October 23, 2007
I received ten responses from last week's blog. T-E-N. Each one expressing how they were touched by the comments and that they would forward their actions that caused them to pave a new way in their lives. Even with extended time the majority weren't able to follow through on their intention to celebrate themselves. Every week I'd like to celebrate YOU! In a world of war, global warming, pain and fear I think a reminder of the fears and struggles that we HAVE survived are needed. I'm commited to living and building communities living inspired, fullfilled and free!
Please see the details below for an upcoming teleseminar, please complete the survey received yesterday and enjoy your free gift - it shows us it's really NOT about the money. Thank you to the readers who shared your stories, commitments and information below. They are inspiring! Congratulations to each of you!!! Continue to share your stories, and I'll post them weekly so we can all know that we are not alone and be inspired beyond our fears to forge new paths for ourselves and future generations.
"As always your blogs cause me to respond. They are always well written and
most informative.
I can speak with some knowledge = BANKRUPTCY = I did it 3 yrs ago. By the
way you don't need a lawyer - I did it with an outfit called We The People.
They charged me a little over $300 and filing with the city was a little
over $200. So for a little less than $600 I got it done. I used their
office on West 72nd St. in Manhattan. (By the way, they also do
divorces. )
I'll admit I did not feel great having to do this - you feel like you failed
somehow. But the positive side is that you then have a clean slate and the
dunning phone calls stop. Sometimes I feel that credit cards are a
menace. You spend money that you
don't have. As soon as your bankruptcy is filed you are inundated with all
kinds of credit card offers in the mail. They know that you are now debt
free. But since then I have kept my head above water."
Anonymous NY,NY
"Thought I'd share that I have recently completed a debt management program that allowed me to pay off over $10,000 in debt on a payment program that I could handle...even during a period of unemployment. It took 5 years, I'll admit, but I did it. They are what's known as a 501 Plan. Here's the info.:
American Credit Alliance, Inc.
P.O. Box 939
Morrisville, PA 19067
Hope this is helpful...this experience [has] taught me financial discipline because if you are allowed to be delinquent (though it's not recommended) only ONCE. After that, your interest rates return to their original sky-high rates which is what got me into trouble in the first place. But I've been blessed. I now have a
savings account."
Anonymous NY,NY
Hi all. I'm doing a Diabetes Walk here in NYC on Sunday, 10/28, from the South Street Seaport, across the Brooklyn Bridge, around Brooklyn, and back into Manhattan (again on the Bridge).
It would mean a lot to me if you could support me for this walk. Diabetes has affected people in my life - most notably my sister Kate, who is doing well! (and will be joining her for the walk) - thus I have great interest in finding a cure!
Thanks a lot - hope you are well and healthy!
Visit my personal page at the web address to donate:
Gwen Eyster
New York, NY
Her goal is to raise $500.00 and she is at $425.00. You can help her reach her goal! Visit her website today.
Pat and rub yourself on the back for all that you have already accomplished!
Breath, smile, grow and share your journey! We can all learn from the roads you've traveled.
Free Teleseminar
Date: Monday, October 29, 2007
Time: 8pm-9pm
Topic: "CCC: Why We Can't Resist Their S***wipe"
Learn 5 specific tools that will help you resist their S***wipe!
If you have attended my seminars, you know I usually like to do excercises with the participants. If you prefer being able to sit back, listen and take notes while having a few laughs, this is the teleseminar for you!
Please go to my website, www.healingfinances.com, and click on "Upcoming Events" to register TODAY.
Saavy Ladies
Date: Tuesday, October 30th
Time: 8:00-9:00pm EST
Location: Teleconference with Stacy Francis (founder of Saavy Ladies)
Dial: 605-725-3600 then enter access code 671658
For more information e-mail stacy@savvyladies.com
Visit www.saavyladies.com
Savvy Ladies Empowerment Circles
If you're looking for a fresh, fun and direct way to manage and grow your personal
finances, AND tap into your unrealized potential, participating in an Empowerment Circle
is for YOU! It's a great way for women to socialize, network and support each other
while journeying on the path to financial freedom!
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
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