Sunday, December 31, 2006

January 1, 2007


It has been one heck of a year!
Thank you to each member of my incredible family for their constant love, support, honesty and laughter.
Thank you to each of my wonderful friends who have held me through the tears and laughed and shared the joys. A special shout out to Nelressa, Jenny, Carolyn, Julia, Emilie, Rebecca, Andrea and Marvin. THANK YOU!
Thank you to each of my customers and supporters. You will never know how much your trust and support mean to me. Thank you Stefan, Joanne,and to my 90 Day Dream Team Crew!

Call to Action: Give Gratitude!
BELIEVE you will have a good year and YOU WILL!

The Time of Your Life
Learning to Slow Down
Throughout our lives, we are taught to value speed and getting things done quickly. We learn that doing is more valuable than merely being, and that making the most of life is a matter of forging ahead at a hurried pace. Yet as we lurch forward in search of some elusive sense of fulfillment, we find ourselves feeling increasingly harried and disconnected. More importantly, we fail to notice the simple beauty of living. When we learn to slow down, we rediscover the significance of seemingly inconsequential aspects of life. Mealtimes become meditative celebrations of nourishment. A job well-done becomes a source of profound pleasure, no matter what the nature of our labors. In essence, we give ourselves the gift of time—time to indulge our curiosity, to enjoy the moment, to appreciate worldly wonders, to sit and think, to connect with others, and to explore our inner landscapes more fully.

A life savored slowly need not be passive, inefficient, or slothful. Conducting ourselves at a slower pace enables us to be selective in how we spend our time and to fully appreciate each passing moment. Slowness can even be a boon in situations that seem to demand haste. When we pace ourselves for even a few moments as we address urgent matters, we can center ourselves before moving ahead with our plans. Embracing simplicity allows us to gradually purge from our lives those commitments and activities that do not benefit us in some way. The extra time we consequently gain can seem like vast, empty stretches of wasted potential. But as we learn to slow down, we soon realize that eliminating unnecessary rapidity from our experiences allows us to fill that time in a constructive, fulfilling, and agreeable way. We can relish our morning rituals, linger over quality time with loved ones, immerse ourselves wholeheartedly in our work, and take advantage of opportunities to nurture ! ourselves every single day.

You may find it challenging to avoid giving in to the temptation to rush, particularly if you have acclimated to a world of split-second communication, cell phones, email and overflowing agendas. Yet the sense of continuous accomplishment you lose when you slow down will quickly be replaced by feelings of magnificent contentment. Your relaxed tempo will open your mind and heart to deeper levels of awareness that help you discover the true gloriousness of being alive.

For Women Only
Emotional Money Dinner Seminar
Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership
Wednesday, January 10, 2006
6:30-8pm $10
770 Broadway (East 4th & Broadway)
Must RSVP 646-495-6060
or call me at 718-350-6095or to email: click here
Cost: Free to paid members, $10 for non-paid members
For more info visit
(click on "programs" then click on "dinner seminar")

Please RSVP for this event as seating is limited.

Healing One-On-One Seminar
Monday, January 22, 2006
7pm-9pm $20
520 8th Avenue (37th & 8th)
(one-on-one financial consultation, massage, oil treatments and more)
RSVP 718-350-6095 or email

Andre & Judy de Zanger
IDEA CAFE Jan 8th, Monday Night. You are invited to an "IDEA CAFE"
where you can - Explore new Ideas, Re-invent Yourself and your Business
and meet some great people. We will meet on Jan 8th (Monday night) from
6:00 to 7:00 for dinner and Networking and the session from 7 to 9. We
will be exploring “The Typology of AHA” - the 4 Quadrants of Creativity
and INVENTIUM , an Inventing Card Game, which can give you an answer
to almost any problem. So bring a personal or business problem and see
what these creative tools can do for you.
Burger Heaven Restaurant 1534 3rd Ave (Between 86th
and 87th Street)RSVP at 212 289-8856
or Cost $10

Journey to Yourself
is a unique and powerful six-month program for
women who lead busy lives, yet yearn for a deeper, more fertile way of being
and living. As a participant, you will create what you want for your
life and have opportunities to experience yourself as sacred and
powerful. The program weaves unique activities in with rich discussion
to create a transformative and empowering experience. It is designed to
help women: Become leaders in their communities, Engage life in a new
way, Become an agent of change in their lives, Honor their body as
sacred; Network with a supportive and like-minded community of women;
and Deepen thier relationship to the feminine divine.

