Friday, October 26, 2007

October 29,2007


What is your identity?
In this day and age of identity theft, what is being taken? We never really think about it until it is STOLEN/QUESTIONED/FALSIFIED...

Do you define yourself, physically, emotionally, financially or by what you do?
Who are you? Who am I? I don't know. Do you?
Several incidences this month have certainly made me think that this is a question that I am supposed to be giving some thought to.

This month:
1) My beautiful black leather wallet was stolen. The contents - a necklace I've had for over 15 years, a license (with a picture that I actually liked), and many contacts - it was overstuffed with business cards, all gone forever.
2) A relationship where my core was being questioned, my past used as justification bringing to the surface my never-far lurking doubts and fears - allowing me to forget temporarily the promise I had made to myself - never allow anyone again to convince you of who you aren't. Trust yourself.
And then,
3) my business email account being stolen through a fault of my own. When I was told that the account would be closed unless I provided certain information - emotion took over reason and what I feared, is what manifested anyway. Two years of contacts and interactions, gone for good.
And le piece de resistance.
4) Receiving an email asking if I'm back to acting yet? Another, requesting for me to do a character that I once loved...oh so easy to just say "yes" but ugh the misery.

What is my identity?
In this day and age of identity theft, what is being taken? That which we never really have to take the time to think about until it is...taken...given away.

I can't help but think there can be no accident that each of these incidents made me go back to the drawing board of MY identity. Not the identity found in what I could hold, not the long held fantasy of walking hand in hand into the sunset, not the visuals that said my business lies in the proof of my interactions, and not the part of me that defined myself based on what I did.
Each one of these incidences caused me to have to ask and remind myself - what is my identity...without the external, familiar sign posts?

If we forget and give our power to what we have and can visibly see, sometimes it's taken to remind us that it lies within. If we go astray and justify fantasy over reality, an incident occurs that reveals how much we've been giving ourselves away. If we're tempted to return to an identity that feels familiar and safe, actions of our new identity arise at the same time and we are faced with the decision - choose what we know is safe, familiar yet unfulfilling or to risk the unknown which could possibly be thrilling.

Our identity, we tend to define from many external pieces, but when those are taken and given away, WE still remain.

Thank you to the many unexpected calls and emails of support during this interesting month!


What do you think defines who you are? Why?
Are you giving away a piece of your identity to hold on to "it"?

Free Teleseminar
Date: TONIGHT Monday, October 29, 2007
Time: 8pm-9pm
Topic: "CCC: Why We Can't Resist Their S***wipe"

1. Learn the root to CCC's power
2. Learn the 5 KEYS to unlock their lure
3. If you don't know the "Banker's secret" you won't want to miss this call!

Please click on the link below to register:
If you register after 5pm today please call me directly at 718-350-6095 to receive the dial in information.

Saavy Ladies
Date: Tuesday, October 30th
Time: 8:00-9:00pm EST
Location: Teleconference with Stacy Francis (founder of Saavy Ladies)

Dial: 605-725-3600 then enter access code 671658

For more information e-mail

Savvy Ladies Empowerment Circles
If you're looking for a fresh, fun and direct way to manage and grow your personal
finances, AND tap into your unrealized potential, participating in an Empowerment Circle
is for YOU! It's a great way for women to socialize, network and support each other
while journeying on the path to financial freedom!


Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."

Copyright 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

October 23, 2007


I received ten responses from last week's blog. T-E-N. Each one expressing how they were touched by the comments and that they would forward their actions that caused them to pave a new way in their lives. Even with extended time the majority weren't able to follow through on their intention to celebrate themselves. Every week I'd like to celebrate YOU! In a world of war, global warming, pain and fear I think a reminder of the fears and struggles that we HAVE survived are needed. I'm commited to living and building communities living inspired, fullfilled and free!

Please see the details below for an upcoming teleseminar, please complete the survey received yesterday and enjoy your free gift - it shows us it's really NOT about the money. Thank you to the readers who shared your stories, commitments and information below. They are inspiring! Congratulations to each of you!!! Continue to share your stories, and I'll post them weekly so we can all know that we are not alone and be inspired beyond our fears to forge new paths for ourselves and future generations.

