December 18, 2006
"There is a vitality, a life force,
an energy, a quickening
that is translated through you
into action,
and because there is only one of you in all of time,
this expression is unique.
And if you block it,
it will never exist through any other medium
and be lost.
The world will not have it.
It is not your business to determine how good it is
nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions.
It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly,
to keep the channel open.
You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work.
You have to keep open and aware directly
of the urges that motivate you.
Keep the channel open
by Martha Graham
What was your approach to life this week?
What was your approach to the call to action this week?
Did you read it and say all week you'd do it and then didn't?
At the same time are you feeling stuck around your finances, constantly complaining about the state of your finances? And yet doing the exact same "actions" and expecting different results. Be honest with yourself. It's important because the only person you're hurting is you. So simply take the first step and be honest. We are no longer children that can continue to blame our teachers, parents, husbands and wives for the state of our lives now. Well, we can and we often do but the truth is if we really want to create something different for ourselves, we can. We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zones. We have to be willing to look at ourselves. We have no control over what other people do or feel so it doesn't serve us at all to go down that road. All it does is soothe our ego and let us complain and jabber, but have you noticed it dosen't get us any closer to our goal or alter the circumstances?
I have a goal to get out of debt by September 2007 and to have at least a trillion dollars by 2016. I got a full time job but I am still me. The tape in my head always says "I don't have enough money." I knew I needed to hire a financial advisor. (I see first hand everyday how we block ourselves and just having a coach outside of ourselves leads to major breakthroughs.) My first response of course (all together now) "I don't have enough money." I noticed my familiar language. Stopped. Thought about my goal. Hired them anyway. Guess what? Not only did I actually have the money, more money came-a bonus check from my job, a babysitting opportunity...I took responsibility, took the next step and not only was the money already there, more money followed. Trusting that even if I don't have all the answers, staying open to the "urges that motivate" my core will lead me toward "actions" that will get me (us) out of my (our) comfort zone and closer to my (our) hearts desires!
Here is a story from Andrea Reese who was touched by last week's blog (see
"Reconnecting" at www.emotionalmoney.blogspot.com) She displays clearly the action of taking The Next Step. We can no longer blame those from our past. Now, as adults, if we don't do it, we have no where to look but at ourselves. Stay open, follow your core and here is an example of the rewards that are possible when you dare to TAKE THE NEXT STEP.
"I love the blog post you wrote today. It's so tragic when teachers tell kids
that they either cannot or should not do something they love.
When I was 10, my grandmother took me to a restaurant with a belly dancer. I
decided then and there that I wanted to be a belly dancer. I thought the
dancing was so beautiful and free. I taught myself tons of moves and at the
end of the school year, I belly danced at my school's talent show.
After my performance, one of my school teachers cornered me and said my
dancing was immoral, against god, etc. Although I wasn't from a religious
background, she scared me, and I stopped dancing right then and there.
20 years later an acting teacher suggested I go back to belly dancing. I
took a 3-session Learning Annex class and at the end of the first session,
the teacher pulled me aside and told me I had real talent and should study
seriously, which I did for 2 years. I ended up dancing in a movie, a PBS
special, and a few other things, and also teaching belly dancing to
Thank you Andrea for sharing your beautiful and inspiring story.
(20 years later many of us still would not have followed our hearts desire based on what the teacher said in the past.) We're adults now-push beyond the past emotion and trust and listen to your core.
1) Write down any money you spend this week. The item and the amount.
2) Write down your financial heart's desire?
On Sunday (Christams Eve)
Look over the emotion you identified the first week, your self-made calendar from last week and the money you spent this week? Are they in line with you attaining your heart's financial desire?
To get the most from these Call to Action's contact me for your free consultation
(Free only until December 31st)
email: samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
phone: 718-350-6095
Samarra Am Management
Healing One on One
Monday, Janary 22nd at Ripley Grier Studios in Midtown.
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.
Andra & Judy de Zanger
Topology of Creativity
January 8th-7pm-9pm
To learn more about this incredible creative team visit their website:
or call 212-289-8856
Full Time receptionist position at 42nd and 5th Ave.
Fax resume to Marie at 212-993-9581
If you are a business owner and would like to list your specials for "Emotional Money" readers please email me your info by Saturday of the week and I'll post it.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2006
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