For more information, please visit or contact us at or 212-501-3892


Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2007

Monday, December 25, 2006

December 25, 2006


I hope that each of you are having a wonderful day filled with peace, good food and lots of laughter. I will keep it short and sweet today.

I asked my mom this week: Mom, does life ever get any easier?" She laughed and said "no, but it does get clearer. You get less ambivalent about who you're trying to please." During this holiday season-I wish you many moments of decisions and actions made from your core, FOR YOU!

Call to Action: Lay Back Baby and Enjoy the Ride!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Woodhull Institute Dinner Seminar featuring me:
Emotional Money - Understanding how emotions impact our finances, your first step toward financial abundance

Are you tired of making and breaking the same New Year's resolutions around your spending habits? How many times have you promised yourself that you won't waste your money? Why is it that you know how to develop a budget or open an investment account but never seem to get around to it? How many times by the second week of January have you''ve realized that you are spending more than you should but feel powerless to change? Please join us on Wednesday, January 10th to start the year discovering new possibilities for your financial health. By the end of the dinner seminar you will know:

o When you think about your money, what else is being triggered
o When you talk about your bills, what you are really saying
o When you plan for your future, what's being controlled by your past

This dinner seminar will help you understand what hidden roadblocks are hindering you from achieving your financial goals. By understanding your emotions around money, you will learn how to develop healthier financial habits. Don't be frustrated and blame your "money" any longer. Start 2007 being financially inspired.

Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Woodhull Office, 770 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York City.
Entrance to the building is on 9th street between Broadway and 4th Avenue.
RSVP: Telephone 646-495-6060, or to email: Click Here
Cost: Free to paid members, $10 for non-paid members
for Woodhull Membership Information:
Click on "Programs" then click on "Dinner Seminars"

Please RSVP for this event as seating is limited.

Andre & Judy de Zanger
IDEA CAFE Jan 8th, Monday Night. You are invited to an "IDEA CAFE"
where you can - Explore new Ideas, Re-invent Yourself and your Business
and meet some great people. We will meet on Jan 8th (Monday night) from
6:00 to 7:00 for dinner and Networking and the session from 7 to 9. We
will be exploring “The Typology of AHA” - the 4 Quadrants of Creativity
and INVENTIUM , an Inventing Card Game, which can give you an answer
to almost any problem. So bring a personal or business problem and see
what these creative tools can do for you.

We will meet at Burger Heaven Restaurant 1534 3rd Ave (Between 86th
and 87th Street), in the upstairs room ( We have the whole room
reserved just for us). RSVP at 212 289-8856
or so we know how many people to expect.
This will be a great NETWORKING opportunity to meet Creative - "like
minded” people (bring lots of Business Cards to share). Bring pen and
paper to capture your great ideas. Cost $10

Journey to Yourself
is a unique and powerful six-month program for
women who lead busy lives, yet yearn for a deeper, more fertile way of being
and living. As a participant, you will create what you want for your
life and have opportunities to experience yourself as sacred and
powerful. The program weaves unique activities in with rich discussion
to create a transformative and empowering experience. It is designed to
help women: Become leaders in their communities, Engage life in a new
way, Become an agent of change in their lives, Honor their body as
sacred; Network with a supportive and like-minded community of women;
and Deepen thier relationship to the feminine divine.

For more information, please visit or contact us at or 212-501-3892


Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006

December 18, 2006


"There is a vitality, a life force,
an energy, a quickening
that is translated through you
into action,
and because there is only one of you in all of time,
this expression is unique.
And if you block it,
it will never exist through any other medium
and be lost.
The world will not have it.
It is not your business to determine how good it is
nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions.
It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly,
to keep the channel open.
You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work.
You have to keep open and aware directly
of the urges that motivate you.
Keep the channel open

by Martha Graham

What was your approach to life this week?
What was your approach to the call to action this week?
Did you read it and say all week you'd do it and then didn't?

At the same time are you feeling stuck around your finances, constantly complaining about the state of your finances? And yet doing the exact same "actions" and expecting different results. Be honest with yourself. It's important because the only person you're hurting is you. So simply take the first step and be honest. We are no longer children that can continue to blame our teachers, parents, husbands and wives for the state of our lives now. Well, we can and we often do but the truth is if we really want to create something different for ourselves, we can. We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zones. We have to be willing to look at ourselves. We have no control over what other people do or feel so it doesn't serve us at all to go down that road. All it does is soothe our ego and let us complain and jabber, but have you noticed it dosen't get us any closer to our goal or alter the circumstances?