"As always your blogs cause me to respond. They are always well written and
most informative.
I can speak with some knowledge = BANKRUPTCY = I did it 3 yrs ago. By the
way you don't need a lawyer - I did it with an outfit called We The People.
They charged me a little over $300 and filing with the city was a little
over $200. So for a little less than $600 I got it done. I used their
office on West 72nd St. in Manhattan. (By the way, they also do
divorces. )
I'll admit I did not feel great having to do this - you feel like you failed
somehow. But the positive side is that you then have a clean slate and the
dunning phone calls stop. Sometimes I feel that credit cards are a
menace. You spend money that you
don't have. As soon as your bankruptcy is filed you are inundated with all
kinds of credit card offers in the mail. They know that you are now debt
free. But since then I have kept my head above water."

Anonymous NY,NY

"Thought I'd share that I have recently completed a debt management program that allowed me to pay off over $10,000 in debt on a payment program that I could handle...even during a period of unemployment. It took 5 years, I'll admit, but I did it. They are what's known as a 501 Plan. Here's the info.:
American Credit Alliance, Inc.
P.O. Box 939
Morrisville, PA 19067
Hope this is helpful...this experience [has] taught me financial discipline because if you are allowed to be delinquent (though it's not recommended) only ONCE. After that, your interest rates return to their original sky-high rates which is what got me into trouble in the first place. But I've been blessed. I now have a
savings account."

Anonymous NY,NY

Hi all. I'm doing a Diabetes Walk here in NYC on Sunday, 10/28, from the South Street Seaport, across the Brooklyn Bridge, around Brooklyn, and back into Manhattan (again on the Bridge).

It would mean a lot to me if you could support me for this walk. Diabetes has affected people in my life - most notably my sister Kate, who is doing well! (and will be joining her for the walk) - thus I have great interest in finding a cure!

Thanks a lot - hope you are well and healthy!

Visit my personal page at the web address to donate:

Gwen Eyster
New York, NY

Her goal is to raise $500.00 and she is at $425.00. You can help her reach her goal! Visit her website today.


Pat and rub yourself on the back for all that you have already accomplished!
Breath, smile, grow and share your journey! We can all learn from the roads you've traveled.

Free Teleseminar
Date: Monday, October 29, 2007
Time: 8pm-9pm
Topic: "CCC: Why We Can't Resist Their S***wipe"

Learn 5 specific tools that will help you resist their S***wipe!

If you have attended my seminars, you know I usually like to do excercises with the participants. If you prefer being able to sit back, listen and take notes while having a few laughs, this is the teleseminar for you!
Please go to my website,, and click on "Upcoming Events" to register TODAY.

Saavy Ladies
Date: Tuesday, October 30th
Time: 8:00-9:00pm EST
Location: Teleconference with Stacy Francis (founder of Saavy Ladies)

Dial: 605-725-3600 then enter access code 671658

For more information e-mail

Savvy Ladies Empowerment Circles
If you're looking for a fresh, fun and direct way to manage and grow your personal
finances, AND tap into your unrealized potential, participating in an Empowerment Circle
is for YOU! It's a great way for women to socialize, network and support each other
while journeying on the path to financial freedom!

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

October 16, 2007


"We are all connected by our lack of balance; our need to be safe in our own place."

Two weeks ago my wallet was stolen from desk. Yesterday, I spent 4 hours in the DA's office waiting to testify against this person - a 59 year old man that has been arrested 32 times and whose first offense was in 1967. Entering a room of 20 or more regular citizens, I was struck that they all looked sleepy and bored, they were going to be deciding the fate of someone's life. But as I was reminded by the detective, it was only 5 minutes before they were going to lunch and they had been listening to these cases since 9am. At 1pm it was decided that he would be charged with 5 counts of grand larceny and burglary. I felt no sense of sense of sense of anything. He was 59 years old and he'd been doing this his entire life. I was boggled by the complacency of the jury, the audacity of this criminal, and the power of the assistant DA. I didn't feel like an individual whose wallet was stolen, I felt like a cog, I felt like we were each a cog; criminal, victim, judge, jury, detective and DA; simply fulfilling our roles in a system.

