June 8, 2009
I will no longer be posting blogs to this address.
To view my new monthly blog please visit www.coreconversationsinaction.blogspot.com.
If you would like to receive the blog automatically please email me at ccnaction@gmail.com with the subject "Please add me to blog list."
Thank you for viewing "Emotional Money." It has been a wonderful journey. Please feel free to look through the archives. In alignment with my move to Upstate NY, I felt it was also time to move my blog beyond the "emotional" to one dedicated to inspiring aligned action! Join me at www.coreconversationsinaction.blogspot.com.
Being Inspired is not enough. Being inspired to the point of taking action, THAT is what alters life!
For a free consultation I can be reached at 718-350-6095.
Or you can email me at ccnaction@gmail.com to learn about my upcoming 4 week seminar, Facing Your Financial Fears starting Thursday, September 10th through Broome Community College and held at Big Tent Cultural Center in Whitney Point, NY. Visit my website at www.healingfinances.com or contact me to learn more!
Thank you so much for three years of "Emotional Money." I hope you join me at Core Conversations In Action for the next phase of this exhilarating journey!
Samarra Mbenga
Monday, June 08, 2009
May 4, 2009
Someone asked me today how am I able to have so much trust in myself.
I responded with the truth. "By my heart being shattered in a million pieces." The ending of my marriage. It wasn't voluntary. But what was voluntary was my response to living beyond my greatest fear: that I was unworthy of being loved.
Though I prayed for death literally when my marriage ended, by surviving beyond it, I realized that all my beliefs and lessons about the point of life were totally incorrect. At 25 I was starting from a place I had never known before - the realization that I knew absolutely nothing about life or my role in it.
I set out to get to the bottom of what is true. Finding the key to THAT DISCOVERY was more important than being right, more important than making sure my family and friends agreed with me, more important than finding that right partner and being loved, more important than anything. I believe that I have found that truth. It is not true, that we are here to suffer and sacrifice and forge alone...this is the manifestation of human conditioning based on lack and fear. We are here to learn, to grow, to love and to thrive in community and the only thing stopping us from achieving profound abundance, peace and prosperity is ourselves. We are afraid to live from our truths.
The shattering of my heart was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I had spent my life being a professional actress. I had obtained everything I ever wanted -great career, great reviews, great roles, and earning all of my income from acting. I had attained externally everything I wanted but I always felt like something was missing. But at my core, I didn't love who I was and that truth had a profound effect on all aspects of my life. It was why I ended up in my marriage in the first place. Just because we may not be willing to admit the inauthenticities doesn't mean that they don't exist. Eventually, if we remain inauthentic, it catches up to us (current economic situation). We can't heal or fix the issue if we haven't first identified what the issue is. The "fixes" - money, marriage, career, relationship, food etc. causes other issues because the real one hasn't yet been identified so therefore it can't be healed. We can save ourselves the shattered hearts by going beyond the surface to the core. We are all connected and TOGETHER we can help each other get out of our own way by being willing to admit, identify, and face our greatest fears so we may live our truth. It's well worth it.
My life is now unrecognizable. I'm a business owner and I spend my time helping people shed their fears and thrive. I'm living in the country where I meditate and work out every day at a lake that is two minutes away. I have 7 Weight Watchers meetings and I just launched a brand new meeting today in a building that my mother owns (www.bigtentculturalcenter.com) that is 4 doors from where I live and 51 people came to the very first meeting. I have found such peace, love and prosperity and it can never be taken away. The internals and externals are mirrors of each other. Previously I was out of alignment internally so it manifested in a relationship based on emotional abuse and a career that was fine but unfulfilling. Presently I'm living in alignment with my truth and my relationship, the opportunities and exponential growth of every single thing I've come in contact with is in complete alignment with my truth. We are here to grow, learn, love and be loved, and thrive continuously. But we must be willing to get out of our own way!
What are the key elements to getting out of our own way:
A need, desire or want for yourself and your life that has nothing to do with anyone else.
The willingness to be truthful about that need, desire and want.
The understanding of the value of having a true support system.
Willingness to take actions towards your core wants.
Willingness to love and be loved in return.
Willingness to say "I don't know."
A willingness to being financially honest, responsible & to hold yourself accountable.
To have some piece of you that believes that we are not what we fear.
Every time I've set my heart to something, it has manifested. Every single time. I know the same is true for you. The work of SM Management is building a community that will allow us to manifest from our core being and no longer play small with something as precious as our lives, consistently and continuously. Being inspired isn't enough, being inspired to the point of taking consistent authentic actions, THAT is when our lives alter.
(Note: There must be at least 4 people and no more than 6 for the series to occur.)
