Sunday, August 31, 2008

September 1, 2008


Thank you so much to my readers, investors, customers and friends. I must send out a special thank you to Curtis for our wonderful weekly teleconference calls that helps to keep the vision specific and clear, Terry for the many monetary contributions and support, Rebecca and Julia for being such dear friends, Richard for being a devout reader and contributor, my many new perfect customers who have been so courageous in committing to living their lives inspired, fulfilled and free, and of course to my mommy for always, always, always BEING and allowing me to be me. Thank you Peter for arriving right on time to celebrate with this perfect anniversary gift.


Peter: Everybody wants a magic bullet. Win the lottery, read the book, attend a seminar, meet that man or woman and get married and ride out into the sunset, and live happily ever after. Life just doesn't work this way. It's like saying I'll go to the gym for one week and I'll have a great body for the rest of my life. To be really committed to anything it has to be the point of your lifestyle forever.

(Peter is originally from Trinidad. He studied in Toronto, Canada and New York, and has lived in the United States, Netherlands, and London. He's half Dutch and 3/8 Chinese, and 1/8th African. At a recent comedy show he was hit on as "the Asian guy," which was interesting for him as he never looked Asian growing up. A lover of Zouk music and an excellent dancer, he is an expert on the different Caribbean styles of music, educating my friends and I at a party we attended on the origins of where each song that played was from. He could tell songs from from Barbados, Trinidad, the French Antilles or Africa. Whether Zouk versus ZoukLove, Salsa or Soca. His diverse experiences with different countries, ethnicities, religions, and cultures has led him to develop The Practice of Your Life. (

Peter: The medical profession studies breakdowns in the body . Law studies the breakdowns in relationships. A practice has a focus and an intent. The promise of the practice of medicine is to heal your body, and the promise of law is to protect you from broken commitments. The study of a practice occurs through the use of a network of people, developing technologies and a use of standard practices or processes. The main requirement of the concept of a practice is that it is clear what you want it to be about. That is clear to us when we think about medicine or law but in life most people don't think about what they want their life to be about until there is a breakdown. In the area of health, your body, some people have to only have minor breakdowns while others have to almost die, befor they start to take care. In any practice you invent for taking care of your body for example, you must go to the gym, or exercise, and you must do that as part of a routine that you develop and keep at it throughout your life. Over time as your body gets used to it, you then have to adjust and reinvent the practice, change/update the routine. The same is true for the other areas of our lives, like mind, spirituality, wealth or relationships. Every few years and for some more often than that our needs and desires evolve and change. Like working out our bodies, we must update the routines and practices of our lives. And that’s a never ending process.

Samarra: Why do you think we resist updating the routine?

Peter: I believe that what has kept us unaware of the need to bring intention to our lives is that our expectations are that there are only supposed to be highs without lows. But we can't have highs without lows. We're also taught that when we fail that it's bad. If a person has a set-back they bring all these stories that their failure means something about them. The failure becomes a life sentence. We resist changing the routine because we are focused on our fear of failing instead of understanding that failure is a teacher. Anyone successful, when you learn their story, it's not that they never failed it's only that they never gave up. They learned from their mistakes and eventually they succeeded. When you fail or make a mistake, there is nothing wrong with you.

Samarra: So how do you define what you call the practice of life?

Peter: Consciously engaging with the pursuit of what you say you want out of life. Bringing constant attention to what it is you say you want. I still don't know how exactly this is all going to turn out. I've put everything at risk but I feel strongly at peace. I feel like my soul is calling and I'm walking my own talk. I'm still at "sea", I haven't landed yet.

Samarra: You seem quite calm at sea. It usually makes people very uncomfortable to not have the answers all figured out, how are you able to be at such peace?

Peter: (He chuckles) That is a good question. I have a sense deep inside that I've finally discovered what I'm supposed to be doing. I've had a great life, great parents. I had it easy. I went along with cultural convention. I was a good student. I found it easy to pass exams. To my detriment, I never learned for education, I learned to pass exams. I could retain the information for an exam but I had no idea or training on how to apply it to life.

Samarra: Interesting. And now you do. What was the transition that caused you to want to help others be able to apply what they learn to their lives.

Peter: For many years, I was very much a part of the corporate world. I worked for a good company but I always felt, there's something else. The company that I worked for was based in Stanford, Connecticut. I was offered the opportunity to transfer to the Netherlands. I didn't have a family so it was pretty easy for me to do and I felt that it was important for my growth. At that time it was the worst professional experience of my life. It was a black period that lasted for 2 years. It was a time of anguish and suffering. It was my greatest time of self doubt.

Samarra: What happened?

