April 30, 2007
"Many of our goals are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them." by Brendan Francis
I was reading the Essex Times the other day and saw this amazing image of a young girl, 15 years old, pushing against and keeping back a wall of at least 10 police officers. Most days many of us aren't having to physically live out our courageous acts but spirtually as we move towards our financial and life goals we often feel as if we are physically pushing against a force as real as those.....(you fill in the blank) What is possible when we take the step anyway?
Here is an inspiring story from my dear friend Amanda Marsico and her husband Tim Mollen who continously put one foot in front of the other:
"One year ago we were renting an apt. and approx. $30K in debt. Today we are living in our own house and completely debt free (except for the mortgage, of course). Now, we had help (both sets of parents contributed to downpayment on the house), but we also did some creative shuffling of fincances (Tim cashed out his 401K and we got a good tax refund) and finally reached that goal. It is possible!"
Action: Step, Step, Step and feel the breeze of the tissue blowing behind you!
Suffering from the Sugar blues?
Constantly craving sweets and want to understand why?
Want to gain control without willpower or deprivation?
Please join Maria Sacks
Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor
For a free lecture on
Wednesday, May 23rd
7:00-8:30 pm at
Pilates Studio
20 Lumber Road, 2nd Floor
(off Old Northern Blvd., opposite the Clock Tower)
For details please call (516)876-2628 or
Email mariasacks@optonline.net
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