October 16, 2007
"We are all connected by our lack of balance; our need to be safe in our own place."
Two weeks ago my wallet was stolen from desk. Yesterday, I spent 4 hours in the DA's office waiting to testify against this person - a 59 year old man that has been arrested 32 times and whose first offense was in 1967. Entering a room of 20 or more regular citizens, I was struck that they all looked sleepy and bored, they were going to be deciding the fate of someone's life. But as I was reminded by the detective, it was only 5 minutes before they were going to lunch and they had been listening to these cases since 9am. At 1pm it was decided that he would be charged with 5 counts of grand larceny and burglary. I felt no sense of satisfaction...no sense of justice...no sense of anything. He was 59 years old and he'd been doing this his entire life. I was boggled by the complacency of the jury, the audacity of this criminal, and the power of the assistant DA. I didn't feel like an individual whose wallet was stolen, I felt like a cog, I felt like we were each a cog; criminal, victim, judge, jury, detective and DA; simply fulfilling our roles in a system.
The system; society at large is pretty miserable. Everywhere we go, everything we're taught from friends, families, partners and lovers, tells us “safe” is doing what "they're" doing, safe is thinking what "they're" thinking and saying what "they're" saying. My opinion is that this model, this system is not working and the evidence to support this is in the rise of broken and abusive relationships, the rise of medicated children and adults, the rise of personal debt and foreclosures, obesity, addictions and violence. Many times when we try to keep ourselves in alignment with "the others" it is not where we are most free. We keep resisting our core, we want to make it about someone else having problems, we want to make it about our own problems, we must stay with our companion even when we discover we aren't compatible, we must have the same clothes that they have even if we can't afford it. The only true measure for what will work for you is you - our forwarding actions can come from nowhere except within. Our actions always speak louder than our words. Pay attention and trust yourself. If you are doing actions that are not in alignment with what you say you want, then look within. Many of us when we've repeated old actions or missed the deadlines for our goals, we get upset and judge ourselves. If we trust ourselves, we can use those actions as indicators, that we are most likely engaging in activities or aligning ourselves with people that are out of alignment with our core.
As I continue to explore the reasons for my own journey - the ideas I have but my constant struggle to take action on them. As I continue to listen to my customers who find it so difficult to even admit the passions and dreams of their core, I wonder why is this so difficult? Why do we keep doing what doesn't really make us feel good. There is a system in place. A system, unseen and unfelt. It simply teaches us that fear and struggle are the norm. It simply teaches us not to trust our core. It teaches us to judge and change ourselves instead of teaching us to love and trust ourselves. We conform.
Okay, pay attention to your actions. Don't judge them. Pay attention to them. Are they in alignment with who you think you are, who you say are, your stated goals?
Disengage from the system of fear, boredom, anger, mistrust and misery.
TRUST YOURSELF. TRUST YOUR CORE. Yesterday as I experienced the brilliance of a well oiled but very broken machine, I wanted to scream. We can’t keep producing complacent criminals, scared victims, bored juries, matter of fact detectives and righteous judges and DA’s. We must disengage from this well oiled and very broken machine. Trusting ourselves and our core will be our only hope for a safe place.
Please share with me some actions that have been from your core at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
I would love to dedicate a blog to activities that paved a new way for yourself and your way of life!
Free Teleseminar
Date: Monday, October 29, 2007
Time: 8pm-9pm
Topic: "CCC: Why We Can't Resist Their S***wipe"
Three Power Steps to Financial Success
When: TOMORROW, 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Where: Woodhull Office, 32 Broadway, Suite 1801, NYC 10004
Cost: $20 (participants receive a free copy of ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance)
Do you want to learn more about personal finance but feel too busy to do so? Then this is the workshop for you. Based on the book ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance (www.onmyowntwofeet.com), this workshop will highlight the three power steps to financial success: Save, Invest, and Protect.
Reserve your spot today by emailing rsvp@woodhull. org. You will be able to pay the registration fee of $20.00 at the door. (Receive a copy of the book for free.) For more information, please visit http://www.woodhull.org.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
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