Peter: My mother always taught me at a very young age to take responsibility. I was able to look at where I was not up to the task. Many years after this dark time, and for completely unrelated reasons I left the company. My first instinct was to jump back in to the corporate structure that I knew, but once I got in, I knew it wasn’t for me, Now with no structure around me I was forced to think about ideas and things that I could do. I realized that within a group, corporate or not, I was like the grease in the engine. People would always come to me. I was always good at speaking, all Trini's like to entertain and be in front of people, (we laugh) but I never cultivated it. I'm only doing now what I've always done without the parts that made me suffer. I plan on developing my ideas around The Practice of Your Life through speaking, writing and using technology to connect people worldwide in The Practice Of Your Life. As Adre Gide says, "one does not discover new lands without committing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." Now it doesn't mean that I never get scared or afraid, for instance of my funds running out, but I also know that being afraid is just apart of the game.

Samarra: From your travel experiences which country and/or experience has greatly impacted your views regarding life.

Peter: If the Netherlands weren't so wet and gray I could have lived there. The Dutch philosophy is really live and let live. There were many people of different colors and it was a sense of everybody was everybody. There is a listening of "the other side" but they don't live from it like we do here in the US. Even if they don't like it they allow it. The only thing they don't tolerate is intolerance. They could teach the world a lot. In regards to religion I went from being a Roman Catholic to being an atheist. Then I realized that it was as arrogant for me to say that there is not as it is to say that there is. Then I became agnostic, and now I’m very spiritual. I've come to a certain peace with the unknown.

Samarra: Quite an incredible journey.

Peter: My ultimate goal would be fulfilled if I can make a difference in having people see and seek the value in different perspectives, religions and difficult cultures. If I can make a difference there I could say that I did a lot.

Samarra: And to balance the seriousness of your mission and work in life, what do you do for fun?

Peter: Liming. (Trinidian partying) Although, I can't say that I've reached the level of the professional limer yet. We trini's take our liming quite seriously.

Samarra: (Laughing) Thank you so much. I look forward to the release of your book The Practice of Your Life in June of 2009. Any last words for the Emotional Money readers on this two year anniversary of exploring our emotions, our money, relationships and our lives.

Peter: Listen and observe from here (he touches his stomach). That's how you find out where you are!

Thank you Peter. Happy Labor Day Everyone. Thank you for sharing this 2 year journey. Here’s to many more years of laughter, insights, truth’s and to the release of our sadness and tears.

God Bless those affected by Hurricane Gustav.

Live interview on on Tuesday, September 16th from 8:30pm-9:30pm entitled “Bringing Your Family Back To The Table” featuring me and Lisa Patterson in Atlanta from Creative Menus. Be sure to tune in.

Turn On To Life with Curtis G. Schmitt
Integrity Days:
September 2, 2008 (Tuesday), 12 PM (noon) ET
September 5, 2008 (Friday), 9 AM ET

To register for one of them (and get on the schedule announcement list):


Productive Planning--From Stress to Success
Learn a 6-step planning process that will make you an expert at completing your top matter what else is thrown at you during your day. Visit

Every Thursday 7pm-10pm at 243 30th Street, 11th Floor
Meditation, vegetarian meal & a world wide conference call

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

August 25, 2008

"If It Is To Be..It Is Up To Me"

Having just watched Michelle Obama and Teddy Kennedy tonight, if there is any time to take on ourselves and overcome our uninspiring habits now would be a good time. Regardless of who you vote for, now is a time of great courage, will, hope and change. We're not alone.

It is as simple and as complex as this. Are the actions that you are taking in alignment with your core? Do they lead to your smile? Do they lead to your greatness? Or do they lead to your misery, complaints and familiar territory? Moment to moment to moment...we get to choose. Don't just keep talking about what you say you want, actually take actions that will lead you towards it.

To go along with this theme, I have also found that when I make a request for people to report on their positive moves I don't get any reply. But if I make a request for people to name their problems or mistakes they flood in. I regret that I won't be able to run any this week but there are many of you out there. I can tell your story but it's much more interesting when you tell your own. You can of course be listed as anonymous. I think that we also tend to forget how far we've come and focus instead on how far we are away from where we want to be. So since I say I want to build a community dedicated to living inspired, fulfilled and free I will be implementing a regular bi monthly conference call chat to give us the opportunity to connect verbally and share our victories. I'll announce the dates on Labor Day, the 2 year anniversary of Emotional Money. Please join in! And send me your victories please at I'd love to run a few next week!