There will be no sessions during the week of July 4th)
Series I
Starts Wednesday, June 3rd 7am - 8:30am
Ends Wednesday, August 26th at 8am - 9:30am
June 3, 10, 17, & 24
July 8, 15, 22, & 29
August 5, 12, 19, 26
(Next Series I will start September 9th)
Series II
Starts Saturday, June 6th at 8am - 9:30am
Ends Saturday, August 29th at 8am - 9:30am
June 6, 13, 20, & 27
July 11, 18, & 25th
August 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
(Next Series II will start September 12th)
Meditation will be done for 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each call.
Actions will be identified for each person (discovered through conversation) and followed through on during the week.
Talking and wanting is NOT ENOUGH. There is no way for us to understand our power and the abundance the universe has for us if we are not willing to take actions towards them. There is no other way except to face our fears head on. Collectively it will be easier to face them and that is what can build our confidence in who we are at our core.
To build trust in who you are.
To spend your time on this planet engaged in what you were sent here to do.
To love who you are.
To shed your shames and be healed.
To experience your dreams actually manifesting and coming true.
To find and connect with others on the same journey.
To tackle your financial fears.
To get your finances organized & in order with a system that is yours.
To live your life AS YOU.
I am interested only in those on a mission to live their lives empowered, free, in ease and abundantly. If you are "ok" with your life as it is, then this is not the teleseminar for you. The only thing to propel us forward beyond our conditioning and fears is when you've reached the place where "ok" is no longer enough. "Ok" will mean different things to different people. Whether that means that you feel like something is missing, or you feel discouraged, angry, depressed, sad or are just plain bored, or you just have a sense that there is something more, than this is the teleseminar for you. If you'd like to wake up every morning energized and in love with yourself and your life, inside & out, spiritually and financially, then this is the teleseminar for you.
Wednesday, May 13th from 7am-8:30am & Saturday, May 16th from 8am-9:30am. I will have an informational session (including 10 minute meditation) so you may get a taste of what we will be creating for the summer of 2009. If you are interested in doing the teleseminar you would need to commit to being on one of these calls. If you are unsure but want to get more information please send me an email at ccnaction@gmail.comwith "teleseminar informational session" in the heading and your info and I will send you the teleconference call number.
Early Registration Fee:
If you register by May 18th it's $120.00 per month for a total of $360.00.
Registration Deadline for both series is May 25th $200 per month for a total of $600.00
If we have worked together you know that the results are far beyond and different from what you expected. You get a piece of yourself that you didn't know was missing. My rate is usually $70/hour. This is a HUGE savings to receive something that is priceless. But since this is the launch of this particular model and I am aware of my own blockages that I believe will be released from this process, it is well worth a huge reduction in the price.
Take the time this month to see if you are living the life you want and more importantly if you are not, what are you willing to do about it?
To apply:
Please email me at ccnaction@gmail.com your
Teleseminar Session Attending - Session I - Wednesday's or Session II - Saturdays
Informational session attending: Wednesday, May 13th or Saturday, May 16th.
Please answer in no more than 50-100 words per question:
1. In what area are you not satisfied in your life? or In what area do you want to propel your life to the next level?
2. How long have you not been satisfied in this area? or How long have you been wanting to propel to the next level?
3. Why do you feel that now you would be willing to do something about it? What is different, what has changed for you?
4. What would you want to achieve by attending this exclusive summer Core Conversations In Action Teleseminar Series?
5. I will register by: May 18th or by May 25th
Once this is received I will give you a phone call so we may have a core conversation and from there inform you of your acceptance if applicable and the details on how to register. Receipt of the questions above, having a core conversation with me & attending one of the informational sessions are mandatory to participate in this teleseminar series.
Remember this is an exclusive opportunity and there are only 12 slots available. The sooner you take action on the items listed above the better your chances of being apart of this exclusive opportunity.
If you're ready to let go of the emotional and get into action begin today by applying for
Thank you to my incredible clients who have had the courage to act from their truths. It is because of you that I have not only experienced but saw over and over again a pattern that when we do that, it works, no matter age, race, culture, career, sex, or financial status, that action from truth works 100% of the time. My apologies to those who love facebook, that group will be created with those involved in the teleseminar series.
This will be the last blog that you will receive from emotionalmoney@gmail.com
If you would like to receive the new monthly blog CORE CONVERSATIONS IN ACTION (1st Monday of every month)
you must send an email to my new address ccnaction@gmail.com with heading
"Please add to mailing list."
I will not add anyone automatically.
Bittersweet endings lead to the next exciting phase of new beginnings.
I hope you'll join me for the next stage!
Someone asked me today how am I able to have so much trust in myself.
