April 8, 2008
"Having traveled the road of recovery from compulsive indebtedness for more than seven years now, I can say that what looked like a journey from debt to solvency was indeed that, but it was much, much more. This road proved to be a spiritual pilgrimage that was convened by money but was much larger and deeper than money per se."
Release from Debtor's Prison: Achieving Financial Freedom: A Proven Formula For Changing The Attitudes & Habits That Keep You In Debt by
Margaret St. John
On Monday, April 14th I will turn 35 years old. What a journey it has been.
I'm looking forward to truly forging a new path. How? I don't know.
I spent the weekend in a meditation retreat. My journey with my finances as definitely led me on a "spiritual pilgrimage". How I am with my finances has been impatient and unsatisfied. That is certainly how I have been in my life. Impatient and unsatisfied. After 5 hours of meditation on the second day, I swear I was so fed up, I wanted to stand up, scream, throw a temper tantrum, never to return to anything that even smelled of meditation ever again. But there were others around so there I sat. But my reaction was very accurate to how I am in life. Fed up with strong urges to get the heck out. (Last year, I spent my birthday at Mars 2112 - yes, urges even to get off the planet) I was satisfied with this in my life, my relationships, my careers etc. but over time I wasn't satisfied with this behavioral pattern with my money. I could plainly see that there was no way that with this pattern I would ever really be able to BUILD something.
I kept speaking that I wanted to build my finances, my wealth, abundance, and peace but my actions of getting out, starting over, getting out and starting over worked against what I spoke. It was only in alignment with what I knew...with what I had always done. Find a hobby, relationship, career, etc. where my interest is sparked and I pour everything into it. Then when it doesn't happen as fast as I want or I can't control everything about it then I get out and start something else and the cycle continues over again.
The difference this time is that...well...I know abundance is right here...I know the only thing in my way is and has always been myself and old familiar habits. The only way to break them or at least be aware of them so I can see before I walk out are that I have partnerships and coaches and communities surrounding me to remind me when I forget that I am on a "spiritual pilgrimage" that will put me in alignment consistently with what I say I want. So I sat through the meditation and I'll force myself to go every Thursday and practice letting go, patience and allowing in. I will practice allowing my actions to be in alignment with my words.
When I started focusing on needing and wanting to get out of debt, I had no idea where it was going to lead. Ironically, meditation, I've always avoided. Give me tae bo, aerobics and talking any day. For once in my life seven years, from now I can't even pretend that I know where or how or what I will be doing but I can say who I will always aspire to BE.
What are some of your behavioral patterns around your money?
Can you see the same behaviors reflected in your life?
What tools can aid you in getting you closer to who you have always wanted to BE?
Come celebrate my 35th with me!
Thurday 10th 7pm-10pm
FREE Meditation, vegetarian meal and conference call.
Friday 11th
Universoul Circus in Brooklyn at Prospect Park.
Saturday 12th
Dancing at Diva Lounge http://www.divalounge.com/
Yes, it's in NJ but I'm only 3 stops from NY Penn station.
Give me a ring at 718-350-6095 if you can join me for one or all these outings.
Happy Birthday to all the Aries out there!!!
I would love to start Birthday shout outs this year.
Let me know when your day is and your mission for the year!
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com.
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please post and join in the conversation.
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