I am excited to announce that I will be running an interview with Peter Gales next week. He is the author of The Practice of Life which is due out in June of 2009. Catch an interview with this Trini who has lived in the US, Netherlands, Canada and France. I found his philosophy and ability to explain the hills and valleys in our journey of life extremely...comforting and clear. The perfect anniversary treat.

Credit Card Warning from an Emotional Money Reader - Thank You!!!
Today Sunday 8/10/08 there is an interestng article in Parade Magazine (a suppliment in today's NY Post) entitled "Don't Get Clobbered by Credit Cards".
If you don't get the Post I will be glad to send it to you if you give me a mailing address. I would be interested in hearing what you think of it.
Ironicly I received a credit card offer in the mail yesterday which I promptly threw in the trash. But before trashing the offer I read the "fine print".
In addition to the annual fee of $72 for which you would be billed monthly @! $6 there was a processing fee of over $100! So before you would charge your first item you would be in debt to the card for over $100.
What a deal!!!!

A day long seminar for women addressing the emotional, spirtual and practical pieces of your financial life. Joining me will be Carol Buchman (an accountant/financial planner for 19 years) and DeAnna Radaj, Feng Shui expert from Bante Design LLC -
Start your holiday season aligned!

Turn On To Life with Curtis G. Schmitt
Integrity Days:
August 28, 2008 (Thursday), 9 AM ET
August 29, 2008 (Friday), 11 AM ET
September 2, 2008 (Tuesday), 12 PM (noon) ET
September 5, 2008 (Friday), 9 AM ET

To register for one of them (and get on the schedule announcement list):


Productive Planning--From Stress to Success
Learn a 6-step planning process that will make you an expert at completing your top matter what else is thrown at you during your day. Visit

Every Thursday 7pm-10pm at 243 30th Street, 11th Floor
Meditation, vegetarian meal & a world wide conference call

Share - Sublet (8/15-11/15)

Available 8/15, 1bedroom share in a 2 bedroom apt for 1 month then I will be
leaving town for 2 months and the apt will become a sublet. The rent will be $1250
each of the 3 months. $600 deposit required.
Located in the 140's in Harlem. Top floor, sunny, great view, elevator, laundry
in building. Five minute walk to A,B,C,D and 3 trains. 10 minute ride to mid-town.
Path Mark and New York Sports Club less than a block away.
Cable and heat included. Pay 1/2 Con Ed for 1st month then entire bill the
remaining 2 months.
No smokers or pets please.

Call 646- 232- 7817 or e-mail

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

August 18, 2008


"...Self, a depth that reveals a mystery so awe-inspiring that it simply cannot be imagined. But more often than not, we're face the profoundly liberating implications of our own potential because we're simply not prepared to accept that which our mind cannot comprehend. Always living in denial of our darkness and ever fearful of the overwhelming brightness of our own unexplored heights, the inevitable result can only be mediocrity."
"11 Days at the Edge: One man's spirtual journey into evolutionary enlightenment" by Michael Wombacher

Many of you have heard me say, "I wish I had a pill that I could give you to make this process easier". But I don't. Transforming our habits of the past into actions that are always stemming from our core is a constant work, a constant process. Until we have the courage to face our pains of the past, until we make the decision that the misery we keep placing ourselves in is no longer acceptable and decide to take the leap into the world of our own unknown, we just spin and spin and spin in our own "mediocrity." We choose to spin because at least that is a pain that we know and are familiar with. How many times have you left a job and ended up in a new job with the exact same dynamics? How many times have you left one relationship and ended up with another person that was exactly like the one you thought you had just left? (Imagine my shock when I left my husband and four years later ended up with someone that wasn't only the same person but actually said the EXACT same very painful (and untrue) sentence to me. It was mind boggling. Clearly whatever work I thought I had done, I had more work to do. Instead of doing the work though, I chose to move in with the person. And of course all that could occur was the exact same result of having to leave again. Spin. Spin. Spin.) I don't know what event has to occur that causes us each to make the decision to face our pains, but eventually it usually does occur. How many more jobs, how many more relationships, how much more time? That is up to you. Yes, it is scary to look back at our pains and heal and find closure. Because now what? Who are we without those familiar complaints, familiar stresses and strains? Who are we without our same friends? Who are we to define ourselves versus simply following what and who our families, friends and communities told us we should be? Our days are not promised. I wish I could invent a pill. But like a diet pill it would only be a temporary fix.

Those of you that have worked with me remember the resistance to take actions based on your core. You remember the transformations that occurred when you took the leap. Please email me and share your experiences and/or post them on the blog. The pain for many is seemingly overwhelming and resistance to the leap is occurring increasingly this month. But until the leap is taken you can't know the benefits of standing in the unknown. Many of you took the leap, I'm inviting you to please share your before and after to help someone else make the leap. I'll post them next week.