I responded with the truth. "By my heart being shattered in a million pieces." The ending of my marriage. It wasn't voluntary. But what was voluntary was my response to living beyond my greatest fear: that I was unworthy of being loved.
Though I prayed for death literally when my marriage ended, by surviving beyond it, I realized that all my beliefs and lessons about the point of life were totally incorrect. At 25 I was starting from a place I had never known before - the realization that I knew absolutely nothing about life or my role in it.
I set out to get to the bottom of what is true. Finding the key to THAT DISCOVERY was more important than being right, more important than making sure my family and friends agreed with me, more important than finding that right partner and being loved, more important than anything. I believe that I have found that truth. It is not true, that we are here to suffer and sacrifice and forge alone...this is the manifestation of human conditioning based on lack and fear. We are here to learn, to grow, to love and to thrive in community and the only thing stopping us from achieving profound abundance, peace and prosperity is ourselves. We are afraid to live from our truths.
The shattering of my heart was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I had spent my life being a professional actress. I had obtained everything I ever wanted -great career, great reviews, great roles, and earning all of my income from acting. I had attained externally everything I wanted but I always felt like something was missing. But at my core, I didn't love who I was and that truth had a profound effect on all aspects of my life. It was why I ended up in my marriage in the first place. Just because we may not be willing to admit the inauthenticities doesn't mean that they don't exist. Eventually, if we remain inauthentic, it catches up to us (current economic situation). We can't heal or fix the issue if we haven't first identified what the issue is. The "fixes" - money, marriage, career, relationship, food etc. causes other issues because the real one hasn't yet been identified so therefore it can't be healed. We can save ourselves the shattered hearts by going beyond the surface to the core. We are all connected and TOGETHER we can help each other get out of our own way by being willing to admit, identify, and face our greatest fears so we may live our truth. It's well worth it.
My life is now unrecognizable. I'm a business owner and I spend my time helping people shed their fears and thrive. I'm living in the country where I meditate and work out every day at a lake that is two minutes away. I have 7 Weight Watchers meetings and I just launched a brand new meeting today in a building that my mother owns (www.bigtentculturalcenter.com) that is 4 doors from where I live and 51 people came to the very first meeting. I have found such peace, love and prosperity and it can never be taken away. The internals and externals are mirrors of each other. Previously I was out of alignment internally so it manifested in a relationship based on emotional abuse and a career that was fine but unfulfilling. Presently I'm living in alignment with my truth and my relationship, the opportunities and exponential growth of every single thing I've come in contact with is in complete alignment with my truth. We are here to grow, learn, love and be loved, and thrive continuously. But we must be willing to get out of our own way!
What are the key elements to getting out of our own way:
A need, desire or want for yourself and your life that has nothing to do with anyone else.
The willingness to be truthful about that need, desire and want.
The understanding of the value of having a true support system.
Willingness to take actions towards your core wants.
Willingness to love and be loved in return.
Willingness to say "I don't know."
A willingness to being financially honest, responsible & to hold yourself accountable.
To have some piece of you that believes that we are not what we fear.
Every time I've set my heart to something, it has manifested. Every single time. I know the same is true for you. The work of SM Management is building a community that will allow us to manifest from our core being and no longer play small with something as precious as our lives, consistently and continuously. Being inspired isn't enough, being inspired to the point of taking consistent authentic actions, THAT is when our lives alter.
(Note: There must be at least 4 people and no more than 6 for the series to occur.)
There will be no sessions during the week of July 4th)
Series I
Starts Wednesday, June 3rd 7am - 8:30am
Ends Wednesday, August 26th at 8am - 9:30am
June 3, 10, 17, & 24
July 8, 15, 22, & 29
August 5, 12, 19, 26
(Next Series I will start September 9th)
Series II
Starts Saturday, June 6th at 8am - 9:30am
Ends Saturday, August 29th at 8am - 9:30am
June 6, 13, 20, & 27
July 11, 18, & 25th
August 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
(Next Series II will start September 12th)
Meditation will be done for 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each call.
Actions will be identified for each person (discovered through conversation) and followed through on during the week.
Talking and wanting is NOT ENOUGH. There is no way for us to understand our power and the abundance the universe has for us if we are not willing to take actions towards them. There is no other way except to face our fears head on. Collectively it will be easier to face them and that is what can build our confidence in who we are at our core.
To build trust in who you are.
To spend your time on this planet engaged in what you were sent here to do.
To love who you are.
To shed your shames and be healed.
To experience your dreams actually manifesting and coming true.
To find and connect with others on the same journey.
To tackle your financial fears.
To get your finances organized & in order with a system that is yours.
To live your life AS YOU.
