Sunday, March 11, 2007

March 12, 2007


When I started Samarra Am Management, I just dove in. At that point in time, I needed to do it that way. Once I decided that it was time to take my business to the next level, I ironically sought out actions I wasn't willing to take before. Paying money to invest in my business education, doing market research, paying for my domain name etc. What was "right" 9 months ago when I started my business isn't "right" for me now, 9 months later. And if I'm still growing what I'm currently doing won't be "right" for me nine months from now. Sandra's family model understood that finances are ever-evolving and the structure wasn't based on reward and punishment. Simply: "What do I need to do to help myself?"

The biggest insight I had during these interviews (visit was I realized that the budgeting systems and conversations we typically have about our finances are used to punish ourselves. Many of us avoid our finances because we think it will further confirm our already ingrained insecurities and self-induced punishments focusing on what we haven't done. No wonder we avoid and dread doing our finances. This weekend, my friend Julia, told me she felt I was being too hard on myself. I was focusing on the mistakes I've made with this business and she reminded me of all that I had accomplished. I didn't know I was focusing on the negative until tears came to my eyes just hearing her recite what I had accomplished. There was such a great weight lifted-a weight I didn't even know I was carrying. Weight and punishing myself is familiar so it went unnoticed to me. This speaks to the importance of surrounding yourself with positive friends and family. In case, like me, you get stuck focusing on what you "haven't done," I wanted to share my story and that of an "Emotional Money" reader and friend. I'm still amazed how each time we share with eachother we see ourselves in the other.

Andrea Reese-actor, success team leader, writer, editor & artist-wrote this in response to the March 5th Interview with Sandra M. Bloom.

"Wow, another fabulous newsletter.
Sandra has the most wonderful lightness in
how she explains things. She really does actually manage to make finances
seem kind of fun.
I absolutely love the idea of focusing more on finances coming in than on
finances going out.
It's funny, because I tend to think of myself as being financially
disorganized, but reading this made me realize that I actually have a great
system going.

I have a little book in which I write down money coming in
from Success Teams and my play (Upcoming Interview in May).
I have a little drawer on the desk in which I drop all receipts that I know
I'll be able to write off later. Some years ago I bought a bunch of small
stackable plastic boxes and I attached a vertical index card to each one
with the category of write-off written along the top, ie "Postage" or "Research".
Very soon I'll take out those plastic boxes and line them up on a big metal
tray and I'll pull out that drawer of receipts and just drop them into the
appropriate boxes. I have a calculator with paper in it. I always watch
trashy tv while doing my taxes, just to keep it light.
After I add up each pile, I'll put those receipts into separate envelopes by
categories and write the category and year on the front of each envelope.
I don't give the receipts to the accountant at all.
Thanks again for the great newsletter which is so perfect for this time of

I hope each of you have a great weight lifted today. My invitation to you is to not focus on the past self-inflicted punishments but to start implementing Sandra's and/or Andrea's amazing tools that will allow you to experience positive reinforcements around what YOU are doing with YOUR money. First, just dive in. Sometimes we need to do it that way.
What would happen if you tried Sandra's financial tools, heard Julia's advice and saw for yourself, Andrea's insights?

As Sandra stated, "Remember, you DESERVE to pay yourself first."
Say to yourself, "What can I do (financially) to help me?"

This is OUR new path towards emotionless money. Dive in!

Plan of Action:
Read and re-read Sandra M. Bloom's interviews (Feb. 26th & March 5th at
As you look at your finances-let go of the weight of the past.
The absolutely most important piece as you do your finances: "watch trashy tv." (smile)

Samarra Am Management Announcement
Please visit: New Website designed and built by Charlotte Volage
New Logo by Andrea Reese at:

Stay tuned-it's only the beginning of the exciting new changes to come...


Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at

Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.

To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."

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