I have a goal to get out of debt by September 2007 and to have at least a trillion dollars by 2016. I got a full time job but I am still me. The tape in my head always says "I don't have enough money." I knew I needed to hire a financial advisor. (I see first hand everyday how we block ourselves and just having a coach outside of ourselves leads to major breakthroughs.) My first response of course (all together now) "I don't have enough money." I noticed my familiar language. Stopped. Thought about my goal. Hired them anyway. Guess what? Not only did I actually have the money, more money came-a bonus check from my job, a babysitting opportunity...I took responsibility, took the next step and not only was the money already there, more money followed. Trusting that even if I don't have all the answers, staying open to the "urges that motivate" my core will lead me toward "actions" that will get me (us) out of my (our) comfort zone and closer to my (our) hearts desires!

Here is a story from Andrea Reese who was touched by last week's blog (see
"Reconnecting" at She displays clearly the action of taking The Next Step. We can no longer blame those from our past. Now, as adults, if we don't do it, we have no where to look but at ourselves. Stay open, follow your core and here is an example of the rewards that are possible when you dare to TAKE THE NEXT STEP.

"I love the blog post you wrote today. It's so tragic when teachers tell kids
that they either cannot or should not do something they love.

When I was 10, my grandmother took me to a restaurant with a belly dancer. I
decided then and there that I wanted to be a belly dancer. I thought the
dancing was so beautiful and free. I taught myself tons of moves and at the
end of the school year, I belly danced at my school's talent show.

After my performance, one of my school teachers cornered me and said my
dancing was immoral, against god, etc. Although I wasn't from a religious
background, she scared me, and I stopped dancing right then and there.

20 years later an acting teacher suggested I go back to belly dancing. I
took a 3-session Learning Annex class and at the end of the first session,
the teacher pulled me aside and told me I had real talent and should study
seriously, which I did for 2 years. I ended up dancing in a movie, a PBS
special, and a few other things, and also teaching belly dancing to

Thank you Andrea for sharing your beautiful and inspiring story.
(20 years later many of us still would not have followed our hearts desire based on what the teacher said in the past.) We're adults now-push beyond the past emotion and trust and listen to your core.

1) Write down any money you spend this week. The item and the amount.
2) Write down your financial heart's desire?
On Sunday (Christams Eve)
Look over the emotion you identified the first week, your self-made calendar from last week and the money you spent this week? Are they in line with you attaining your heart's financial desire?

To get the most from these Call to Action's contact me for your free consultation
(Free only until December 31st)
phone: 718-350-6095

Samarra Am Management
Healing One on One
Monday, Janary 22nd at Ripley Grier Studios in Midtown.
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.

Andra & Judy de Zanger
Topology of Creativity
January 8th-7pm-9pm
To learn more about this incredible creative team visit their website:
or call 212-289-8856

Full Time receptionist position at 42nd and 5th Ave.
Fax resume to Marie at 212-993-9581


If you are a business owner and would like to list your specials for "Emotional Money" readers please email me your info by Saturday of the week and I'll post it.



Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

December 11, 2006


During the holidays we often think of connecting with family and friends.
I invite you to reconnect with yourself. I took a drawing/art class and there were about 8 adults gluing, coloring, making collages, sculpting, and drawing. The weighed-down thinking adults who entered the room were all smiling and loose when we exited. I remember my art teacher in 4th grade made it clear to me and the class that I couldn't draw. That was true. However prior to his comment I enjoyed drawing. The process was more important to me than worrying about the outcome. After his comment-I only thought about the result and the process was ruined. I hated drawing. But I had a blast this weekend. I didn't care about the result. I reconnected to the fun of the process. The fun of cutting out pictures from magazines, getting glue all over my fingers and yes-even actually drawing-my favorite-making swirls in bright peach, yellow and blue.

I read an article in the newspaper last week. They were talking about the $938 million dollar surplus that the subway system has this year. The next line said
"But next year will be a different story, there is going to be a deficit." While there is a surplus they are predicting the deficit. Who says there has to be a deficit? "They" do-my teacher, the media, the president, the advertisers, the... And you know what? Since "they" said IT, IT WILL probably happen. So unless we reconnect to our own centers, how do we know if we are creating in our lives what we truly want? Are we simply allowing what "they" say is going to happen-to happen? The teacher said I couldn't draw so I didn't. He said it but I didn't have to allow it to ruin my enjoyment of the process for the next 20 years. Someone might have told you you were bad at numbers, or bad with money or bad at... and therefore guess what? You are. But reconnect with yourself. Before someone else said IT did you actually enjoy IT?

