April 22, 2008
"An old man once said when I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I realized that the world would not change. Then I decided to shorten my sights somewhat and change my country, but it to seemed immovable. As I entered my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt I sought to change only my family and only those closest to me. But alas, they would have none of it. And now I lie here on my death bed and I realize perhaps for the very first time, that if I had only changed myself first, then by example, I may have influenced my family. And with their encouragement and support, I may have bettered my country. And who knows, I may have even changed the world."
Excerpt from Ladies Can We Talk - Candid Conversations -
by Lisa Nichols & Sanyika Calloway Boyce
Do you find yourself often thinking that your financial situation would be much better if "he" would just stop buying...? Do you spend a lot of time imagining if "she" would just listen to you and stop needing....? How much time do you spend going to an event and thinking you've already heard this before...you know this already...What if you were so powerful that the person affecting your finances was you? Don't wait until you are on your death bed. Try just for one day taking responsibility for the role you play in your finances, your relationships, your life!
Notice how often you focus without.
Stop, breath. breath. Focus within.
Notice how often you talk. Notice how often you listen.
We can control no one except ourselves.
Make a Difference in the Fight Against Cancer!
On Saturday, May 3rd, I will be participating in the 11th Annual EIF Revlon Run/Walk For Women. You can join me in the fight against women's cancers by making a pledge or donation on my behalf. Your pledge will help fund important research into the cause and cure of women's cancers, prevention, education and support service programs. Every pledge will help bring us one step closer to a cure.
You can go to my website and make a donation. My goal is to raise $500.00. Any amount that you can contribute will make a difference. I have talked about wanting to do this for years. I have supported others doing this but my journey within caused me to not be able to go another year and hear of yet another lost battle to cancer.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 718-350-6095.
Saturday, April 26, 10:30am-6pm
Affinia Manhattan Hotel, Ballroom
371 Seventh Avenue, between 30th and 31st streets
The Emergence of the "Higher We"
For more details: http://www.andrewcohen.org/ny/
Andrew Cohen in New York for One Day Only!
"I believe that the only way to our higher development lies in a shared experience of consciousness beyond ego. In this experience, a momentous leap occurs. It is a leap from I to We - from extreme individuation to a higher We consciousness, in which everyone simultaneously experiences individual and collective transparency while remaining fully and completely themselves."
A day that will aid in understanding the possibilities of going within.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com.
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please post and join in the conversation.
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Am Management."
Copyright 2008
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