January 22, 2007
Excerpt from a song by S. Ball
(c) 2001 by permission
. . . It's the challenge of our lives/to hear the voice of love
all around us/and within us/beneath the noise of mock and doubt
Remember who you are.
It's the simple things.
On Friday I woke up like any other day. I had 45 minutes to play with the kittens before catching my train-I looked out the window and instantly lit up like a Christmas tree. Beautiful snowflakes were falling from the sky and the street, cars and trees were covered in fresh pure white snow. I was out the house in 10 minutes, excited with my big boots, winter coat, scarf and gloves. A big smile on my face as I walked through the falling snow with glee.
I was baking some french fries in my oven. I had a piece of aluminum foil in the boiler portion of the oven and the baked butter from my daily bagel caused my fire alarm to disturb my very peaceful evening. I grabbed my fan and the instant I turned it on the glaring noise stopped. I was amazed how quickly peace was restored. Just like the snow caused me to be instantaneously filled with glee, the movement of the air from the fan caused the noise to stop instantly. It only takes a moment for something to send us skipping or send us screaming. Moment to moment we just never know.
Tonight at Ripley Grier Studios there will be moments where in an instant a one-on-one session will answer a question you've been asking for years, the healing ritual will sooth a forgotten pain, or you'll meet someone that reminds you of someone you once knew and you'll become fast friends. Maybe you'll come and simply enjoy meeting many people who are on a similar journey as you. Maybe you're curious and would like something to do. It only takes a moment. There are only a few slots left for the one-on-one portion of the evening. But once they fill up, I've now added an additional group event-chakra balancing. Either way-healing time and fun is the order of the evening. The order of the year. We are often taught to be healed means there is something that has to be wrong. But sometimes there is nothing wrong, we are just continually told that there is supposed to be. But the first definition of healing in the Random House College Dictionary is "to make whole or sound". I was perfectly fine the other morning and when I saw the snow it only made me feel even better. I was fine before the alarm glared but after the fan blew away the disturbance I was now consciously aware of just how much I had been enjoying my peace. "Healing" can be what occurs from a wound or it can be an experience that causes you to feel even better.
Healing One-On-One is designed for the individual, whatever reason you choose to show up, it will be a healin' that will be FOR and ABOUT ONLY YOU!
I hope to see you tonight for some Healing-One-On-One.
We'll begin with a healing ritual done by:
WomanVision (www.womanvis.com) creates unique and powerful experiences for women of all ages and backgrounds. Co-Directors Dawn Copeland and Joanna Lindenbaum connect women to their spiritual center and their personal power. Dawn and Joanna also maintain private life coaching practices that integrate mind, body, and spirit. They help women and men break through obstacles to create everything they want for their lives.
Healers in Alphabetical Order:
Magaly Colimon-Cahlou Wellness, LLC-inner and outer beauty...naturally
Chakra Balancing/Healing, Warm Spirit Body Care Soother Organic Body Mousse
Caitlin FitzGordon fell in love with yoga shortly after she moved to New York City in 1995. She loves the flow of vinyasa and the beautiful precision of Anusara and Iyengar. Caitlin credits yoga with keeping her healthy and with giving her the strength and courage to give birth to her daughter, Ida. She was born at home September 12, 2005.
Jonathan FitzGordon has been practicing yoga since 1995 and has been teaching since 2000, having studied with some of the yoga community's leading teachers. He developed The FitzGordon Method in order to help people take yoga off of the mat and into their daily life. The program synthesizes years of inquiry and practice during which Jonathan studied unique forms of bodywork such as Body Mind Centering, Rolfing, Alexander Technique, cranial sacral therapy and more. The program is greatly influenced by the Universal Principles of Alignment as created by John Friend of Anusara Yoga.
Mike Lesser takes on the issues of your home using Feng Shui, Instinct
and You. Every Space has it's own life and often reflects what is
going on inside you. Learn how to un- suffocate your space and
yourself by de-cluttering, re-organizing and re-arranging. Isn't it
time for you to become "Spatially Aware"?
Kristina Leonardi-Aligning your work with your essential self and unique talents and abilities creates a sense of peace and calm that allows for internal healing to permeate every aspect of your life. Discover Who You Are and What Are You Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life with Kristina Leonardi, life coach and founder of The Women's Mosaic.
Joanna Lindenbaum,MA
combines her experiences as a coach, dialogue facilitator, and ritualist to guide women to their inner wisdom and their power. She is Co-Director of WomanVision (www.womanvis.com), as well as a life transition coach for both women and men.
Moi-33 and Finally Free
Claire Posada, LMT, has been studying Jin Shin Jyutsu since 1994 and
has been a massage therapist since 1998. She was a professional dancer
for many years and her various injuries introduced her to the wonder
and joys of bodywork. She is also trained in the Vodder method of
Manual Lymph Drainage, and loves learning about the body from different
viewpoints and having different tools to help others. She has a private
practice on the Upper West Side, in Cold Spring, NY and has been
working in the Lower Manhattan school districts providing stress
reduction techniques to teachers and administrators since 2003.
Maria Sacks
Holistic Health Counselor,
Master’s Degree in Education,
23 years teaching experience
I work with people interested in incorporating healthy foods, regular exercise, and stress management into their lives. Together, we customize a plan for your Primary Food – career, relationships, spiritual practice, and physical activity – to introduce balance and fulfillment into your life. When we are truly nourished in these areas, what we eat becomes Secondary Food. I assist my clients as they discover their talents and their innate ability to live life authentically. I invite you to look at your life from a new perspective – one of balance, strength, vitality and joy.
An evening you will not want to miss!
Ripley Grier Studios
520 8th Avenue-16th Floor
(Bet. 36th & 37th)
Pre-register and save at www.geocities.com/samarra_am_management@yahoo.com
Pay attention to what instantly fills you with glee!
Valentine's Day-if you're SINGLE and looking for something to do, I'm having a pot luck at my home in East Orange, NJ. (only 3 stops away on NJ Transit from Penn Station) Come meet my kitties Panther and Princess-who will shower you with nothing but love and affection, enjoy a great view of the sky and lets enjoy some wonderful conversation and fun! Please call me at 718-350-6095 or email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com to RSVP. 7:00pm-9:00pm.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
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Copyright 2007
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