Saturday, March 31, 2007
April 2, 2007-(no longer available)
(this entry published April 7th)
The song that rose in my heart, I share with you.
(I don't remember who it is by-I used to sing it with my mother when I was younger)
"Love is all around me, love is all around me, and I know it won't be easy. And I know it won't be easy. I know, I know, I know it won't be easy, with love all around me. There's no doubt in my mind. I'm (we're) gonna make it!
Are your actions a reaction from childhood fears?
Are your actions continously leading you toward peace and abundance?
Our finances are often the "fastest" way to see into the state of our souls.
Take a snap shot of your finances and the first layer is revealed.
Which path are your actions leading you?
Love is all around you-the good news is that the choice truly is up to you.
Happy Easter! Happy Holidays!
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
Monday, March 12, 2007
March 26, 2007
I spent an amazing weekend with my mother, grandmother and two kittens in my home. Sometimes we forget how very far we've come until we are allowed to stop and see ourselves through the eyes of our elders. I'm quite full and have a trillion thoughts racing around my head and my heart. Instead of sharing them all in a very long email I'll just use this first week of spring to say:
In school, we are taught to avoid mistakes and get it right. Often that leaves us immobile and stuck-we never get started. But we are ever-evolving creatures and what was "right" 9 months ago may not be "right" now, 9 months later. So why wait?
APRIL 2007
Heather Scheiwe
Alive Arts Media-a magazine for young women, by young women
MAY 2007
Andrea Reese
Cirque Jacqueline
Thank you Richard Kohn for your inspiring story last week!
Happy Spring Everyone-here's to rebirth and pushing beyond "getting it right."
Samarra Mbenga
Samarra Am Management
Sunday, March 11, 2007
March 12, 2007
When I started Samarra Am Management, I just dove in. At that point in time, I needed to do it that way. Once I decided that it was time to take my business to the next level, I ironically sought out actions I wasn't willing to take before. Paying money to invest in my business education, doing market research, paying for my domain name etc. What was "right" 9 months ago when I started my business isn't "right" for me now, 9 months later. And if I'm still growing what I'm currently doing won't be "right" for me nine months from now. Sandra's family model understood that finances are ever-evolving and the structure wasn't based on reward and punishment. Simply: "What do I need to do to help myself?"
The biggest insight I had during these interviews (visit was I realized that the budgeting systems and conversations we typically have about our finances are used to punish ourselves. Many of us avoid our finances because we think it will further confirm our already ingrained insecurities and self-induced punishments focusing on what we haven't done. No wonder we avoid and dread doing our finances. This weekend, my friend Julia, told me she felt I was being too hard on myself. I was focusing on the mistakes I've made with this business and she reminded me of all that I had accomplished. I didn't know I was focusing on the negative until tears came to my eyes just hearing her recite what I had accomplished. There was such a great weight lifted-a weight I didn't even know I was carrying. Weight and punishing myself is familiar so it went unnoticed to me. This speaks to the importance of surrounding yourself with positive friends and family. In case, like me, you get stuck focusing on what you "haven't done," I wanted to share my story and that of an "Emotional Money" reader and friend. I'm still amazed how each time we share with eachother we see ourselves in the other.
Andrea Reese-actor, success team leader, writer, editor & artist-wrote this in response to the March 5th Interview with Sandra M. Bloom.
"Wow, another fabulous newsletter.
Sandra has the most wonderful lightness in
how she explains things. She really does actually manage to make finances
seem kind of fun.
I absolutely love the idea of focusing more on finances coming in than on
finances going out.
It's funny, because I tend to think of myself as being financially
disorganized, but reading this made me realize that I actually have a great
system going.
I have a little book in which I write down money coming in
from Success Teams and my play (Upcoming Interview in May).
I have a little drawer on the desk in which I drop all receipts that I know
I'll be able to write off later. Some years ago I bought a bunch of small
stackable plastic boxes and I attached a vertical index card to each one
with the category of write-off written along the top, ie "Postage" or "Research".
Very soon I'll take out those plastic boxes and line them up on a big metal
tray and I'll pull out that drawer of receipts and just drop them into the
appropriate boxes. I have a calculator with paper in it. I always watch
trashy tv while doing my taxes, just to keep it light.
After I add up each pile, I'll put those receipts into separate envelopes by
categories and write the category and year on the front of each envelope.
