February 16, 2009
Reoccuring theme for this week:
Do you know that feeling you get when a certain decison enters your...consciouness and everything just makes sense? You may have been feeling confused and overwhelmed one second before but the moment a certain decision, usually the one that wasn't expected, arises, everything gets very clear. We usually experience it and then push past that point until we return back to feeling confused and overwhelmed again. Sometimes for a few days, we'll remain in that confused state. Then we end up choosing between two decisions that have nothing to do with THE decision that brought us clarity.
Many times the sense of overwhelm that we feel is simply due to our lack of preparation and planning. For example: if we have several bills due, we'll fret over not having enough money instead of choosing instead to face what it is that we fear: tally up our expenses and make a plan to figure out how to bring in what we are going to need.
If we choose our decisions from our places of clarity followed by a plan to implement it, what a one, two knockout punch it could be?!!
Imagine what we could accomplish if we choose those unexpected clear decisions continously instead of just every once in a while.
Choose (not make) CHOOSE decisions from your place of clarity!
If you'd like to schedule a consultation before I move Upstate March 1st, I'm offering a celebratory 25% off of all my packages that are booked during February. (conditions apply)
In the next two weeks, I will be announcing my regularly scheduled monthly teleseminars that will begin in March, and my new service for Samarra Am Managment clients only: 30 minute Core Check-In Consultations. Don't waste time trying to figure out anymore if you should do something or not - your core will reveal all in a matter of a few minutes. Let me help you allieviate the fears to do what you know you really want to!
Please join me for an informal farewell gathering on Sunday, February 22nd at Sacred Center New York from 11am-12:30pm at 16 Clarkson Street. www.sacredcenterny.org. It's one block from the Houston Street stop on the 1 line. And after the service we'll take a walk to a place close by to talk and laugh and have a fabulous time!
Please be at Clarkson at 10:45am and we'll meet in the lobby. Please let me know at emotionalmoney@gmail.com if you'll be coming!
Committing to Living and Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled and Free!
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
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