October 9, 2007
Yesterday, many of us were able to have a paid holiday to honor Columbus' discovery of America. Having just visited the memorial to Crazy Horse (http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/people/a_c/crazyhorse.htm) in South Dakota, it felt more like a day of mourning to me. That "discovery" led to the destruction of an entire people who had lived here in balance with nature and the land for generations.
My day off...bittersweet.
Last weekend, on the spur of the moment, I hopped on the bus, to attend the 30th anniversary celebration of the The Studio Theatre in Washington, DC. (http://www.studiotheatre.org/). I was the renovation assistant for the first 3 million dollar renovation. Seeing my name on the original plaque as "Samarra Green" it was a reminder of how many lifetimes ago my journey at Studio had been. It was there that my acting career was launched with my first lead role as Venus in Venus by Susan Lori Parks. It was also there that I truly learned the business of theatre. Led by Joy Zinoman, from its inception in 1977, she had a vision for her theatre. Once hired, I marveled at the stories of her stepping over needles and tricks being turned outside the door. By the time I arrived 23 years later, there were no tricks being turned but or needles but there were many empty buildings and very small black owned businesses that had been there for generations. Many called her crazy when she implemented her plan and bought the building despite non-progressive surroundings of an auto shop, 7-11 and pawnshop. She never wavered always stating that one day that neighborhood would be the place where everyone would want to be. It was now 10 years later from the time I had worked there but only 3 1/2 from the time that I had moved from the area to New York City. Standing there Sept. 30, 2007, it was thrilling to see Joy's vision live and in neon colors. They now owned three buildings that housed the 4 theatres, plus two more residency buildings for their actors and fellows. As I smiled inside at seeing a dream come to fruition, outside the look of progress was...bittersweet. The Studio Theatre was now surrounded by Fresh Fields, Caribou Coffee and restaurants with sidewalk seating and condo's.
I remembered the African business owner who owned a club called Diversite. I remember picking up my bosses' lunch and him saying that he was continuously being harassed by the police and neighbors for no reason. He knew there were plans for the area, which is why he bought there, but he learned quickly that the plan didn't include him; he felt he was being forced out. Proudly, he exclaimed, "this is my restaurant and my people need a place to relax and I'm not going anywhere". I didn't take him too seriously at that time; I thought he was just being paranoid. Almost 10 years later, attending Studio's dinner celebrations-small parties at various places in the neighborhood - the dinner I attended was located diagonally across from The Studio Theatre. The former home of Diversite was now a model for a $750,000 condo - a studio. Progress as a new face, a new color. Green. I wondered what happened to the many families and business owners that had lived there, for generations? What had happened to the owner of Diversite?
Washington, DC once referred to as the chocolate city is now predicated to be predominately white in the next 5 years - others priced out. My return to a 30 year celebration...bittersweet.
The time is now to make your plan and take responsibility for your financial stability and wealth. Do what you love, make a plan, work your plan. The color that speaks loudest in our land is green. It may take 30 years but your dream CAN come true. START NOW!
An upcoming seminar for women given by the authors of My Own Two Feet at The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership.
Three Power Steps to Financial Success
Do you want to learn more about personal finance but feel too busy to do so? Then this is the workshop for you. Based on the book ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance (www.onmyow ntwofeet.com), this workshop will highlight the three power steps to financial success: Save, Invest, and Protect.
When: 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Where: Woodhull Institute office, 32 Broadway, Suite 1801, NYC 10004
Cost: $20 (participants receive a free copy of ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance)
Specifically you will learn:
1. How to balance your desire to live well today with the need to save and invest for tomorrow. Yes, you CAN do both. In this workshop you will learn clear, concise guidelines about how much to target saving for the future. You will also learn how to find the money to save if you feel like there's just nothing left at the end of the day!
2. A powerful, keep-it-simple investment plan that historically has beaten most professionals. While "investing" can seem complicated - there is an easier way. Welcome to the world of low cost index funds and target date retirement funds. This workshop will teach you the most important questions to ask when thinking about investing, and what to do when you have the answers.
3. Protecting yourself when you couple up with that someone special. Time and again money is cited as the #1 cause of fights in marriage and the #1 cause of divorce. This workshop will lay out a straightforward game plan for making sure your relationship is as financially compatible as it is emotionally and physically compatible.
While understanding the basics of personal finance is important for both genders, it is extra important for us ladies because statistically speaking we're the ones left holding the bag at the end of the day. Literally 80% of men die married, while 80% of women die single. Unfortunately, the bag that we're left holding isn't a terribly pretty one. Today, for two-thirds of women over the age of 65 meager Social Security payments are their primary source of income. It doesn't have to be this way. Learning - and acting - on a few simple steps while you are in your 20s, 30s, and 40s can put you on the path to financial nirvana!
About Presenter Manisha Thakor:
Manisha Thakor is the co-author, along with her best girlfriend Sharon Kedar, of ON MY OWN TWO FEET: a modern girl's guide to personal finance. Manisha has extensive experience working in the financial services industry. At various points in her career she has worked as a financial analyst, portfolio manager and marketing/client service executive for money management firms with billions of dollars in assets under management. Manisha received her MBA from Harvard Business School, her BA from Wellesley College, and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. She lives in Houston, TX with her husband. She is also a Woodhull alumna.
Reserve your spot today by emailing rsvp@woodhull. org. You will be able to pay the registration fee of $20.00 at the door.
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