I don't give the receipts to the accountant at all.
Thanks again for the great newsletter which is so perfect for this time of
I hope each of you have a great weight lifted today. My invitation to you is to not focus on the past self-inflicted punishments but to start implementing Sandra's and/or Andrea's amazing tools that will allow you to experience positive reinforcements around what YOU are doing with YOUR money. First, just dive in. Sometimes we need to do it that way.
What would happen if you tried Sandra's financial tools, heard Julia's advice and saw for yourself, Andrea's insights?
As Sandra stated, "Remember, you DESERVE to pay yourself first."
Say to yourself, "What can I do (financially) to help me?"
This is OUR new path towards emotionless money. Dive in!
Plan of Action:
Read and re-read Sandra M. Bloom's interviews (Feb. 26th & March 5th at
As you look at your finances-let go of the weight of the past.
The absolutely most important piece as you do your finances: "watch trashy tv." (smile)
Samarra Am Management Announcement
Please visit: New Website designed and built by Charlotte Volage
New Logo by Andrea Reese at:
Stay tuned-it's only the beginning of the exciting new changes to come...
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
When I started Samarra Am Management, I just dove in. At that point in time, I needed to do it that way. Once I decided that it was time to take my business to the next level, I ironically sought out actions I wasn't willing to take before. Paying money to invest in my business education, doing market research, paying for my domain name etc. What was "right" 9 months ago when I started my business isn't "right" for me now, 9 months later. And if I'm still growing what I'm currently doing won't be "right" for me nine months from now. Sandra's family model understood that finances are ever-evolving and the structure wasn't based on reward and punishment. Simply: "What do I need to do to help myself?"
The biggest insight I had during these interviews (visit was I realized that the budgeting systems and conversations we typically have about our finances are used to punish ourselves. Many of us avoid our finances because we think it will further confirm our already ingrained insecurities and self-induced punishments focusing on what we haven't done. No wonder we avoid and dread doing our finances. This weekend, my friend Julia, told me she felt I was being too hard on myself. I was focusing on the mistakes I've made with this business and she reminded me of all that I had accomplished. I didn't know I was focusing on the negative until tears came to my eyes just hearing her recite what I had accomplished. There was such a great weight lifted-a weight I didn't even know I was carrying. Weight and punishing myself is familiar so it went unnoticed to me. This speaks to the importance of surrounding yourself with positive friends and family. In case, like me, you get stuck focusing on what you "haven't done," I wanted to share my story and that of an "Emotional Money" reader and friend. I'm still amazed how each time we share with eachother we see ourselves in the other.
Andrea Reese-actor, success team leader, writer, editor & artist-wrote this in response to the March 5th Interview with Sandra M. Bloom.
"Wow, another fabulous newsletter.
Sandra has the most wonderful lightness in
how she explains things. She really does actually manage to make finances
seem kind of fun.
I absolutely love the idea of focusing more on finances coming in than on
finances going out.
It's funny, because I tend to think of myself as being financially
disorganized, but reading this made me realize that I actually have a great
system going.
I have a little book in which I write down money coming in
from Success Teams and my play (Upcoming Interview in May).
I have a little drawer on the desk in which I drop all receipts that I know
I'll be able to write off later. Some years ago I bought a bunch of small
stackable plastic boxes and I attached a vertical index card to each one
with the category of write-off written along the top, ie "Postage" or "Research".
Very soon I'll take out those plastic boxes and line them up on a big metal
tray and I'll pull out that drawer of receipts and just drop them into the
appropriate boxes. I have a calculator with paper in it. I always watch
trashy tv while doing my taxes, just to keep it light.
After I add up each pile, I'll put those receipts into separate envelopes by
categories and write the category and year on the front of each envelope.
I don't give the receipts to the accountant at all.
Thanks again for the great newsletter which is so perfect for this time of
I hope each of you have a great weight lifted today. My invitation to you is to not focus on the past self-inflicted punishments but to start implementing Sandra's and/or Andrea's amazing tools that will allow you to experience positive reinforcements around what YOU are doing with YOUR money. First, just dive in. Sometimes we need to do it that way.
What would happen if you tried Sandra's financial tools, heard Julia's advice and saw for yourself, Andrea's insights?
