March 19, 2007
Taming the Horse
Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheek D.D.
This very simple story was given to me by Bishop when I was participating in his six week meditation course. Sometimes with the complexities of life, the simple basics can be the perfect remedy.
"A King had a horse that no one could ride, he offered a reward to anyone that could tame and ride this horse, many trainers came and said I can tame and ride your horse but none did. The first one got on the horse and the horse threw him off. The next one came and the horse just stood still and would not move, the next one came and the horse laid down and laughed at him. The King said I told you no one can tame this horse. A young boy said I can, the King looked at him and asked what makes you think you if all of these men can't. The boy told the King because I know this horse and what do you have to lose if I can't, so the King said try if you can.
The boy looked at the horse and jumped on the horses back, the horse threw him off and started running away and the boy ran after him. The King laughed and thought I've now lost the horse and the boy. The boy followed the horse when the horse ran. The horse ran, the boy ran, the horse walked, the boy walked, the horse drank water, the boy drank water. Then the boy looked at the horse and started running and the horse started running. The boy walked, the horse walked, the boy drank water, the horse drank water, the boy stopped, the horse stopped. The boy patted the horse and the horse smiled at him and the boy got on the horses back and they both came back and the boy looked at the King and said here is your horse. Be gentle and you can ride him, too.
The horse represents your mind and the more you try and force it, the more rebellious it can be just like the horse, but if you take your time and be gentle and be constant it will follow you. Remember you are not your mind. That means you have the power to make your mind follow you and not you following your mind."
Richard Kohn-Theatre & Screen actor
He wrote this in response to reading last week's blog, "A Weight Lifted."
"I think most of us, especially actors tend to focus on our failures instead of our accomplishments. My case in point. Over the past couple of weeks I was the "callback kid" for about 3 or 4 plays - didn't get cast in any of them. What keeps me from being bummed out is that I also got called back for a film and got cast in it. The film: "Across Dot Ave" which will be filmed next month in Dorcester, Mass. I will play Uncle Billy. It is an Indy film with a Sag contract. (Right before publishing this he just found out that he got cast in another film.)Another thing I always remember is what Carol Burnett once said: "If you are talented and don't get the role, you just are not what they were looking for.
Another mantra I try to live by: I have nothing to fear and everything to live for.
Thank you Richard for sharing your positive story. Many times despite what the mind says, we just have to keep running with the horse knowing we have everything to live for-getting on it just might not look like we think. Ride on!
Thank you to each of you that emailed in response to the March 12th issue "A Weight Lifted". Your support, encouragement and shared stories is a beautiful reminder that dots are being connected!
Thank you.
Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day.
I have nothing to fear and everything to live for.
Practice meditating at least 3 days this week-you define what relaxes your mind.
To learn more about Kwabena Rainey Cheeks visit:
An incredible writer and poet. I invite you to read his latest entry
"Standing and Facing" at www.MarkNepo.com.
His reflections are excerpts from several books. Mark has two new books appearing in 2007: A new book of poems, Surviving Has Made Me Crazy, CavanKerry Press, was just released in February 2007; and a new book of spiritual non-fiction, Facing the Lion, Being the Lion: Inner Courage and Where It Lives, Red Wheel/Conari Press, will appear in September 2007.
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