When you decide that YOU are the most important thing, you make decisions, set up systems, spend time with people, and draw to you, that which is in alignment with your soul. The unknown and not knowing isn't the big bad wolf that we're taught it is in school. The unknown is the key to going beyond the limits of our small, small minds and accessing the energies and limitless abundance of the universe!
Face your pain and live your life "awe-inspired" daily!


We had a wonderful time on Saturday listening to Alode perform and participating in a drum circle of over 25 people. The intent was to be in the coutry where being able to see the abundance of stars is amazing. However, the universe covered the stars and amazed us with a spectacular glowing full moon. I hope you can join me on the next escapade a bit closer to the sky and mother nature.

Two Upcoming Seminars:
Stay tuned for details:
a day long seminar - Saturday November 8th to get your holiday season started off right.
FUN WITH FINANCIALS an evening in October.

Additional Services - Organizing, Gathering, Sorting and Filing. I happen to love putting things in order. If you just haven't been able to face it, give me a call. Believe me, what is in there, is not what you think.
Fee based on individual circumstances and projects.
Call today for inspiration and aid,
Dedicated to building communities living inspired, fulfilled and free!


Every Thursday 7pm-10pm at 243 30th Street, 11th Floor
Meditation, vegetarian meal & a world wide conference call

Share - Sublet (8/15-11/15)

Available 8/15, 1bedroom share in a 2 bedroom apt for 1 month then I will be
leaving town for 2 months and the apt will become a sublet. The rent will be $1250
each of the 3 months. $600 deposit required.
Located in the 140's in Harlem. Top floor, sunny, great view, elevator, laundry
in building. Five minute walk to A,B,C,D and 3 trains. 10 minute ride to mid-town.
Path Mark and New York Sports Club less than a block away.
Cable and heat included. Pay 1/2 Con Ed for 1st month then entire bill the
remaining 2 months.
No smokers or pets please.

Call 646- 232- 7817 or e-mail

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008


How many of you have your bills set up on automatic payment?
I understand how the banks and companies benefit - either way they are guaranteed to get paid. I understand technically how you as the customer can also benefit - you save yourself time. However I have noticed a dangerous trend. The customers that are using it are usually using it because they don't like doing their bills, they were missing their payments and/or they just wanted to avoid their finances and this allowed them not to have to think about it. If you have no aspirations to get your finances in order or build wealth then I guess this is a viable plan. But if you are truly striving to get your finances in order, or simply rise to the next financial level, please don't use or stop using this automatic payment option.

In this age of microwave mentality, we often pay attention to what is going to get us to our destination the fastest versus what will allow us to fully arrive. If you don't like dealing with your finances, automatic payments are not going to suddenly take care of your issues around your finances. All the automatic payment system does is allow you to pretend that you have everything under control. A system is a system - how you're using it is coming from the same source. If the process from the beginning is broken then the process in a different system will still be broken. You may as well, take the time now, to look at your system. How much are your bills per month? When are your bills due? When do you earn income? Will there be enough in your account when the bills are due? We have to be involved and conscious to our financial life.

If you have plenty of extra income in relation to your expenses and you feel as if you don't need to worry about it, consider your future. If you know how much you owe, and how much you earn, and are just blindly letting the banks and computers handle your finances, what potential savings/investing opportunities might you be missing out on? What if your phone company has beed double charging you? I can not tell you how many times that I have heard people say, once we look at their statements, that they have no idea who a certain company is that has been taking money out of their account on a monthly basis. We have to be involved and conscious to our financial life.

As in most cases with technology, it does help us tremondously in our every day lives but please don't make the mistake of using them as substitutes for being involved in your own life. There is no substitute. Systems are there to help us but never take yourself out of the equation. If you use the automatic payment set up but you don't have a clue about what is being taken out or when, please start this month to make a list of the companies, the amount owed and when they are taken out. Start there. If your expenses are a lot more than your income and many months you get hit with overdraft fees take off the automatic payments. (No, the overdraft protection isn't really aiding you either.) Don't keep giving the banks more of your money. Turn and face your finances head on!

If you have automatic billing, learn the company, amount and date due for your bills.
Track it monthly. Please share your thrills from last week and any surprises you encountered from looking at your statements this week at


There is only room for one more (female only) for my 3 hour day trip to Upstate New York this Saturday, August 16th. Big Tent Cultural Center in Whitney Point, NY will have the Women's African Drumming Group, Alode at 4pm for only $7.00 After the performance we'll all get to participate in a Drumming Circle. It will be wonderful fun. You can email me at or call me at 718-350-6095 for the details.

