December 11, 2006
During the holidays we often think of connecting with family and friends.
I invite you to reconnect with yourself. I took a drawing/art class and there were about 8 adults gluing, coloring, making collages, sculpting, and drawing. The weighed-down thinking adults who entered the room were all smiling and loose when we exited. I remember my art teacher in 4th grade made it clear to me and the class that I couldn't draw. That was true. However prior to his comment I enjoyed drawing. The process was more important to me than worrying about the outcome. After his comment-I only thought about the result and the process was ruined. I hated drawing. But I had a blast this weekend. I didn't care about the result. I reconnected to the fun of the process. The fun of cutting out pictures from magazines, getting glue all over my fingers and yes-even actually drawing-my favorite-making swirls in bright peach, yellow and blue.
I read an article in the newspaper last week. They were talking about the $938 million dollar surplus that the subway system has this year. The next line said
"But next year will be a different story, there is going to be a deficit." While there is a surplus they are predicting the deficit. Who says there has to be a deficit? "They" do-my teacher, the media, the president, the advertisers, the... And you know what? Since "they" said IT, IT WILL probably happen. So unless we reconnect to our own centers, how do we know if we are creating in our lives what we truly want? Are we simply allowing what "they" say is going to happen-to happen? The teacher said I couldn't draw so I didn't. He said it but I didn't have to allow it to ruin my enjoyment of the process for the next 20 years. Someone might have told you you were bad at numbers, or bad with money or bad at... and therefore guess what? You are. But reconnect with yourself. Before someone else said IT did you actually enjoy IT?
There are 2 weeks before Christmas and the rule from "them"is connect outside yourself. Every second of everyday leading up to Christmas day we are told get those presents, buy, buy. buy. What if as a child you used to write or draw, paint, sculpt, sing, do math, science, chemistry, and that was the gift you gave yourself. To reconnect to your process. To reconnect to you. I have an entire plastic bag of art pieces. Me.
AND they were pretty damn good, too.
To my 4th grade art teacher-how ya like me now?
I don't care. I reconnected to ME.
I'm still bellowing MINGA! (see December 4th blog-"Butterflies of Bliss")
Make a calendar. Do this with crayons, color paper, clay, a chess board, sheet music, glue-anything that as a child you had fun playing with. Follow these steps as the child in you that welcomed projects as a new adventure.
December 2006
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Step 1: Gather all of your Bills-(If this sentence makes you cringe just choose 3 bills)
Step 2: Write the bill and amount due on the corresponding calendar date
(i.e. Comcast-$100 written in space for December 15th on calendar)
Step 3: Gather your income (make sure accurate amt. after taxes, etc.)
Step 4: Write the souce and the income amount on the corresponding date(s) on calendar
What do you notice?
Notice certain weeks you have more income than expenses.
Notice certain weeks you have more expenses than income.
Notice how you can work your money versus your money working you.
For example: If you have more income the second week of the month and many more bills the last week of the month then the “extra” from the second week you pay towards the bills that are due the last week of the month. Instead of getting to the last week and saying “I don’t have enough money.”
If you know you want to go out for dinner or take a vacation the same principle applies: Write it on the calendar. Don’t think of all the circumstances as why you can’t simply write it down. You see on your calendar your income and expenses-if you save $20 each week at the end you’ll have $80. So instead of eating out every day for lunch you’ll take your lunch and save the “extra” for your vacation, shoes, dinner etc. Write it down-claim it.
Make a plan and work your plan.
After completing the exercise: How do you feel now?
What did you rediscover about you?
For a free consultation (only until December 31st) email me at
samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. or call 718-350-6095!
Samarra Am Management seminar entitled
Healing One on One
Monday, Janary 22nd in Midtown.
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.
The Women's Mosiac Holiday Bazzar Fundraiser
"Buy that pefect gift, learn something new, support dynamic women and have fun!"
I'll be one of the speakers-Hope to see you there!
This Wednesday, December 13, 2006 from 6:30pm-9pm.
web: http://www.thewomensmosaic.org
Full Time receptionist position at 42nd and 5th Ave.
Fax resume to Marie at 212-993-9581
If you are a business owner and would like to list your specials for "Emotional Money" readers please email me your info by Saturday of the week and I'll post it.
www.womensstudiocenter.org (beautiful space where I attended class)
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2006
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