As Sandra stated, "Remember, you DESERVE to pay yourself first."
Say to yourself, "What can I do (financially) to help me?"
This is OUR new path towards emotionless money. Dive in!
Plan of Action:
Read and re-read Sandra M. Bloom's interviews (Feb. 26th & March 5th at
As you look at your finances-let go of the weight of the past.
The absolutely most important piece as you do your finances: "watch trashy tv." (smile)
Samarra Am Management Announcement
Please visit: New Website designed and built by Charlotte Volage
New Logo by Andrea Reese at:
Stay tuned-it's only the beginning of the exciting new changes to come...
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
Friday, March 02, 2007
March 19, 2007
Taming the Horse
Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheek D.D.
This very simple story was given to me by Bishop when I was participating in his six week meditation course. Sometimes with the complexities of life, the simple basics can be the perfect remedy.
"A King had a horse that no one could ride, he offered a reward to anyone that could tame and ride this horse, many trainers came and said I can tame and ride your horse but none did. The first one got on the horse and the horse threw him off. The next one came and the horse just stood still and would not move, the next one came and the horse laid down and laughed at him. The King said I told you no one can tame this horse. A young boy said I can, the King looked at him and asked what makes you think you if all of these men can't. The boy told the King because I know this horse and what do you have to lose if I can't, so the King said try if you can.
The boy looked at the horse and jumped on the horses back, the horse threw him off and started running away and the boy ran after him. The King laughed and thought I've now lost the horse and the boy. The boy followed the horse when the horse ran. The horse ran, the boy ran, the horse walked, the boy walked, the horse drank water, the boy drank water. Then the boy looked at the horse and started running and the horse started running. The boy walked, the horse walked, the boy drank water, the horse drank water, the boy stopped, the horse stopped. The boy patted the horse and the horse smiled at him and the boy got on the horses back and they both came back and the boy looked at the King and said here is your horse. Be gentle and you can ride him, too.
The horse represents your mind and the more you try and force it, the more rebellious it can be just like the horse, but if you take your time and be gentle and be constant it will follow you. Remember you are not your mind. That means you have the power to make your mind follow you and not you following your mind."
Richard Kohn-Theatre & Screen actor
He wrote this in response to reading last week's blog, "A Weight Lifted."
"I think most of us, especially actors tend to focus on our failures instead of our accomplishments. My case in point. Over the past couple of weeks I was the "callback kid" for about 3 or 4 plays - didn't get cast in any of them. What keeps me from being bummed out is that I also got called back for a film and got cast in it. The film: "Across Dot Ave" which will be filmed next month in Dorcester, Mass. I will play Uncle Billy. It is an Indy film with a Sag contract. (Right before publishing this he just found out that he got cast in another film.)Another thing I always remember is what Carol Burnett once said: "If you are talented and don't get the role, you just are not what they were looking for.
Another mantra I try to live by: I have nothing to fear and everything to live for.
Thank you Richard for sharing your positive story. Many times despite what the mind says, we just have to keep running with the horse knowing we have everything to live for-getting on it just might not look like we think. Ride on!
Thank you to each of you that emailed in response to the March 12th issue "A Weight Lifted". Your support, encouragement and shared stories is a beautiful reminder that dots are being connected!
Thank you.
Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day.
I have nothing to fear and everything to live for.
Practice meditating at least 3 days this week-you define what relaxes your mind.
To learn more about Kwabena Rainey Cheeks visit:
An incredible writer and poet. I invite you to read his latest entry
"Standing and Facing" at
His reflections are excerpts from several books. Mark has two new books appearing in 2007: A new book of poems, Surviving Has Made Me Crazy, CavanKerry Press, was just released in February 2007; and a new book of spiritual non-fiction, Facing the Lion, Being the Lion: Inner Courage and Where It Lives, Red Wheel/Conari Press, will appear in September 2007.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
March 5, 2007
Samarra: Thank you so much Sandra for sharing your unique experience and insights around money with us again. A lot of my readers were very intrigued with your story. Although, in this issue you're going to give specific tips to help people stay on top of their finances, very briefly, my readers are very curious. You or your parents must have grown up with money and that is why you rarely worry about it, right?