I am interested only in those on a mission to live their lives empowered, free, in ease and abundantly. If you are "ok" with your life as it is, then this is not the teleseminar for you. The only thing to propel us forward beyond our conditioning and fears is when you've reached the place where "ok" is no longer enough. "Ok" will mean different things to different people. Whether that means that you feel like something is missing, or you feel discouraged, angry, depressed, sad or are just plain bored, or you just have a sense that there is something more, than this is the teleseminar for you. If you'd like to wake up every morning energized and in love with yourself and your life, inside & out, spiritually and financially, then this is the teleseminar for you.
Wednesday, May 13th from 7am-8:30am & Saturday, May 16th from 8am-9:30am. I will have an informational session (including 10 minute meditation) so you may get a taste of what we will be creating for the summer of 2009. If you are interested in doing the teleseminar you would need to commit to being on one of these calls. If you are unsure but want to get more information please send me an email at ccnaction@gmail.comwith "teleseminar informational session" in the heading and your info and I will send you the teleconference call number.
Early Registration Fee:
If you register by May 18th it's $120.00 per month for a total of $360.00.
Registration Deadline for both series is May 25th $200 per month for a total of $600.00
If we have worked together you know that the results are far beyond and different from what you expected. You get a piece of yourself that you didn't know was missing. My rate is usually $70/hour. This is a HUGE savings to receive something that is priceless. But since this is the launch of this particular model and I am aware of my own blockages that I believe will be released from this process, it is well worth a huge reduction in the price.
Take the time this month to see if you are living the life you want and more importantly if you are not, what are you willing to do about it?
To apply:
Please email me at ccnaction@gmail.com your
Teleseminar Session Attending - Session I - Wednesday's or Session II - Saturdays
Informational session attending: Wednesday, May 13th or Saturday, May 16th.
Please answer in no more than 50-100 words per question:
1. In what area are you not satisfied in your life? or In what area do you want to propel your life to the next level?
2. How long have you not been satisfied in this area? or How long have you been wanting to propel to the next level?
3. Why do you feel that now you would be willing to do something about it? What is different, what has changed for you?
4. What would you want to achieve by attending this exclusive summer Core Conversations In Action Teleseminar Series?
5. I will register by: May 18th or by May 25th
Once this is received I will give you a phone call so we may have a core conversation and from there inform you of your acceptance if applicable and the details on how to register. Receipt of the questions above, having a core conversation with me & attending one of the informational sessions are mandatory to participate in this teleseminar series.
Remember this is an exclusive opportunity and there are only 12 slots available. The sooner you take action on the items listed above the better your chances of being apart of this exclusive opportunity.
If you're ready to let go of the emotional and get into action begin today by applying for
Thank you to my incredible clients who have had the courage to act from their truths. It is because of you that I have not only experienced but saw over and over again a pattern that when we do that, it works, no matter age, race, culture, career, sex, or financial status, that action from truth works 100% of the time. My apologies to those who love facebook, that group will be created with those involved in the teleseminar series.
This will be the last blog that you will receive from emotionalmoney@gmail.com
If you would like to receive the new monthly blog CORE CONVERSATIONS IN ACTION (1st Monday of every month)
you must send an email to my new address ccnaction@gmail.com with heading
"Please add to mailing list."
I will not add anyone automatically.
Bittersweet endings lead to the next exciting phase of new beginnings.
I hope you'll join me for the next stage!
Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30, 2009
The final weekly blog: Emotional Money Bittersweet.
THANK YOU for the contributions, the sharing, the love, the advice...the journey!
THANK YOU to each and every one of you!
With every ending, there is a new beginning.
I hope you join me in the next stage: CORE CONVERSATIONS IN ACTION. You'll receive an invitation towards the end of April to add your name to this list. No one will be automatically added.
In this time of automatic payment plans, automatic swipes, and automatic bill pay -there is a time when automatic is what we know but not what actually propels us to the next level. Automatic is not enough. To propel & grow we must...
first, have a desire,
second, have faith in who we are,
third, a belief that what we want to attain is possible,
fourth,, a supportive community that is committed to reminding us of our greatness when we forget, &
fifth, the willingness to take actions towards our desires consistently & repeatedely.
What is automatic has been provided to make things easier, but when the foundation hasn't been established, automatic patterns hurt us because they can keep us away from living our lives to our fullest. Automatic, allows the bills to keep coming in even though there is no more money in the bank. Once we become conscious, automatic instantly loses its power and we can decide what bills get paid and which ones can not and make arrangements accordingly. We are in "control" because we've made the choice to take responsibility. As I take the responsibility to develop the system and structure that will aid in having faith in who we are, I will ask you to have to take an action. Make a conscious choice to be apart of this community because you not only have a desire but in spite of what you don't know or can't see you have a need to take action! Not just any action, but actions in alignment with who you are and what you actually desire. I hope to see you in May in Core Conversations, the lauching of a system of activities and options dedicated to the building of our faith in who we are !