The system; society at large is pretty miserable. Everywhere we go, everything we're taught from friends, families, partners and lovers, tells us “safe” is doing what "they're" doing, safe is thinking what "they're" thinking and saying what "they're" saying. My opinion is that this model, this system is not working and the evidence to support this is in the rise of broken and abusive relationships, the rise of medicated children and adults, the rise of personal debt and foreclosures, obesity, addictions and violence. Many times when we try to keep ourselves in alignment with "the others" it is not where we are most free. We keep resisting our core, we want to make it about someone else having problems, we want to make it about our own problems, we must stay with our companion even when we discover we aren't compatible, we must have the same clothes that they have even if we can't afford it. The only true measure for what will work for you is you - our forwarding actions can come from nowhere except within. Our actions always speak louder than our words. Pay attention and trust yourself. If you are doing actions that are not in alignment with what you say you want, then look within. Many of us when we've repeated old actions or missed the deadlines for our goals, we get upset and judge ourselves. If we trust ourselves, we can use those actions as indicators, that we are most likely engaging in activities or aligning ourselves with people that are out of alignment with our core.

As I continue to explore the reasons for my own journey - the ideas I have but my constant struggle to take action on them. As I continue to listen to my customers who find it so difficult to even admit the passions and dreams of their core, I wonder why is this so difficult? Why do we keep doing what doesn't really make us feel good. There is a system in place. A system, unseen and unfelt. It simply teaches us that fear and struggle are the norm. It simply teaches us not to trust our core. It teaches us to judge and change ourselves instead of teaching us to love and trust ourselves. We conform.

Okay, pay attention to your actions. Don't judge them. Pay attention to them. Are they in alignment with who you think you are, who you say are, your stated goals?
Disengage from the system of fear, boredom, anger, mistrust and misery.
TRUST YOURSELF. TRUST YOUR CORE. Yesterday as I experienced the brilliance of a well oiled but very broken machine, I wanted to scream. We can’t keep producing complacent criminals, scared victims, bored juries, matter of fact detectives and righteous judges and DA’s. We must disengage from this well oiled and very broken machine. Trusting ourselves and our core will be our only hope for a safe place.

Please share with me some actions that have been from your core at
I would love to dedicate a blog to activities that paved a new way for yourself and your way of life!

Free Teleseminar
Date: Monday, October 29, 2007
Time: 8pm-9pm
Topic: "CCC: Why We Can't Resist Their S***wipe"

Three Power Steps to Financial Success
When: TOMORROW, 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Where: Woodhull Office, 32 Broadway, Suite 1801, NYC 10004
Cost: $20 (participants receive a free copy of ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance)

Do you want to learn more about personal finance but feel too busy to do so? Then this is the workshop for you. Based on the book ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance (, this workshop will highlight the three power steps to financial success: Save, Invest, and Protect.

Reserve your spot today by emailing rsvp@woodhull. org. You will be able to pay the registration fee of $20.00 at the door. (Receive a copy of the book for free.) For more information, please visit

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."

Thursday, October 04, 2007

October 9, 2007


Yesterday, many of us were able to have a paid holiday to honor Columbus' discovery of America. Having just visited the memorial to Crazy Horse ( in South Dakota, it felt more like a day of mourning to me. That "discovery" led to the destruction of an entire people who had lived here in balance with nature and the land for generations.
My day off...bittersweet.

Last weekend, on the spur of the moment, I hopped on the bus, to attend the 30th anniversary celebration of the The Studio Theatre in Washington, DC. ( I was the renovation assistant for the first 3 million dollar renovation. Seeing my name on the original plaque as "Samarra Green" it was a reminder of how many lifetimes ago my journey at Studio had been. It was there that my acting career was launched with my first lead role as Venus in Venus by Susan Lori Parks. It was also there that I truly learned the business of theatre. Led by Joy Zinoman, from its inception in 1977, she had a vision for her theatre. Once hired, I marveled at the stories of her stepping over needles and tricks being turned outside the door. By the time I arrived 23 years later, there were no tricks being turned but or needles but there were many empty buildings and very small black owned businesses that had been there for generations. Many called her crazy when she implemented her plan and bought the building despite non-progressive surroundings of an auto shop, 7-11 and pawnshop. She never wavered always stating that one day that neighborhood would be the place where everyone would want to be. It was now 10 years later from the time I had worked there but only 3 1/2 from the time that I had moved from the area to New York City. Standing there Sept. 30, 2007, it was thrilling to see Joy's vision live and in neon colors. They now owned three buildings that housed the 4 theatres, plus two more residency buildings for their actors and fellows. As I smiled inside at seeing a dream come to fruition, outside the look of progress was...bittersweet. The Studio Theatre was now surrounded by Fresh Fields, Caribou Coffee and restaurants with sidewalk seating and condo's.

