May 7, 2007
A recurring theme this week-"the only choices I have are A and B."
I noticed this from my clients, friends, and family that neither A nor B was an option that made them smile. In fact, they weren't options at all; they were familiar-but never did these choices provide them with a sense of having their issues, or concerns truly solved. Ironically in these same instances, when someone suggests other options, the first response is always "That won't work because..." or "I can't do that because..." Even when a new idea pops in our own mind we give this same response. But, there are at least a zillion possiblities between options A & B. Just as there are a zillion shades between the colors black and white. When you feel like the choices that you've considered are "for a fact" the only options available: Stop, Breath and Consider that you deserve to have options that make you smile. If options A & B cause you to feel restricted and heavy, then clearly those aren't the options you should be considering. Why? For the simple reason that you aren't smiling with possibility when you think of them. Therefore when you take action on items A or B you are never able to truly release it. It's a temporary "fix" but it arises again or it gnaws at you. A choice that isn't fully embraced because it dosen't cause you to feel good, never really gets resolved.
One of my favorite movies is Matrix. I love the line when the agent says that "they" tried to create a perfect world for humans and it didn't work. "Humans wouldn't accept the programming." (Please see this movie if you haven't already.) We have a built in voice that says we're supposed to suffer. That has been imposed since the beginning of time. It was only imposed in order to "control." This need to control arises because we believe that there isn't enough food, wealth, abundance, etc. for every single one of us to enjoy at the same time. There is. "Suffering" and "Misery" has been programmed into our psyche, fed to us through our own families, communities and the press. However, there are a zillion shades between A & B.
I realize, in this moment, that this same theme directly affected me. One of my kittens two weeks ago had a seizure. I completly freaked out-I just knew he was going to die. When he lived, I believed my choices were-A-this is going to be so hard and B-I will need to give him up because my mantra now is to live "in ease." I mentioned what happened to my friend, not my decision around it, just the truth about how scary and hard it was going to be. She immediately told me about a friend of ours that had had a cat that spent its life with seizures. I had no idea. I wrote this friend and she explained to me if I stayed calm and just spoke to him when he was having them that it helps to bring them back faster. For his second seizure I stayed calm and said and believed that everything was going to be okay. He stopped having the seizure. I wasn't stressed and I didn't feel like his seizure was causing me a great hardship. Because of the conversation with my friend, I was no longer afraid of the seizure and all the "what if's." An option I never even considered-not being afraid and that "my ease" wasn't threatened. My first two choices were based on what was familiar to me-fight and/or flight. "This is going to be so hard" (fight) or "I'm going to have to get rid of him" (flight.) Both made me feel miserable. But I believed that they were my only choices. Reaching out, I was presented with the shades inbetween my A & B.
If your choices A & B make you feel...yucky.
One-Stop, Breathe.
Two-Use your imagination-Consider the zillions of shades inbetween.
Three-Talk & Share with others-don't immediately reject their suggestions (or your own "popping" thoughts. Listen. Allow and watch the shades multiply.
A few of those shades will make you smile in spite of the old familiar self.
Now you have your choices and can take affirming actions.
As soon as YOU allow the possibility that there may be more shades between the familiar choices of A & B, they show up. Every Time.
Action: Rent/Buy the movie Matrix.
Remember: You deserve options and choices that make you smile.
New York City Company of Friends Lunch n Learn: "Promote Yourself for Pay and Play"
with 15SecondPitch's Laura Allen
Regus Business Center; 11 Penn Plaza, 7th Ave b/w 31st and 32nd.
Directions: Across the street from Penn Station
RSVP: amiller@adrianmiller.com please rsvp via email
Are you going to a lot of networking events but not meeting the right people?
Learn to promote yourself in a fun way that will get people excited to meet you. Dress is Business. Feel free to bring your own lunch.
Suffering from the Sugar blues?
Constantly craving sweets and want to understand why?
Want to gain control without willpower or deprivation?
Please join Maria Sacks
Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor
For a free lecture on
Wednesday, May 23rd
7:00-8:30 pm at
Pilates Studio
20 Lumber Road, 2nd Floor
(off Old Northern Blvd., opposite the Clock Tower)
For details please call (516)876-2628 or
Email mariasacks@optonline.net
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
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