallet was stolen. The contents - a necklace I've had for over 15 years, a license (with a picture that I actually liked), and many contacts - it was overstuffed with business cards, all gone forever.
2) A relationship where my core was being questioned, my past used as justification bringing to the surface my never-far lurking doubts and fears - allowing me to forget temporarily the promise I had made to myself - never allow anyone again to convince you of who you aren't. Trust yourself.
And then,
3) my business email account being stolen through a fault of my own. When I was told that the account would be closed unless I provided certain information - emotion took over reason and what I feared, is what manifested anyway. Two years of contacts and interactions, gone for good.
And le piece de resistance.
4) Receiving an email asking if I'm back to acting yet? Another, requesting for me to do a character that I once loved...oh so easy to just say "yes" but ugh the misery.
What is my identity?
In this day and age of identity theft, what is being taken? That which we never really have to take the time to think about until it is...taken...given away.
I can't help but think there can be no accident that each of these incidents made me go back to the drawing board of MY identity. Not the identity found in what I could hold, not the long held fantasy of walking hand in hand into the sunset, not the visuals that said my business lies in the proof of my interactions, and not the part of me that defined myself based on what I did.
Each one of these incidences caused me to have to ask and remind myself - what is my identity...without the external, familiar sign posts?
If we forget and give our power to what we have and can visibly see, sometimes it's taken to remind us that it lies within. If we go astray and justify fantasy over reality, an incident occurs that reveals how much we've been giving ourselves away. If we're tempted to return to an identity that feels familiar and safe, actions of our new identity arise at the same time and we are faced with the decision - choose what we know is safe, familiar yet unfulfilling or to risk the unknown which could possibly be thrilling.
Our identity, we tend to define from many external pieces, but when those are taken and given away, WE still remain.
Thank you to the many unexpected calls and emails of support during this interesting month!
What do you think defines who you are? Why?
Are you giving away a piece of your identity to hold on to "it"?
Free Teleseminar
Date: TONIGHT Monday, October 29, 2007
Time: 8pm-9pm
Topic: "CCC: Why We Can't Resist Their S***wipe"
1. Learn the root to CCC's power
2. Learn the 5 KEYS to unlock their lure
3. If you don't know the "Banker's secret" you won't want to miss this call!
Please click on the link below to register:
If you register after 5pm today please call me directly at 718-350-6095 to receive the dial in information.
Saavy Ladies
Date: Tuesday, October 30th
Time: 8:00-9:00pm EST
Location: Teleconference with Stacy Francis (founder of Saavy Ladies)
Dial: 605-725-3600 then enter access code 671658
For more information e-mail stacy@savvyladies.com
Visit www.saavyladies.com
Savvy Ladies Empowerment Circles
If you're looking for a fresh, fun and direct way to manage and grow your personal
finances, AND tap into your unrealized potential, participating in an Empowerment Circle
is for YOU! It's a great way for women to socialize, network and support each other
while journeying on the path to financial freedom!
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