January 8, 2007
It's the second week of the New Year. Many of us have given up already on our resolutions for the entire year because of our actions in the first week. Have you ever asked yourself why am I still doing the same behaviors? Why is my career, relationship, my finances not where I want them to be? In most cases. The answer is yes. You've asked yourself over and over again and each time you think you've figured it out. And you look up and the relationship, the job, finances are all still the same. The reasons we do what we do are based on the past. And it's so familiar that we keep doing the same actions even when intellectually we "decided" we aren't going to. The key is to first be honest about where you are. Do you have unopened bills that you've been avoiding for months but you say, "financially things are excellent?" Do you know you're not really happy in your relationship but when your partner asks, "are you happy?" you smile and say "yes, everything is great"? Do you say you're happy with your career/job/business and you know you haven't been inspired or excited in years? It's impossible to truly get what you want until you've taken into account where you are. I think we've been trained to not be where we are because there is a fear and hopelessness mentality. "Why bother looking because it's just the way life is?" But it is not true. I can't tell you how many times when I sit with my clients and when we work through the past emotions-where they are-and begin dealing with the numbers they always have a surplus. But they never dared even find out because their emotional past based in fear and hopelessness tells them to continously avoid where they are. The avoidance (looking over/back) and/or always wanting more (looking over/forward) denies us getting in touch with where we truly are. Where we are is the only key to consistently breaking old familiar patterns and attaining the abundance and joy that is right within our reach.
Get out of your own head.
Stop believeing you're all alone.
Be in communication with others. (Hire a coach, go to a workshop, talk to someone you admire and ask questions-surround yourself with positive messages and positive people. For many, family and friends have been the most negative. So try something different-don't share your ideas and wants with them.)
Call To Action:
First-Be Where You Are!
Second-Surround Yourself with Positive Messages and Positive People!
You are not alone!
Thank you Joanna Goodrich from Best Coaches Inc for sharing this story:
Beyond Marketing by Joe Vitale - You are Here
Yesterday I drove into Austin and met with the staff who run
my Miracles Coaching program and my Executive Mentoring
Program. In the morning The Today Show called, wanting information on
my forthcoming book, Zero Limits.
That's pretty big, but not as big as the news that came later.
At lunch with the staff, I stood up and told them something
that I felt inspired to share.
I put a dot on the whiteboard on the wall and circled it.
"You are here," I said.
I told them the whiteboard is like the map at the mall where
all the stores are listed and a little box says "You are
here" to give you your bearings.
"Where do you want to go from here?" I asked.
"Up," someone said.
"Off the whiteboard itself," someone else said.
"This is all good," I went on. "You all want to move up. You
want more sales, more results, more wealth. Right?"
They all agreed.
I then put another dot on the board, way up at the top of
it, and circled it.
"That represents where you want to go," I said.
I then asked the key question, "How do you go from where you
are to where you want to be?"
They were quiet for a moment, but then began saying things
like "Take a straight line," and "Do one thing at a time,"
and "Make more sales calls," and so on.
"That's all good," I said. "Those are all practical answers.
I added, "I'm going to tell you what I think is the greatest
secret to manifesting whatever you want."
They were quiet, not sure where I was going with all this.
"Does anyone want to know what the secret is?" I asked.
They all burst out laughing. They definitely wanted to know.
I pointed at the little "You are here" dot and said, "The
secret to getting what you want is to totally appreciate
this moment. When you are grateful for this moment, then
whatever is next for you will bubble up out of this moment.
You'll be inspired to take action of some sort. That will
lead you up. But the only way to get to the upper dot is to
live in this dot with gratitude."
That's the key to success, I explained.
It's wanting more without needing more.
I went on and on about being grateful, and how it leads to
that upward climb. Most of us aren't happy right now,
thinking we will be happy when we get to that other dot. But
the great joke is that when you get to the other dot, you
won't be happy. You'll be looking for another dot on the
map. You'll use unhappiness to whip yourself forward. The
thing is, it doesn't have to be that way.
The group got the message. They shook my hand. Smiled.
Showed light in their eyes. Walked away with a spring in
their step.
Now here's the really juicy part.
I got a phone call right after that meeting. It was Suzanne,
my assistant. She almost never calls me, and she knew I was
in a meeting. So I knew this call had to be important.
I took the call and to my delight I learned that Oprah's
people wanted my media kit. Oprah's folks are considering me as a guest for a show.
Now get this: I was happy in the moment. As I'm happy, the
next moment brings it's own rewards. As I'm happy in that
moment, it too gives birth to more joy.
All you have to do is embrace the dot that says "You are
here" and do what it tells you to do.
And when the phone rings, answer it!
Ao Akua,
Joe Vitale
When you take into account where you are-
whether it makes you cry or makes you smile:
Authentically be where you are-That's the first step.
I repeat:
Get out of your own head.
Stop believing you are all alone.
Be in communication with others. (Hire a coach, go to a workshop, talk to someone you admire and ask questions-surround yourself with positive messages and positive people. For many, family and friends have been the most negative. Try something different-don't share your ideas and wants with them.)
Samarra Am Management Events:
For Women Only This Wednesday
Emotional Money Dinner Seminar
Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership
Wednesday, January 10, 2006
6:30-8pm $10
770 Broadway (East 4th & Broadway)
Must RSVP 646-495-6060
or call me at 718-350-6095
Cost: Free to paid members, $10 for non-paid members
For more info visit www.woodhull.org
(click on "programs" then click on "dinner seminar")
Please RSVP for this event as seating is limited.
Healing One-On-One Seminar-10 opportunities to
meet one-on-one and talk about YOU for only $20.
Monday, January 22, 2006
520 8th Avenue (37th & 8th)
(financial consultation, yoga, nutrition, life purpose, life rhythms and much more)
Preregister and pay now at http://www.geocities.com/samarra_am_management/index.html
RSVP 718-350-6095 or email samarra_am_management@yahoo.com
Andre & Judy de Zanger
IDEA CAFE Jan 8th, Monday Night. You are invited to an "IDEA CAFE"
where you can - Explore new Ideas, Re-invent Yourself and your Business
and meet some great people. We will meet on Jan 8th (Monday night) from
6:00 to 7:00 for dinner and Networking and the session from 7 to 9. We
will be exploring “The Typology of AHA” - the 4 Quadrants of Creativity
and INVENTIUM , an Inventing Card Game, which can give you an answer
to almost any problem. So bring a personal or business problem and see
what these creative tools can do for you.
Burger Heaven Restaurant 1534 3rd Ave (Between 86th
and 87th Street)RSVP at 212 289-8856
or creativityinstitute@juno.com Cost $10
January 13th at 10am FREE
Woman's Workshops: Sparking Your Fire
Children's Aid Society, 219 Sullivan Street (bet. Bleecker & W.3rd)
Are you ready to discover parts of your life you want to live more fully?
to claim your unique power & potential?
WomanVision is hosting this event for women to explore their whole,
juicy and sacred selves. During this evening, you will experience the
power and potential of an all-women's circle. You will have the
opportunity to make time for yourself, embrace the fullness of your
life, and explore the areas that you are ready to change!
This is an opportunity to discover and explore all of the things you
want to create in your life. It is also an opportunity to be
introduced to Journey to Yourself - our 6-month empowerment program
for women that begin in mid-January.
Reservations Required: RSVP to info@womanvis.com or 212-501-3892
And remember...Just a few spaces left in the Journey to Yourself
Experience. Are you ready to take your life to the next level?
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2007
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