I remembered the African business owner who owned a club called Diversite. I remember picking up my bosses' lunch and him saying that he was continuously being harassed by the police and neighbors for no reason. He knew there were plans for the area, which is why he bought there, but he learned quickly that the plan didn't include him; he felt he was being forced out. Proudly, he exclaimed, "this is my restaurant and my people need a place to relax and I'm not going anywhere". I didn't take him too seriously at that time; I thought he was just being paranoid. Almost 10 years later, attending Studio's dinner celebrations-small parties at various places in the neighborhood - the dinner I attended was located diagonally across from The Studio Theatre. The former home of Diversite was now a model for a $750,000 condo - a studio. Progress as a new face, a new color. Green. I wondered what happened to the many families and business owners that had lived there, for generations? What had happened to the owner of Diversite?

Washington, DC once referred to as the chocolate city is now predicated to be predominately white in the next 5 years - others priced out. My return to a 30 year celebration...bittersweet.

The time is now to make your plan and take responsibility for your financial stability and wealth. Do what you love, make a plan, work your plan. The color that speaks loudest in our land is green. It may take 30 years but your dream CAN come true. START NOW!

An upcoming seminar for women given by the authors of My Own Two Feet at The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership.

Three Power Steps to Financial Success
Do you want to learn more about personal finance but feel too busy to do so? Then this is the workshop for you. Based on the book ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance (www.onmyow, this workshop will highlight the three power steps to financial success: Save, Invest, and Protect.

When: 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Where: Woodhull Institute office, 32 Broadway, Suite 1801, NYC 10004
Cost: $20 (participants receive a free copy of ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance)

Specifically you will learn:
1. How to balance your desire to live well today with the need to save and invest for tomorrow. Yes, you CAN do both. In this workshop you will learn clear, concise guidelines about how much to target saving for the future. You will also learn how to find the money to save if you feel like there's just nothing left at the end of the day!

2. A powerful, keep-it-simple investment plan that historically has beaten most professionals. While "investing" can seem complicated - there is an easier way. Welcome to the world of low cost index funds and target date retirement funds. This workshop will teach you the most important questions to ask when thinking about investing, and what to do when you have the answers.

3. Protecting yourself when you couple up with that someone special. Time and again money is cited as the #1 cause of fights in marriage and the #1 cause of divorce. This workshop will lay out a straightforward game plan for making sure your relationship is as financially compatible as it is emotionally and physically compatible.

While understanding the basics of personal finance is important for both genders, it is extra important for us ladies because statistically speaking we're the ones left holding the bag at the end of the day. Literally 80% of men die married, while 80% of women die single. Unfortunately, the bag that we're left holding isn't a terribly pretty one. Today, for two-thirds of women over the age of 65 meager Social Security payments are their primary source of income. It doesn't have to be this way. Learning - and acting - on a few simple steps while you are in your 20s, 30s, and 40s can put you on the path to financial nirvana!

About Presenter Manisha Thakor:
Manisha Thakor is the co-author, along with her best girlfriend Sharon Kedar, of ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance. Manisha has extensive experience working in the financial services industry. At various points in her career she has worked as a financial analyst, portfolio manager and marketing/client service executive for money management firms with billions of dollars in assets under management. Manisha received her MBA from Harvard Business School, her BA from Wellesley College, and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. She lives in Houston, TX with her husband. She is also a Woodhull alumna.

Reserve your spot today by emailing rsvp@woodhull. org. You will be able to pay the registration fee of $20.00 at the door.

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."