February 11, 2007
You can catch me LIVE tomorrow night, Monday, February 12, 2007 from
6:30pm-7:00pm on "Schmoozin' with Soshi". I'll be discussing how I started Samarra Am Management and the emotions under our finances. It'll show LIVE on tv in Manhattan and on the web everywhere.
Info to watch the show:
In Manhattan:
Channel 56 ( Time Warner)
Channel 84 ( RCN)
To watch online: www.mnn.org, there is a section that says what's on,
you click on the box that has Channel 56 and you will be able
to watch the show online.
To learn more about the host, Yolanda Shoshana, " The Kosher Soul Gourmet"
you can visit her incredibly fun and informative website and blog:
I. Fragility of Life
Exiting the subway station, I see a white man with a very large round thing wrapped in plastic. It seems very heavy and burdensome. It's as long as the man is tall. A Japanese man is exiting. The white man carrying this heavy burdensome thing turns-not himself-to allow the Japanese man to pass-but instead turns the heavy burdensome thing. The Japanese man knowing the white man's intent was immediately enraged and lunged toward the man to yell. Again the white man simply turned his heavy burdensome thing-with force this time-it knocked the Japenese man off his feet, his glasses flying. The Japanese man shocked, rose and tried with all his might to get to the white man who the entire time never even looked at the Japanese man. He simply turned his "weapon" while looking straight ahead to his own destination. Barred by the subway gate and this heavy, burdensome enemy, the Japanese man had to settle for shouting "fuck you" as he picked up his broken glasses. Outside the station, as we waited for the light to change, I was struck by the tons of people passing us by who had no idea of the injury to soul, heart and spirit this man had just endured. He and I now standing on a busy New York corner-no external markings. Only broken glasses. What was there to do? Stare straight ahead at our destinations.
II. Nothing More to Say
A best friend-sister friend for ten years. We'd laughed, cried, studied, danced, talked about anything and everything together. Inseperable, we thought. What an evening to sit on the phone with you and have nothing to say. Worse. To know in my soul, what I had just said, had not been heard. We'd grown our seperate ways. Sister friend-inseperable we thought. We have nothing more to say.
III. Stuttin' and Free
Walking home one night there were 2 women and a beautiful little girl. The beautiful girl was at that age where thay want their parents but they also want their independence. A few times she let go of her mothers hand, to test the waters it seemed. The third time when she knew her mom would be there and was willing to let her go-we were on a sidewalk-visible-safe. She had been given permission and was ready to break free. The little girl took her chance. She ran at first. Then she decided in her newfound confidence to do the little girl strut. There is nothing like the innocence and freedom of an African-American girl of 5, confident and struttin'. Then a noise-someone unseen had closed a gate. FEAR. Instantly she stopped, unsure and afraid. As she retreated to the safety of her mom's grip, I smiled at having witnessed the sheer innocence and confidence of a beautiful African-American girl struttin' and free.
Moment to moment we never know where life will lead.
On your journey in the words of Mahatma Gandhi, always remember
"Where there is love, there is life."
Happy Valentine's Day to each of you!
Plan of Action:
Write your thoughts, observations, and/or poems every day this week.
For your eyes only: write, experience and process.
Recommended Reading:
Dreams of my Father:A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
(Through his own story he truly displays how we are all connected-from Hawaii, America, Indonesia and Africa-we truly, are all one.)
Emotional Money Seminar
Monday,March 12, 2007
Burger Heaven Restaurant (has salads and veggie meals, too)
1534 3rd Ave (Between 86th and 87th Street)
Upstairs in private room.
Only $10.00.
6:00pm-7:00pm-Dinner and social hour
7:00pm-8:30pm-Emotional Money seminar
8:30pm-9:00pm-questions, sign up and social
For more info you can call me at 718-350-6095
or email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com
Stay Tuned. In the next few weeks I'll be interviewing Sandra M. Bloom-volunteer for VITA(Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) who will give expert advice to help us with our taxes.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2007
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