Sandra: No, neither. My parents were the children of immigrants. They were depression babies. Samarra, believe me, I remember those early hard times very well. My Mom always used coupons and I used to help her cut them out. Whenever she could, she bought large quantities of food supplies on sale, so we'd never be hungry. Fear from hunger. That's security of another sort. One year we had a week long blizzard and no one could get out to the stores. Because of her pantry supplies, we never ran out of food. The only thing we didn't have was fresh milk. To this day I hate powder milk.
Samarra-So your parents truly passed on to you that money matters are very straight forward and matter-of-fact. Whether you have it or not, either way the systems for what you do with it are exactly the same.
Sandra-That's right. You just have to deal with it. So the first thing people should know (speaking of getting beyond the emotion) is that staying on top of your finances is a year round process. The more accurate figures you have, the more you help yourself. When you estimate, all you do is underestimate.
I will go over three things with you today.
1)What you need to take to the person doing your taxes and why.
2)What items you need to save for your records.
3)How to you set up your ledger.
Samarra: Excellent.
Sandra: Remember the purpose for staying on top of your finances is to save yourself as much money as possible. When you don't have accurate records and it comes time to do your taxes, you are cheating yourself out of major deductions. 90% of the time your "estimations" are wrong because you have forgotten more than you've remembered. The only one that is going to suffer is you.
a)Do not go to your tax person unorganized. The more time that your tax person
has to take to "pull" the information from you, the less time they have to
deal with what are your true deductions. Do not bring bags of receipts.
Separate the receipts at home. Tally up the totals and bring a list of the
categories and the totals. If you have some receipts where you are not sure
which category they belong to or if they can be deducted then bring those so
you can ask. Make sure you have gone through your cancelled checks, your
bank statements for debit card purchases, and your credit card receipts as
well as the paper receipts. It may seem like of work, but it will actually
save you time and money. It will give your accountant more time to discover
that legitimate deduction you overlooked. Bring last year's appointment
book and the check register from the checks you wrote last year. Your tax
person may have questions and find more deductions for you.
b)Take your previous years' tax return with you. There is information that
your tax person will need that will determine what is put on your current tax
forms. (At VITA they will not see you unless you have your previous tax
What makes something deductible? Is it "ordinary and necessary" to the operation of your business? To ascertain your "ordinary and necessary" business expense deductions, save your receipts that may apply to your business. Ask yourself do I use this item at least 51% for business? If you throw away the receipt you can't even ask the question and you can't back it up if you're audited. By being knowledgeable about what you spend, you can better help yourself, even in an audit. You know better than anyone else what you spend your money on.
2. Recordkeeping
You don't have to save everything. Some people are anal retentive about it. (What I love about Sandra is everything she speaks about regarding money is in balance-as she voiced these tips I never felt like they were a burdening task-it literally felt like it was just something to do like taking a shower or having a meal.) Save everything that pertains to your business. If you're not sure save it so you can ask your tax person or accountant.
Here are a few basic items to save:
a) Tax Returns (You need to save all of your tax forms for life. If you
paid taxes, clip the cancelled check and your W-2's to that return.
Some day you may need to prove you paid them.)
b) Credit Card Receipts
c) Monthly Bank Statements/checks/deposit slips
d) Any receipts that pertain to Medical expenses
e) Charities
f) Transportation
g) Pay Stubs
h) 1099's
i) contracts
j) W-2's.
You never know when you will need this information. It may be relating to unemployment, Social Security, a pension or the IRS. If you threw it out, you can't prove what you need to prove. Obviously this is not a complete list. But if you spent the money, stop and think do I need to keep this receipt? What if I don't have a receipt? Look for creative ways of recording what you spend. For instance, that business publication you bought at the newsstand usually has a price listed in a corner. Tear that off along with the name and use it as a receipt.
3. Ledger-Having a ledger is empowering. It allows you to know where your money is coming from, how much you're getting and where it's going to. It doesn't matter if it's on paper, in a ledger book or a computer program-whatever system is going to be the easiest for you.
The ledger columns can be:
a) Job
b) Date or Week Ending
c) Amount
d)did the check arrive
e) did the appropriate tax form arrive
f) Who did you work for
g) Any special info you need to note
h) Where money is going
You can add columns as you see a need develop.
Sandra continues to say that you should set up the ledger per week ending.
