December 25, 2006
I hope that each of you are having a wonderful day filled with peace, good food and lots of laughter. I will keep it short and sweet today.
I asked my mom this week: Mom, does life ever get any easier?" She laughed and said "no, but it does get clearer. You get less ambivalent about who you're trying to please." During this holiday season-I wish you many moments of decisions and actions made from your core, FOR YOU!
Call to Action: Lay Back Baby and Enjoy the Ride!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Woodhull Institute Dinner Seminar featuring me:
Emotional Money - Understanding how emotions impact our finances, your first step toward financial abundance
Are you tired of making and breaking the same New Year's resolutions around your spending habits? How many times have you promised yourself that you won't waste your money? Why is it that you know how to develop a budget or open an investment account but never seem to get around to it? How many times by the second week of January have you''ve realized that you are spending more than you should but feel powerless to change? Please join us on Wednesday, January 10th to start the year discovering new possibilities for your financial health. By the end of the dinner seminar you will know:
o When you think about your money, what else is being triggered
o When you talk about your bills, what you are really saying
o When you plan for your future, what's being controlled by your past
This dinner seminar will help you understand what hidden roadblocks are hindering you from achieving your financial goals. By understanding your emotions around money, you will learn how to develop healthier financial habits. Don't be frustrated and blame your "money" any longer. Start 2007 being financially inspired.
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Woodhull Office, 770 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York City.
Entrance to the building is on 9th street between Broadway and 4th Avenue.
RSVP: Telephone 646-495-6060, or to email: Click Here
Cost: Free to paid members, $10 for non-paid members
for Woodhull Membership Information: www.woodhull.org
Click on "Programs" then click on "Dinner Seminars"
Please RSVP for this event as seating is limited.
Andre & Judy de Zanger
IDEA CAFE Jan 8th, Monday Night. You are invited to an "IDEA CAFE"
where you can - Explore new Ideas, Re-invent Yourself and your Business
and meet some great people. We will meet on Jan 8th (Monday night) from
6:00 to 7:00 for dinner and Networking and the session from 7 to 9. We
will be exploring “The Typology of AHA” - the 4 Quadrants of Creativity
and INVENTIUM , an Inventing Card Game, which can give you an answer
to almost any problem. So bring a personal or business problem and see
what these creative tools can do for you.
We will meet at Burger Heaven Restaurant 1534 3rd Ave (Between 86th
and 87th Street), in the upstairs room ( We have the whole room
reserved just for us). RSVP at 212 289-8856
or creativityinstitute@juno.com so we know how many people to expect.
This will be a great NETWORKING opportunity to meet Creative - "like
minded” people (bring lots of Business Cards to share). Bring pen and
paper to capture your great ideas. Cost $10
Journey to Yourself
is a unique and powerful six-month program for
women who lead busy lives, yet yearn for a deeper, more fertile way of being
and living. As a participant, you will create what you want for your
life and have opportunities to experience yourself as sacred and
powerful. The program weaves unique activities in with rich discussion
to create a transformative and empowering experience. It is designed to
help women: Become leaders in their communities, Engage life in a new
way, Become an agent of change in their lives, Honor their body as
sacred; Network with a supportive and like-minded community of women;
and Deepen thier relationship to the feminine divine.
For more information, please visit www.womanvis.com or contact us at
info@womanvis.com or 212-501-3892
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2006
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