There are 2 weeks before Christmas and the rule from "them"is connect outside yourself. Every second of everyday leading up to Christmas day we are told get those presents, buy, buy. buy. What if as a child you used to write or draw, paint, sculpt, sing, do math, science, chemistry, and that was the gift you gave yourself. To reconnect to your process. To reconnect to you. I have an entire plastic bag of art pieces. Me.
AND they were pretty damn good, too.
To my 4th grade art teacher-how ya like me now?
I don't care. I reconnected to ME.

I'm still bellowing MINGA! (see December 4th blog-"Butterflies of Bliss")

Make a calendar. Do this with crayons, color paper, clay, a chess board, sheet music, glue-anything that as a child you had fun playing with. Follow these steps as the child in you that welcomed projects as a new adventure.

December 2006

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Step 1: Gather all of your Bills-(If this sentence makes you cringe just choose 3 bills)

Step 2: Write the bill and amount due on the corresponding calendar date
(i.e. Comcast-$100 written in space for December 15th on calendar)

Step 3: Gather your income (make sure accurate amt. after taxes, etc.)

Step 4: Write the souce and the income amount on the corresponding date(s) on calendar

What do you notice?

Notice certain weeks you have more income than expenses.
Notice certain weeks you have more expenses than income.
Notice how you can work your money versus your money working you.

For example: If you have more income the second week of the month and many more bills the last week of the month then the “extra” from the second week you pay towards the bills that are due the last week of the month. Instead of getting to the last week and saying “I don’t have enough money.”

If you know you want to go out for dinner or take a vacation the same principle applies: Write it on the calendar. Don’t think of all the circumstances as why you can’t simply write it down. You see on your calendar your income and expenses-if you save $20 each week at the end you’ll have $80. So instead of eating out every day for lunch you’ll take your lunch and save the “extra” for your vacation, shoes, dinner etc. Write it down-claim it.

Make a plan and work your plan.

After completing the exercise: How do you feel now?
What did you rediscover about you?

For a free consultation (only until December 31st) email me at or call 718-350-6095!

Samarra Am Management seminar entitled
Healing One on One
Monday, Janary 22nd in Midtown.
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.

The Women's Mosiac Holiday Bazzar Fundraiser
"Buy that pefect gift, learn something new, support dynamic women and have fun!"
I'll be one of the speakers-Hope to see you there!
This Wednesday, December 13, 2006 from 6:30pm-9pm.

Full Time receptionist position at 42nd and 5th Ave.
Fax resume to Marie at 212-993-9581


If you are a business owner and would like to list your specials for "Emotional Money" readers please email me your info by Saturday of the week and I'll post it.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (beautiful space where I attended class)


Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

December 4, 2006


Have you ever heard of a "minga"? I was reading an article in The Epoch Times entitled Me to We. It was by Craig and Marc Kielburger-founders of Free The Children,( who went to the mountains of Ecoduar with a group of North American school aged children to build a school for a local community. "They worked feverishly for two weeks" but they weren't going to be able to finish the school before they would have to leave. They went to the "village chief to break the bad news." Through a translator, she said "no problem, I'll just call a... minga. Craig and Marc had no idea what a minga was. She went to her door, and bellowed in a giant voice, 'Tomorrow...there will be a minga'." The next day the village square was filled with hundreds of people that had come from miles around. The school was finished in one day. They accomplished in a few hours what it would have taken weeks to finish. A minga is a call to action - a coming together of community for the benefit of all.

Today was the first time since starting my blog on September 3rd that it took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to say. It has been such a hard yet amazing week that I didn't have any idea where to begin. I'm dedicating the month of December to focusing on stories and issues regarding finances. So I guess I'll start there. The emotion running my financial picture sounds like "I can't, because I don't have the money." Growing up everything I ever started and loved, I had to stop because there wasn't enough money to continue. Modeling, ballet, skiing, even staying at my first choice college. Even when I was older and my mom's financial picture improved considerably-that was still my conversation. If there was something I really wanted to do-my first thought was "I don't have the money." I wouldn't do it and blame it all on lack of money.

