I listened to a gentlemen say -
oh losing weight is so easy-just don't eat bread. When you go to a restaurant just choose to not eat bread and in a week you'll lose 5 to 6 pounds. It's so easy.
If only you knew, I thought to myself. Clearly he's not a man that loves bread. I'm writing this while stuffing the third delicious home cooked and buttered bagel in my mouth. What is easy for one can be the absolute hardest challenge for another.
Standing levels and levels under the street on a dirty subway platform. I look up and I see all these white things-dust I think. What could it possibly be? A smile comes to my face-the snow from the street has made it underground.
New York, even underground, full of amazing little surprises.
The woman teaching our class- a marketing business owner that has earned millions. She was very ...real-saying from her heart that the lessons are dated and she's going to give it to us straight-we listen with all ears-she's hysterical and border line offensive. The whole class is enraptured-who is this little lady with the energy of a giant, the mouth of a football player and the smarts of a Fulbright scholar. A woman, she reveals, that lost her husband of decades, last year. Through her laugh, bravado and cheer-the pain shines through. She repeats the information about her loss but always it's followed with the rat ta tat tat of a drum-roll then a punchline. The class laughs. Through her laugh, bravado and cheer-the pain, bright red in hue, shines through.
"Emotional Money" exciting interview next week with
Heather Scheiwe founder, writer and publisher for
Alive Arts Media-a magazine for young women, by young women
web: http://www.alivemagazine.org
An excerpt from her website:
"Alive Magazine believes that every young woman has
a God-given story to tell and that she deserves a safe
place to question, explore, and share what makes her
fully alive."
If you have any questions you'd like to ask Heather Scheiwe, please email me: samarra_am_management@yahoo.com
In case you haven't finished your taxes and you make less than $40,000 a year here is an incredible service where you can get your taxes done for free!!! That's right for free. One of my good friends has used them 2 for years and they come highly recommended. If you've already done them and you want to save a few hundred dollars keep this in mind for next year.
they are located at 69 East 167th st in the bronx, second floor on the corner of gerard-you can take the 4, b or d train to 167 and then walk a block up...
As we can see from our weather, 70 degrees and sunny one day to 30 degrees and snowing the next that the need to take actions to help save our planet is very neccessary. Please visit www.stepitup2007.org to learn what you can do today!
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
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please post and join in the conversation.
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