May 21, 2007
I am reading "Friends: A Love Story By Angela Bassett & Coutney B. Vance." I was looking forward to learning more about their childhood and the details of their relationship. Somewhere in there I forgot that these are actors and probably the book would contain many passages about their...uh...acting. It was amazing to read their words and identify with every word when they spoke about embodying their characters, the surprises when parts and opportunities came that they weren't expecting, the thrill of being perfectly connected with another actor and being able to use emotions from their lives to infuse the life of their characters. I was reminded of all the parts I loved about acting. I remembered how from the early age of five I decided I was going to be an actor and really thought I'd grow old playing out my life going from one show to another. I was amazed at the sadness I felt that what they experienced and have realized in their professional careers, I have not. Why was I feeling sad? I choose not to pursue acting. Auditions, amazing parts and opportunities always seemed to come to me but in the end, I was never satisfied. As much as I love researching, discovering and becoming the characters I never loved the networking, the minimal pay compared to the work required or having no weekends or evenings to myself. At every closing night, as everyone cried, I was relieved.
At the height of my success, I choose to walk away from acting for 4 years and once back, I choose again to turn my focus to a different passion. Acting regardless of the successes, still wasn't satisfying. So, I was shocked by the sadness I felt reading this book. What if the path I choose from the beginning could have been the path that truly fulfilled me? I feel fulfilled now-when I work with and witness the transformations of my clients, when I meet so many amazing people at seminars and every week when I'm writing and receiving responses to my blog. Every piece of it, I love. Afterwards, there aren't any lights that come up and I don't have to wait for anyone to cast me to get to the part I love-connecting. I realize now the sadness was for the many, many years spent on something that didn't fully satisfy me. Sadness for the me that wasn't comfortable in my own skin and used the character, a show, the accolades as a distraction to hide behind. This time when I speak, it's me. Connecting. Reading this book, and hearing their joy no matter the many hours, the hard work, the loss of privacy-there is joy. Now, there is joy in my words. I thought it would always be acting-instead it's business, accounting- financial counseling! This book that I thought was going to be a nice love story took me to my own past, my choices, to my "what-if's."
We pick up a book, a career, a relationship, a kitten, a friend, make a choice, expecting one thing and receive something different than expected. Sometimes that "different" is a very good thing! Dots Connected: Blank Slate Begins!
Action Item: Before you started doing what you've always done, before you were told who you would and should be, before you decided there is only one thing you can be-at your core what makes you feel at ease and free?
That first thought that just popped in your head-that's it. Have fun connecting!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Next Monday, Memorial Day, May 28, 2007 Emotional Money will feature a summer reading list: Books that have changed my life-no book report required.
I'd love to publish yours as well. If interested in contributing to next week's blog, please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com with the name of the book and, if you want, your name, what state you're in and a sentence or two about the impact the book had on you. (Yes, it's okay to only send the name of the book). I hope to hear from you!
(The goal is a listing of wonderful books that we can all enjoy throughout the summer.)
SUBMISSION INFORMATION:The Washington Post columinist, Michelle Singeltary is requesting your "Mega Money Mistake." Send your entries to colorofmoney@washpost.com. Put "My Mega-Money Mistake" in the subject line. Your submission should be mailed or e-mailed by May 26. Please include your name, day and evening telephone numbers and address.
On the air: Michelle Singletary discusses personal finance Tuesdays on NPR's "Day to Day" program and online athttp://www.npr.org.
By mail: Readers can write to her at The Washington Post, 1150 15th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071.
Suffering from the Sugar blues?
Constantly craving sweets and want to understand why?
Want to gain control without willpower or deprivation?
Please join Maria Sacks
Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor
For a free lecture on
Wednesday, May 23rd
7:00-8:30 pm at
Pilates Studio
20 Lumber Road, 2nd Floor
(off Old Northern Blvd., opposite the Clock Tower)
For details please call (516)876-2628 or
Email mariasacks@optonline.net
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
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please post and join in the conversation.
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