Thank you to each and everyone of you! Emotional Money, a compilation of the blogs will be available for sale by November of 2010.
Committed to Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled & Free
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
Teleseminar: Sandra Bloom Record Keeping Monday, April 13, 2009
Committed to Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled & Free
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23, 2009
The announcements I'm going to make today are nothing that I imagined. But leaning into the root, the truth is the only way. This week the recurring theme is trying to force ourselves to be what we think we should be. We can't. At the root, the core, the foundation, is WHAT IS. When we try to go around WHAT IS, we might get away with it for a little while. But the foundation/the authentic truth/ will eventually show itself. Why not deal with WHAT IS the truth NOW? Because we are afraid, afraid that what we fear is already true. It is not already true. It is not true at all. But we have no way of knowing that unless we lean into the fear, lean into the pain, lean into WHAT IS our authentic core. Only from this scary place can we receive something more than the temporary fix of surface things. There is no way around it. As scary and painful as it may seem, everytime we lean in authentically to WHAT IS at the root, we find release from pain and fear and faith in ourselves waiting on the other side.
My last weekly "Emotional Money" blog will be next Monday, March 30th. I will do it monthly and in between continue to announce the activities for Samarra Am Management and other businesses and/or opportunities. The Emotional Money Woman's Retreat scheduled for May 1-3 is postponed. When the retreat was planned we had no idea that I would be living here. Resources have been of course needed and used towards my move. And my increased schedule of becoming Business Manager for Big Tent Cultural Center and doing 4 Weight Watchers meetings in addition to my roster of clients won't allow for the time needed to plan and promote the retreat.
I am moving to take action based on the core work around faith. This work will concentrate on building an active, intentional, ENGAGED community that takes actions to support each other through the scary process of leaning toward release and faith.
I have been blessed with some incredible clients who have been willing to take risks, be authentic and take actions in alignment with their core versus their habits. This is the life-altering work I want to be engaged in. My blog has given me the chance to talk about this work -- a first step. The next, and I feel mandatory step, is actually building the support systems for taking those "scary authentic" actions CONSISTENTLY. That is how we build our faith in ourselves -- through consistent action.
The blog has been...incredible. It has been such a gift to share the thoughts that go on inside my head and have others respond or share their insights and experiences. But it's time for me to take that next step to focus on actions that support a collective "leaning in". I am grateful to each and every one of you.
My business over these three years has grown each year and it has all been from referrals. To thank you, moving forward, I will be giving 10% of the cost of the package purchased, to those that referred someone.
In April I'll send out information on how to sign up for the new list (which I feel will have a different title) for those interested in engaging in the practices discussed and having conversations with myself and other readers regarding our processes and journies which will be officially launched in May. It will include monthly commitments around meditating and being willing to not only explore but to take actions and build your faith in who you are at your core.
I'll see you next week for the final rendition of Emotional Money has it has always been. Here's to the next step!
THANK YOU for sharing this incredible journey!
Barbara Sher's big 24 hour GLOBAL IDEA PARTY to celebrate the
30th anniversary of her first book, Wishcraft. Don’t miss this giant
brainstorming festival of ideas! We welcome you to call in and tell us your dream and obstacle and we’ll help figure out how you can get it.
The Idea Party will start on Monday, March 23th, at 8pm USA Eastern Standard
time and end 24 hours later, on Tuesday, March 24th, at 8pm Eastern Standard
time (New York time)
Here’s some info about the party, including the phone numbers and access codes.
The party will be happening simultaneously in 2 places, online and by phone, and we welcome you
to join in at either one or both places at any time during the 24 hours.
You’re invited to ask questions, make comments, and give suggestions. Success Team leaders from around the world will be there to help come up with ideas.
For directions on how to use Twitter, go to this link:
Once you’ve registered in twitter, you might find that it’s easier to follow
what’s going on during the party by using this site, which parallels
The access phone number will be used the whole time, but every six hours the
access code will change, so there will be a slight pause and everyone will
dial in again and enter the new number. The main number and all access
codes are in this link:
Since we are expecting a large volume of callers, we ask that once you are
connected to the call, you mute your phone by pressing *6.
If you want to make a comment during the call or ask a question, you can
un-mute your phone by pressing *6 again, but once you’ve gotten an answer,
please go back to mute.
Let’s make this a grand party. Can’t wait!
Andrea Reese, NYC Success Team Leader
As of Monday, March 23, 2009
Hi Samarra,
I just posted the first group of April Integrity Days. Several of
the March days filled up, so make sure to register ASAP.