If you're an actor for instance and you have a gig for 10 weeks you'd write in your ledger each week and log in the columns above when you receive the check. If you have a full time job and you're paid bi-weekly or quarterly write per week based within the time period that you worked. Track all monies that come in: jobs, gigs, an inheritance from Grandma, etc. This is important for actors or those receiving checks where they have had no taxes taken out. It's in your ledger already so at tax time there are no surprises. Depending on the amount of the check, you can decide whether you will need to pay estimated taxes(installments throughout the year), so you don't have a lump sum and penalties to pay at tax time, or if you can offset some of it with deductions. Because you have your ledger you are empowered to make the choices that are going to work best for you!
(Now if you were like me when she said "where the money is going," I thought she meant tracking if I spent the money on a candy bar, dinner, groceries, etc. But Sandra means savings, checking, roth, investments, etc. Overall what I notice is she focuses on money coming in versus money going out. Most budgeting systems focus on where the money was spent but this has no forwarding or nest egg building purpose. Doesn't it seem like it would be a lot more positive to track money coming in versus money going out?
Samarra: Wow! You must have your taxes done in January.
Sandra: Actually I can't do them until March. I have one place that doesn't have to send their paperwork until March 15th so I have to wait until I receive my final information. Well actually I do start it, I just can't finish it without the missing item. My ledger also allows me to make sure that what my employer has reported and what I have are in sync. If they are not, I have records showing the correct amount and my employer would then need to resubmit a corrected tax form. Or with my busy schedule, I may lose track of the fact that an employer didn't send my check. But with my ledger I can easily see that I didn't receive it and after a couple of weeks, I can give them a call and find out where it is. My ledger is allowing me to be proactive. I'm helping myself by being on top of my finances. Eventually what you record becomes automatic. It's a record of the things you want or need to remember.
Samarra: Should we keep track of money going out, in terms of tracking where we're spending money?
Sandra:I think it can be helpful to see what you're actually spending. If you do it, I suggest you use a small notebook, something that is always easy to carry with you. That way it will help you consistently log in what you're spending. Of course, it is imperative to do this if you are a business owner or freelancer. Again this helps you have more deductions. I would recommend setting up a filing system with categories and during the year you can file the items as you go.
Samarra: This has been incredible. Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful information with us.
Sandra: You're welcome.
Samarra: Now for the moment we've all been waiting for. What is a DRIP?
Sandra: A DRIP is a Dividend Reinvestment Plan. Remember I mentioned that my father was preparing to have to pay for three weddings? He did that by using a DRIP. When you buy stock, instead of getting a dividend check in the mail, you choose to buy additional stock with that money. A DRIP allows you to buy a fraction of a share, something that you cannot do on the open market. It automatically keeps growing until you decide to stop. Sometimes there is a small fee charged but it is well worth it. Do you see how this is allowing you to use your money to make more money?
Samarra: Yes. I can see how your father was able to build three nest eggs over time. How can we find out more information about DRIP?
Sandra: There are books in the library on it. DRIP's are usually available for standard companies like Colgate-Palmolive, Verizon and IBM. Or if you know of a company you're interested in investing in, you can ask if they have it. The combination of staying on top of your finances by tracking all incoming monies in your ledger, taking advantage of all of your deductions and investing using a DRIP makes money lose all its emotional weight. When you know what's coming in and from where, it makes it a lot easier to decide where the money should be going.
Remember you deserve to pay yourself first. Always ask yourself "what can I do to help me?" Don't try to do everything at once. Start with a little at a time and expand from there. Eventually it becomes second nature. To Estimate, Is To Underestimate and the only person that loses out is you.
Plan of Action:
1) Have fun setting up your ledger
2) Please share Sandra's invaluable lessons. Share the lessons from this 2 series
blog with at least one other person.
Websites to visit:,,id=107626,00.html
The VITA Program offers free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally, $39,000 and below) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns. Certified volunteers sponsored by various organizations receive training to help prepare basic tax returns in communities across the country. VITA sites are generally located at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls, and other convenient locations. Most locations also offer free electronic filing. To locate the nearest VITA site, call 1-800-829-1040.
Locally-(212) 921-2548
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is an IRS-sponsored tax assistance program that was initiated by Equity in the 1970s. It is run on a volunteer basis by IRS-trained members and provides free tax preparation to members of AEA, SAG, & AFTRA. There are currently programs in New York, Seattle and Orland
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