This truly affected my life because I would see something I wanted and before I could even get to, "I don't have enough money" I just automatically would reject that which I really wanted. I would feel the emotion of glee inside and immeidately clamp down and turn away from it. Not look at the price tag, not even explore any options, savings, other resources; I'd simply settle and turn away from anything that gave me butterflies of glee. I had taken control. The problem of course is that my control meant that I was denying myself even the possibility of being able to have exactly what I wanted. We all know the example of the flea's in the jar. At first the flea's bang against the lid. After a while they fly but they don't crash into the lid anymore. But after the lid is off the fleas still only jump to the height of where the lid used to be. Depriving themselves of the freedom that is now right there. Each time I counsel someone I see myself in them and it helps to remind me. I don't have to deny myself anymore. It's not about the money, it's about my energy and belief. I've seen it in my life and in my customers so I know it is true! It is not about the physical money. But I developed this habit over two decades so sometimes I forget. My "Wham" (see last weeks blog at has turned out to be such a blessing. I love the new job-it's organization heaven, challenging and there is down time but without the interruption of the phones. And I got a raise. Once I admitted to myself I really like the job than I realized I wasn't willing to settle. Much more work for the same money for 3 more months. I couldn't. I asked them for a raise, they agreed.

Now I wish it was that simple. But we are talking about me. First I was upset because I liked the job. Then got over that. After asking for the raise when they told me a number I was upset-just like when they gave me the promotion. But I said fine I'll take it. Then 5 hours later I was doing the math and I realized it was that number times 4 AND per year it was $1800 more than what I was going to ask for. Thank goodness GOD has dreams for me bigger than my own. I was so close to leaving-to another FT receptionist position. And I had everything I wanted right here. The difference this time. I listened to the angels-people around me-emails I received in response to "Wham" and realized what I was doing BEFORE I put a clamp on my butterflies and walked away justified and in control. This time because I wasn't alone in my own head: from coaching others, being in community and sharing, THIS TIME I get to have the butterflies of glee.

Do you know what your emotion is that is running your financial picture-your life?
What has it stopped you from doing/dreaming/being?
This past emotion is something that affects all areas of your life. If you get to the root-the actual emotion-it will surprise you. If it dosen't feel like a new discovery, then that is not it.

I invite you to do a free 30-45 minute consulatition with me.(These consultations will no longer be free after December 31st.) I guarantee you, you will be inspired afterwards. You will have the reason for why you feel stuck, unfulfilled, like something is missing... The discovery is that you are the cause. It's inspiring because when you see how you're the cause then you know that you create something different. The new year is right around the corner-"Emotional Money" for the month of December will be calling you to each week take an action.

Believe me the Wham's lead to Butterflies of Glee-it's soooooo worth it!!!

I'm bellowing to YOU- MINGA!

Identify the past emotion running your finances and your life.
Contact me at or 718-350-6095 for a free consultation.


If you are a business owner and would like to list your specials for "Emotional Money" readers please email me your info by Saturday of the week and I'll post it.

In time for the holidays: Here is a message and info from a good friend, actor and business owner: Mike Lesser:
I am now a Polestar Certified Pilates Instructor. And I also own my own online shopping web site. Here is my way to combine all of the above and help out organizations that I believe in. They are: American Cancer Society, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, The Actors' Fund & Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids. My goal is to raise $1000 for these organizations.
My current rates are:
Intro session--$35/hr. Single--$70/hr. 5 Sessions for $250 10 Sessions for $450.
If purchased between now and December 31, 2006.
10 sessions- $50 will go to your choice from the above Organizations.
5 sessions- $25 will go to your choice from the above Organizations.
So think about the people in your life and give the gift of Pilates. Or just give it to yourself.
What is The Healthy Plan?
I sell over 877+ products. Some of the Lines are: Anti-Aging, Auto Care, Cosmetics(same manufacturers as MAC, Este Lauder), Gourmet Coffee, Health & Nutrition, Home & Garden, Personal Care, Pet Care, Transitions Weight Management System (Low glycemic eating), Water Filtrations System and more.
Incentive-10% off to you for all Purchases from now until December 31, 2006
(In order to get the 10% off you must contact me so I can put the order through manually in order to ensure that it goes through properly.)
5% will be donated from the order to be split among the Organizations.
You can choose to donate all 15% of the order if you like, but not obligated to.
(If you choose this option you can place the order directly on the site, using your credit card and it will be processed.)
Discover, MasterCard & Visa. Credit Cards are preferred. Checks & Cash are acceptable.

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2006