To view the latest schedule of upcoming Integrity Days, visit:
If you'd like to suggest a date and time for an Integrity Day, or
if you'd like me to host one for you and your friends and
colleagues, please call me at 203-659-6636.
You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in four hours --
and how much fun you can have doing it -- when you have an
enthusiastic support group cheering you on.
I look forward to "seeing" you at an Integrity Day soon! Get ready
Peace & Passion,
Curtis G. Schmitt
Turn On to Life! Coach
203-659-6636 | 610-696-3731
Committed to Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled & Free
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009

March 10, 2009
1. confidence or trust in a person or thing.
2. belief that is not based on proof
Today marks the one week and two day anniversary of my arrival to Whitney Point, New York. Within this time period my account was breached and they overdrew my account by $800, one of my beloved cats was lost behind a wall for 11 hours, UHaul failed to return my calls to reimburse me on an item I ended up not renting, and my computer is frozen.
I was invited to a business networking event my first night of arrival, I signed a new client, I was able to open and set up Big Tent for the Broome Community College's flower arranging class my second day here, it was approved today that I'll be bringing and leading Weight Watchers meetings at The Big Tent, I took a 2 hour walk around the lake in the middle of the day and counted over 100 geese honking overhead, and am getting the greatest thrill out of being with my family, going to work, home, the laundrymat, a great Italian restaurant and the Dollar Store on foot all across the street from eachother.
It has been a whirlwind of a week and no matter how great or terrifying the circumstances, my core has remained steadfast. I can't describe it. Regardless of any and all circumstances there is not only a sense but a KNOWING that everything is truly PERFECT, and that what is occuring is simply supposed to be!
We are taught to have faith in others, God, things, affirmations, money, job, partners, etc. everything outside of who we are. So at the end of the day there is always someone/something else to blame and/or give credit to. The ultimate practice, however is to work on our Faith in who we are. Life is change and when we have ourselves at our core, nothing can scare us enough to stop us. The knowing is there and that trumps all people, places, circumstances and things.
It, FAITH is OF & IN you so it doesn't matter what is said, done or seen.
There are specific actions and processes that we each individually need in order to build our faith in ourselves. I've been here one week and I KNOW clearly that this is the purpose of Samarra Am Management. To help us each develop the practices that individually develop our faith in ourselves, so we may go out and collectively, regardless of the circumstances, and relying on what the naked eye can see, remain true to our purpose here on this earth. I had to move here to experience what I have known. I am here now to engage consistently in the actions that support the FAITH that I now know and have experienced.
This journey is not possible alone. Thank you Mommy, Jim, Terry, Wiley, Andrea, Charlotte, Julia, & to each and every one of my inspiring clients! You have no idea of the great contributions you have each made that have allowed me to arrive where I am. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope every reader will join me, not just in reading and witnessing but in participating in actions that cause you to build your FAITH in yourself!
Visit www.manhattanarts.com/index.html
Click on "Reading Room" and click on "Arts & Business" and then on "Career & Business" to see an ACTION you can start to take TODAY.
I met Renee Phillips, Director of Manhattan Arts International, at an incredible healing event that she organized. She in an amazing coach, speaker, artist and author. For the last 28 years she has helped so many artists have FAITH in their art generating abundance. I am honored that she has posted my article, "Creating Your Financial Canvas" on her website. http://www.manhattanarts.com/readingroom/ezine/CareerBusiness/index.htm
If you are an artists, male or female, please consider submitting your work as another ACTION you can take to build your FAITH.
Click on "Artists Wanted for "Celebrate HerStory 2009" Online Exhibition featuring more than 40 Artists".
Manhattan Arts International’s Sixth HerStory competition / online exhibition. It will run from June 10, 2009 – September 10, 2009. The purpose is to offer winning artists international exposure and to bring attention to art in a broad range of styles and media related to "HerStory". Entry Deadline: May 17, 2009. Notification: On or before June 10.
Ongoing teleseminar & seminar series WILL be announced on March 30th!
If there is something in particular that you'd like to discuss PLEASE let me know at emotionalmoney@gmail.com.
For a weekend dedicated to building your faith in yourself, please RSVP for the 1st Annual Emotional Money Retreat, May 1-May 3. It is right around the corner and I hope you'll join us!
For details go to www.healingfinances.com and click on "Emotional Money Retreat."
Committed to Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled & Free
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24, 2009
Thank you so much for those that joined me for a lovely Sunday farewell enjoying August Gold's inspirational sermon on love, and for the laughs, sharing yummy muffins and fun. I greatly appreciated your presence!
