Sunday, January 28, 2007

February 5, 2007


I truly learned the importance of community.

At Healing One-On-One I had asked the presenters to prepare for 40-60 people. Six attended. I was still bursting with excitement. But there were 9 other business owners, a musician and production crew. I called the business owners in the room and announced that it was a very small crowd AND that everyone that was there was there for a purpose; that it was exactly as it was supposed to be. This community of business owners didn't flinch-they embraced those present, they embraced the excercises, they embraced the community and they embraced eachother. Because of that, it was a magical and inspirational evening. It was a circle of 17 total and every single one of us left with something that we didn't know we had been searching for. I GOT so clearly the importance of commuity and the people around you. I was positive but that would not have been enough. If even one or two of the others had been disappointed or upset and carried that energy through the evening, the magic would have been ruined for all of us. It is extremely important to know who you are surrounding yourself with. It is extremly important to know that who is in the room with you is in the room for your good, your health, your well-being. It only takes one energy to dampen the experience of an entire room. No matter how powerful and strong you are, you are only as good as those around you. Choose your community, friends, partners, lovers wisely! It can be the difference between experiencing magic or experiencing disaster.

There was a moment when there weren't people lined outside the door, as there were at the last two seminars, when my old voice of doubt and fear started to kick in. But at my core I couldn't deny that I was bursting with excitment. For a moment I allowed the old tape in my head to get worried and upset, but then I remembered the excitement of the participants as they registered and I knew they wanted to be there. I wanted to be there. So, I could spend my energy focused on those that didn't want to be there (truly my past-I always focused on what I didn't have) or I could practice my new pattern which was to focus on where I was and the excitement I felt in my core. I chose to quiet my mind and BE what I felt from my core. The evening was a dream. I chose a new pattern. And I was surrounded by a community of people that were supportive and wanted to be there. The result, magic!

Afterwards I took stock of what I'm up to for myself and this business. I looked at both sides of the coin. Magic is wonderful. So is abundance. So I'm putting a hold on "doing" and going back to the details-reading and going to a 16 week business course that will force me to write out a full busines, marketing and financial plan. From Healing One On One, I got a glimpse of exactly what I want my seminars to be. They cost more money. And I got a glimpse of what I don't know about business. I'm choosing that both can exist simutaneously. Time to buckle down and get to work on allowing magic and abundance to occur at the same time-every time. In a safe space, safely surrounded by a supportive community, choosing to focus on my core, I was able to experience magic AND without blame or making myself wrong- know I need to learn more about the details of running a business. If I want to take it to the next level, I have to go beyond what I know-making an idea happen (building communities living inspired, fulfilled and free) to what I don't know-building a lucrative business.

Choose your experience and community wisely-you and what your up to in the world are worth it!

Plan of Action: Take stock of those around you-your comnunity, your friends, even your family. Notice if they are always supportive-that doesn't mean they agree with everything you say-it only means no matter what happens they always are supportive of who you are as a person. Sometimes you may find that out of 20 people there is only one or maybe none. Know that when you know that you deserve to be supported those "friends" show up and the others begin to disappear.

Quote for the week:"
Fail is a verb...not a noun. Unfortunately, too many people think that when they fail, they become a noun and call themselves failures. (What we're taught in school-an A means... an F means...) If people can learn to learn from their mistakes, just as children learn to ride bicycles by falling off bicycles, whole new worlds will open up. If they go along with the herd of people who avoid making mistakes, or lie, or blame someone else, then they fail to take advantage of the primary way human beings were designed to learn...and that is through making mistakes and learning from those mistakes."
from Guide to Becoming Rich Without Cutting Up Your Credit Cards
by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Websites to check out:

Valentine's Day gathering at my home is cancelled.
That will be my first day in class embarking and embracing my new admitted love. Business.

March 12th-Emotional Money Seminar
Save the date.

Martini & Lingerie Party
Listen to Lingerie Fit Expert Lisa Cole as she talks about how improving your body image and self- esteem can be connected to lingerie and how it fits you!
Ladies Only.

DATE: Thursday, February 8th 6:30pm- 9:30pm
COST: $25 in advance; $30 at the door
INCLUDES: Martini's, Light Refreshments, Personalized Fit Consultation and Goodie Bag for the first 50 guests


400 East 50th Street
Suite 4H
New York, New York 10022

Laraaji Venus Nadananda
When: Saturday, February 10, 2007
Where: @IYI 227 w 13TH
Cost: $24

RSVP 212/929.0586 (Gong)


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