November 6, 2007
What a world we live in.
Does anyone else find it odd that we change the time, twice a year?
"Spring Forward, Fall Back."
Does anyone find it odd that a decision can get made to change the interest rate to offset the effect of the foreclosure fiasco on...Wall Street?
Did anyone see the story on the news regarding the latest "most violent" video game featuring clubbing a person to death. Its most exciting feature is that you hold the controls and the movement of your arms and hand gives you the feel of actually inflicting the final fatal blows.
Oh, and in Crain's New York Business Report a headline reads "Loan mess will yield big payday for banks." The article explains that there is a proposal that "envisions a $100 billion fund to soak up mortgage-related and other hybrid securities that investors now shun as too risky....the prize: fees that could total as much $650 million." Michael Shedlock, a money manager at Sitka Pacific Capital Management says "Leave it to Wall Street to figure out a way to make a killing from cleaning up a mess of its own making."
As I try to track down the people who have stolen my yahoo business identity, the computer generated response I keep receiving from Yahoo, no matter my explanations and request for a human response, are:
"Unfortunately, your message to us was missing the full Internet headers.
Without the full headers we will be unable to further investigate this matter."
Right, the headers that I am unable to access because I can no longer access my yahoo account, but the thieves can.
Billions of dollars a day being spent on a war while millions go uninsured.
I could go on and on and on, we all could, but for today let's just instead...laugh.
We and the world are mad. Isn't that hysterical?
In a society where we are taught to value:
"what it looks like" versus "what is"
the art of the spin versus acquiring detailed facts
the image of having love versus the time to build trust
anything outside versus everything inside
a farce of misery, fear and pain continues.
Last night as I watched my kittens play with a tiny piece of candy wrapper for an hour, I realized I have never felt more at peace in my entire life in all areas of my life. Nothing, not a single area of my life, looks as I imagined. And there I have found peace.
Go within because the world and its systems are quite mad...have a laugh and please; journey within, within, within!
Recount the farce that you participate in, to stay in alignment with the values of society.
Laugh, laugh, laugh!
Interview: Alexandra Jacoby-Leaving the Castle.
Visual Artist and Organizer of the Vagina Festival.
She exclaimed at a seminar that she had just become debt free and I requested an interview with her. My idea of who I thought I was interviewing was turned on its head as I arrived at her home across the street from the United Nations and learned that growing up, her classmates received BMW's for their 16th birthdays. Imagine my further surprise when she said "if my father knew about my debt, I think that he would have involuntarily spit up."
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