Embarking on a spirtual journey, we just never know where the next road traveled will lead. As I'm packing my boxes, the terror of the unknown is making itself...known. My computer is freezing (which is why this is late) but amazingly this morning it's working. My phone has frozen and I've gotten it fixed 3 times, my bathtub was clogged to the point where I used a bucket to get the water out and it just gurgled and filled back up! A few weeks ago, I was lit up and inspired and so excited, I still am but the terror and obstacles are more prominant now.
WHAT THE H _ _ _ AM I DOING? But this time I know not to let the terror stop me. Beneath the surface, at my center I am thrilled by what is possible. Many of you are on the spirtual journey and have been faced with hard choices and are feeling that with everything that is going on with the economy, friends and family members losing their jobs, or just feeling a general sense of unease and for some like me sheer terror at the magnitude of the changes. It only means that there is more that is required you. Life, love, growth is not static, it's an everchanging flow that demands continuous growth. When you are in alignment, beneath the terror there is a thrill, an unexplainable excitement, a sense of what is possible. On your path, don't just let the fear, ok terror, stop you. Keep going because your release is found in the follow through. Following a spirtual path, acting on faith beyond what you can see and what you know, having the courage to leap off the cliff, follow your core, and chance what is intellecutally unknown yet spirtually aligned and known simply means that more is required of you, more is required of me, more is required...Meditate, Excercise, Eat Well to help support the spirual path of unknown terror and overwhelming thrill.
I will return to Emotional Money on Monday, March 9th. Thank you for BEING!
Think of someone that you have always admired, famous or not.
Pick up a book on them and/or research them online or if you know them, ask a few questions. You'll find that what they all have in common is that they did several "somethings" in their lives that was not expected of them but what was spirtually required and they leapt, in spite of their fears and the fears of those around them.
ONLY ONE WEEK left, I'm offering a celebratory 25% off of all my packages that are booked during February. (conditions apply)
I've decided to announce my new services and teleseminars series after I relocate!
Committing to Living and Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled and Free!
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 16, 2009
Reoccuring theme for this week:
Do you know that feeling you get when a certain decison enters your...consciouness and everything just makes sense? You may have been feeling confused and overwhelmed one second before but the moment a certain decision, usually the one that wasn't expected, arises, everything gets very clear. We usually experience it and then push past that point until we return back to feeling confused and overwhelmed again. Sometimes for a few days, we'll remain in that confused state. Then we end up choosing between two decisions that have nothing to do with THE decision that brought us clarity.
Many times the sense of overwhelm that we feel is simply due to our lack of preparation and planning. For example: if we have several bills due, we'll fret over not having enough money instead of choosing instead to face what it is that we fear: tally up our expenses and make a plan to figure out how to bring in what we are going to need.
If we choose our decisions from our places of clarity followed by a plan to implement it, what a one, two knockout punch it could be?!!
Imagine what we could accomplish if we choose those unexpected clear decisions continously instead of just every once in a while.
Choose (not make) CHOOSE decisions from your place of clarity!
If you'd like to schedule a consultation before I move Upstate March 1st, I'm offering a celebratory 25% off of all my packages that are booked during February. (conditions apply)
In the next two weeks, I will be announcing my regularly scheduled monthly teleseminars that will begin in March, and my new service for Samarra Am Managment clients only: 30 minute Core Check-In Consultations. Don't waste time trying to figure out anymore if you should do something or not - your core will reveal all in a matter of a few minutes. Let me help you allieviate the fears to do what you know you really want to!
Please join me for an informal farewell gathering on Sunday, February 22nd at Sacred Center New York from 11am-12:30pm at 16 Clarkson Street. www.sacredcenterny.org. It's one block from the Houston Street stop on the 1 line. And after the service we'll take a walk to a place close by to talk and laugh and have a fabulous time!
Please be at Clarkson at 10:45am and we'll meet in the lobby. Please let me know at emotionalmoney@gmail.com if you'll be coming!
Committing to Living and Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled and Free!
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
Monday, February 09, 2009

February 11, 2009
When I left my job, my security, my safe haven I had no idea of the true step that I was taking. I was taking a step towards my commitment to Samarra Am Management.
Each week there tends to be a common theme that shows up with my customers, on the radio, conversations with friends, etc. It shows up everywhere. This week it has been being unconscious to the cost of the price we pay for engaging in our habits. We oftentimes will decide that we are strong enough to take it, strong enough to stay, strong enough to bide our time, strong enough to make it ok for the other person. It is only later that we notice that we've put on weight, that we said "yes" to someone we've said "no" to for years because a piece of us knew that they really weren't the right choice, that we are drinking more, that we are crying more, that we are spending more....etc. We are all paying such high prices to keep our lives in the realm of what we know.
