January 15, 2007
"Why does my saying no to it mean saying yes to it?"
"When you give attention you desire and say yes to it, you are including it
in your vibration. But when you look at something you do not want and say no
to it, you are including it in your vibration. You cannot exclude anything
that you are giving your attention to."
By Esther & Jerry Hicks Ask and It Is Given
Thank you Paramjit for sharing this quote and for EVERYTHING!
This weekend has been very interesting. I had to get my kitten neutered. "Oh, for the males-snip, snip, Just pop them right out, it's nothing." But, I pick up my very strong-willed Panther to find his eyes unfocused and his head bobbing-he's trying to get up, but can't. He lifts himself then flops to one side, lifts himself, flops to the other, lifts himself travels for a few feet without his legs somehow and starts the process all over again. I try to explain to him to just go to sleep and wait until the medicine wears off(for some reason he doesn't hear me) and he continues flopping and thudding for hours. I'm reminded of many of the conversations I've had this week with myself and with my customers. We know we want abundance, we know we want our lives to be "different," "better" but we flop around from one solution to the next wondering why we keep getting the same results. We have our intellectual justifications and with each new solution-none of which causes us to take responsibility for our own actions-we keep floundering around. Panther's intention was to walk, my intention to get out of debt in a year, my customers to break old financial patterns that haven't gotten them the abundance they desire. For hours Panther expounded lots of energy when he could have been peacefully sleeping. He is an animal, so their extincts are strictly about survival (which is why with my new female kitten I had to get him neutered as soon as possible.) Mine to get out of debt in a year. When it comes to myself, I'm an extremely impatient person, I set my goals and want them yesterday so I don't make concrete plans. A habit. I've learned over and over from my customers, we can not see our own habits that really keep us from getting everything we desire. I realized, how can I ask my customers to step out of their habits-take a chance and watch what happens-when I wasn't willing to. So I did-I hired my own my financial advisor. What do I want? Wealth. My advisor recommended a plan based on my income that would start a cash reserve, life insurance, long term disability, 401k, savings, investement and get me out of debt. With this plan-it will take me three years to get out of debt. WHAT?! I was devastated. But once I pushed through that emotion-what am I up to? I'm up to creating wealth, abundance and security. Getting out of debt isn't the only line that will create that. It will certainly make me feel better but as my attention is going only to "getting out of debt"- a habit, what else is being ignored. Being patient and building based on a plan outside of my habits is what it will take to stop my impatient floundering.
I've had customers that have worked with me in the past who have returned and forgotten that when they pushed past their resistance that was when they were able to reach their goals. I've had people I've coached this week that have noticed their patterns based on their past emotions and have decided there must be another way besides trying something outside their comfort zone. When we do the same actions we get the same results. I know to accept what my advisor laid out because I am continously reminded in my business what happens when we choose our own way and what happens when we push past resistance and experiment with something new. Despite how "hard" it seems in the moment. I've watched my customers push through and call me with excitement because of what resulted. They got beyond what they thought was possible. We think the "hard" is concrete-it's simply "hard" because it's not familiar.
Eventually Panther, the next morning was able to walk again. But he looks very tired and worn. It's not to say we won't reach our goals but what's the cost to our spirit, souls, dreams and desires? In honor of MLK day Martin Luther King Jr. could have put all of his attention toward what he'd always seen and heard and been told about who he was. But he didn't. He put all of his attention and intention toward what he believed was possible. His actions based on his belief cost him his life-his physical life. What we don't know or forget is that our floundering in our habits is costing us our lives, too. Our spirit is the basis for the physical-Martin Luther King Jr's body is gone and has been for a long time but his spirit lives on. We think because of our past -where in many cases we're taught or we learned that who we are and what we want isn't important-we think that cost isn't important. Our lives, spirits, wishes and dreams are everything. What are you giving your attention/intentions to? What is the cost? We, unlike my beautiful kitten Panther, have a choice.
CALL TO ACTION: What are you giving your attention to?
Now, what have you really wanted to give your attention to that you haven't or won't dare to. This week JUST DO IT! Watch what happens.
Recommended Reading:
Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, M.D.
On My Own Two Feet by Manisha Thakor
Healing One-On-One next Monday!
9 (choose 7) opportunities to meet one-on-one and talk about YOU for only $20.
Monday, January 22, 2007, 7pm-10pm
520 8th Avenue (bet.36th & 37th)
(healing ritual, financial consultation, yoga, nutrition, life purpose, life rhythms and much more)
Preregister today at http://www.geocities.com/samarra_am_management
Call 718-350-6095 or email samarra_am_management@yahoo.com
Join us for celestia, gong music in a room with lush purple curtains!
UPCOMING EVENTS:Free Teleseminar
email: jacquette@sterlingchoices.net
phone: 212.807.9599
web: http://www.sterlingchoices.net
Featuring: Colette Ellis, founding principal of InStep Consulting
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Time: 8:00 p.m. (Eastern)
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: No Fee
Were you disappointed with your 2006 bonus?
Are you looking to develop a bonus strategy for 2007?
Do you know the common bonus myths; are you unwittingly following them?
On - Wednesday, January 17 - Jacquette Timmons will interview Colette Ellis. Ms. Ellis will share her insights on the bonus planning process and the principles of her COMPETENT advantage (tm) system to help you increase your chances of getting the bonus you want in 2007. Specifically, she will focus on how to leverage your unique communication style, personal and professional strengths and on how to channel your energies on the right people and projects.
The Womens Mosaic/WomanVison
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 7:30 - 9:30pm
TWM Women's Circle
New Year, New You! Ignite Your Passions for 2007
Come gather with the ladies of both TWM and WomanVision, as we co-sponsor this Women's Circle to start 2007 fueling the fire of your passions! What is the one thing you long to accomplish or step into by December 31, 2007? Where will you direct your attention and passion during this upcoming year? Join us for an experiential, all-woman's evening as we vision and clarify what we want for ourselves in the New Year. We will tap into our hearts' deepest desires and re-connect with the passion that we need to get what we really long for. Be prepared for a spirited and fun evening - you'll connect with your inner wisdom and leave excited and energized.
COST:$20 at the door (TWM member discount as per level)
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.
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Copyright 2007
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