Additional Services - Organizing, Gathering, Sorting and Filing. I happen to love putting things in order. If you just haven't been able to face it, give me a call. Examples such as:
If you can write your amounts down daily I'll organize it for you and every month you'll have a record of how much you made and how much you spent.
If you have a trunk or a bag filled with papers you just can't face - give me a call. Believe me, what is in there is not what you think.
Fee based on individual circumstances and projects.
Call today for an estimate and some inspiration!
Dedicated to building communities living inspired, fulfilled and free!

Grassroots Business Network, LLC
Networking Event This Thursday
Be sure to visit their website. Their events are unique and fun!

Every Thursday 7pm-10pm at 243 30th Street, 11th Floor
Meditation, vegetarian meal & a world wide conference call

Share - Sublet (8/15-11/15)

Available 8/15, 1bedroom share in a 2 bedroom apt for 1 month then I will be
leaving town for 2 months and the apt will become a sublet. The rent will be $1250
each of the 3 months. $600 deposit required.
Located in the 140's in Harlem. Top floor, sunny, great view, elevator, laundry
in building. Five minute walk to A,B,C,D and 3 trains. 10 minute ride to mid-town.
Path Mark and New York Sports Club less than a block away.
Cable and heat included. Pay 1/2 Con Ed for 1st month then entire bill the
remaining 2 months.
No smokers or pets please.

Call 646- 232- 7817 or e-mail

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2008

Monday, August 04, 2008

August 4, 2008


Riding in the car with my mom one day many years ago, I looked at the sky. I had never seen so many stars in all of my life. We were out in the country and I loved looking at the sky, but this was like no sky I had ever seen before or since. I understood for the first time in my life what was meant when we were taught in school that there are billions and billions of stars. I remember asking my mom, what was wrong with my eyes or the reflection? My mind couldn't grasp the idea that I was looking at stars. I kept staring and it wasn't going away. Once I realized that the sky was literally covered in stars, I remember sinking down in my seat. I was excited - it was so beautiful, but I was also scared. Scared partly because how was it possible that I had never seen them before? How could I have not seen what was already there? The lights of the city are blocking so much more than I could have ever imagined.

When we are confronted with the beauty and possiblities of what can be created in our lives, we are terrified. We think "oh my goodness, could this really be true?" "Can I do this?" "Can I cause this to happen?" "Have I always been able to cause this?" Isn't it funny that the feeling of terror isn't really there when we don't accomplish something or when we don't go beyond our expectation? After all, that is a habit that we know all about. We expect and understand that.

The billions of stars are always there illuminating the sky even if we can't see them. The light of our souls are always there, even when we don't choose to express it. But each of us, at least once, had a circumstance where we just had to let it shine and we accomplished, said and/or did exactly what we had set out to do. Afterwards we were surprised, in shock and/or terrified. But we've never forgotten what we were capable of doing. We've never forgotten the thrill of making our lives happen.

The habits bring us the same debts, the same frustrations, the same daily grind. What if our habit became living life from the awe and terror of making our lives happen, clearing the clouds and the glare of artificial lighting?

Venture out into the darkness of the country and behold the beauty of making your life happen!

Identify what you did in the past that thrilled you.
Break down what and how you did it.
Identify a thrill that you could see accomplishing in the next 5 days.
Lay out a plan.
Share your thrill at

I'm planning on taking a 3 hour trip Upstate for the day on Saturday, August 16th to listen and participate afterwards in a drum circle. If you'd like to view the stars with me, I have room for 2 or 3 others. You can email me at or call me at 718-350-6095 for the details.

Every Thursday 7pm-10pm at 243 30th Street, 11th Floor
Meditation, vegetarian meal & a world wide conference call

Peaceful Productivity for Busy Professionals
Learn the 5 Master Keys to time management and planning in a teleclass that people are calling a "life-saver," "powerful," and "inspirational"! Visit

Share - Sublet (8/15-11/15)

Available 8/15, 1bedroom share in a 2 bedroom apt for 1 month then I will be
leaving town for 2 months and the apt will become a sublet. The rent will be $1250
each of the 3 months. $600 deposit required.
Located in the 140's in Harlem. Top floor, sunny, great view, elevator, laundry
in building. Five minute walk to A,B,C,D and 3 trains. 10 minute ride to mid-town.
Path Mark and New York Sports Club less than a block away.
Cable and heat included. Pay 1/2 Con Ed for 1st month then entire bill the
remaining 2 months.
No smokers or pets please.

Call 646- 232- 7817 or e-mail

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2008