Leaving my job this time, was different. I have gone back to jobs so many times in my life only to always HAVE to leave desperate to be free - desperate to have a deeper conversation and a need for more security than the pay check could ever begin to satisfy. But this time as I wasn't able to pay some of my bills, I knew going back AGAIN was not an option. But what was I going to do? Going back to a job is what I knew. But this last time I was so aware of the price that I was paying to get that paycheck. I woke up everyday tired and crawled into bed every night at 8pm anxious to go to sleep. I stopped working out, I stopped working my business and I was gaining weight and franky I still felt like I didn't have enough money. When we changed floors and I was going to be sitting facing a wall with a 6 foot cubicle around me it was a final straw that I just couldn't bear. The next day after walking out of my job, my phone rang and I signed 8 new clients in two weeks. I attended networking events and had a blast, acquired through a client a gig with an amazing and spirtual jewerly designer who every time I am in her presence I receive "healing." I was working out again, lost my weight again and couldn't wait to wake up every day and get moving. I was free and spending my days doing what I love. So when fewer clients came in and I couldn't meet all my expenses on time, I was faced with the same choice I'd faced my entire life. Before I've always chosen to return to the security. This time, I knew that the cost I was paying to do that was a price that I was not willing to pay. By following what I believe is my calling, what I began doing was instead of strategizing around a job - I began stategizing around what fulfills me. What has steadily developed was to shed and let go and invest in what will build, build, build Samarra Am Management.
On March 1st I will be moving about three hours away to Upstate, NY. Many of you don't know this, but when I moved to New York City four years ago - I only knew two weeks before arriving that I was coming. I simply began to follow and trust my core and what I have gained since arriving here, I could have never even imagined. It is four years later and moving Upstate showed up in the exact same way. I will cut my expenses and have access to being able to hold regular seminars and retreats in a space that has a pure energy within it, that is owned by my mother. I can help her administratively with Big Tent Events, LLC and she can help me with marketing. I strategized from my core and once again have been amazed by what is the perfect partnership for both of us. I have no idea what lies in store for me up there but I feel an unbelieveable...certainity in the unknown, just as I felt when I moved here. When I stepped away from my job this last time, I was actually stepping towards my commitment....I was taking a final step towards myself, understanding the costs of staying in the sytem I know, a price I am no longer willing to pay. And hey, it has never gotten me what I really wanted anyway. Wealth, and living my life fulfilled, inspired and free!
I am reminded everyday of the costs to ourselves when we choose what we think we should do over our core values. I understand this path may not work for everyone. It requires a lot of letting go, it requires a lot of responsibility and it requires continuously growing. The only time I feel stagnant living this way is when I get scared and resist having to learn and grow and having to "move" again. But when I trust and have faith and follow my core - which is in alignemnt with the universe and my purpose for being here, as it is for every one of us, I want to do everything in my power to build systems and network and programs that support those who have chosen to explore the choices that are in alignement with their core. What we have been taught, isn't the truth. Go get a good job, pay your bills and retire. Don't be too passionate or dream too big because you might get hurt. I love that being alive in this time we get to have a reminder every single day of what is possible when you live your life from your core and do the work that inspires you. Barack Obama. I saw a video on You Tube yesterday by an Indian musician and the song was called Obama, Obama. it brought tears to my eyes. Inspiration coupled with action goes beyond fears, race, creed, money, and all the tools that we all use to keep us seperated. We aren't all Barack Obama's but we all have something inside of us that inspires us and encourages us to live beyond our fears and conform to the systems that are in place. What is happening now with the economy is the universe's way of trying to help us all let go of the old system that wasn't working. Fear, control, restraint, irresponsibilty and oh, did I say fear, fear, fear. There is no better time than now to let go of what is actually not serving you and begin strategizing from your core, not from money, status, things, but from WHO YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN!
If you'd like to schedule a consultation before I go, I'm offering a celebratory 25% off of all my packages that are booked during February. (conditions apply)
In the next two weeks, I will be announcing my regularly scheduled monthly teleseminars that will begin in March, and my new service for Samarra Am Managment clients only: 30 minute Core Check-In Consultations. Don't waste time trying to figure out anymore if you should do something or not - your core will reveal all in a matter of a few minutes. Let me help you allieviate the fears to do what you know you really want to!
Please join me for an informal farewell gathering on Sunday, February 22nd at Sacred Center New York from 11am-12:30pm at 16 Clarkson Street. www.sacredcenterny.org. It's one block from the Houston Street stop on the 1 line. And after the service we'll take a walk to a place close by to talk and laugh and have a fabulous time!
Please be at Clarkson at 10:45am and we'll meet in the lobby. Please let me know at emotionalmoney@gmail.com if you'll be coming!
Committing to Living and Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled and Free!
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
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