March 10, 2009
1. confidence or trust in a person or thing.
2. belief that is not based on proof
Today marks the one week and two day anniversary of my arrival to Whitney Point, New York. Within this time period my account was breached and they overdrew my account by $800, one of my beloved cats was lost behind a wall for 11 hours, UHaul failed to return my calls to reimburse me on an item I ended up not renting, and my computer is frozen.
I was invited to a business networking event my first night of arrival, I signed a new client, I was able to open and set up Big Tent for the Broome Community College's flower arranging class my second day here, it was approved today that I'll be bringing and leading Weight Watchers meetings at The Big Tent, I took a 2 hour walk around the lake in the middle of the day and counted over 100 geese honking overhead, and am getting the greatest thrill out of being with my family, going to work, home, the laundrymat, a great Italian restaurant and the Dollar Store on foot all across the street from eachother.
It has been a whirlwind of a week and no matter how great or terrifying the circumstances, my core has remained steadfast. I can't describe it. Regardless of any and all circumstances there is not only a sense but a KNOWING that everything is truly PERFECT, and that what is occuring is simply supposed to be!
We are taught to have faith in others, God, things, affirmations, money, job, partners, etc. everything outside of who we are. So at the end of the day there is always someone/something else to blame and/or give credit to. The ultimate practice, however is to work on our Faith in who we are. Life is change and when we have ourselves at our core, nothing can scare us enough to stop us. The knowing is there and that trumps all people, places, circumstances and things.
It, FAITH is OF & IN you so it doesn't matter what is said, done or seen.
There are specific actions and processes that we each individually need in order to build our faith in ourselves. I've been here one week and I KNOW clearly that this is the purpose of Samarra Am Management. To help us each develop the practices that individually develop our faith in ourselves, so we may go out and collectively, regardless of the circumstances, and relying on what the naked eye can see, remain true to our purpose here on this earth. I had to move here to experience what I have known. I am here now to engage consistently in the actions that support the FAITH that I now know and have experienced.
This journey is not possible alone. Thank you Mommy, Jim, Terry, Wiley, Andrea, Charlotte, Julia, & to each and every one of my inspiring clients! You have no idea of the great contributions you have each made that have allowed me to arrive where I am. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope every reader will join me, not just in reading and witnessing but in participating in actions that cause you to build your FAITH in yourself!
Visit www.manhattanarts.com/index.html
Click on "Reading Room" and click on "Arts & Business" and then on "Career & Business" to see an ACTION you can start to take TODAY.
I met Renee Phillips, Director of Manhattan Arts International, at an incredible healing event that she organized. She in an amazing coach, speaker, artist and author. For the last 28 years she has helped so many artists have FAITH in their art generating abundance. I am honored that she has posted my article, "Creating Your Financial Canvas" on her website. http://www.manhattanarts.com/readingroom/ezine/CareerBusiness/index.htm
If you are an artists, male or female, please consider submitting your work as another ACTION you can take to build your FAITH.
Click on "Artists Wanted for "Celebrate HerStory 2009" Online Exhibition featuring more than 40 Artists".
Manhattan Arts International’s Sixth HerStory competition / online exhibition. It will run from June 10, 2009 – September 10, 2009. The purpose is to offer winning artists international exposure and to bring attention to art in a broad range of styles and media related to "HerStory". Entry Deadline: May 17, 2009. Notification: On or before June 10.
Ongoing teleseminar & seminar series WILL be announced on March 30th!
If there is something in particular that you'd like to discuss PLEASE let me know at emotionalmoney@gmail.com.
For a weekend dedicated to building your faith in yourself, please RSVP for the 1st Annual Emotional Money Retreat, May 1-May 3. It is right around the corner and I hope you'll join us!
For details go to www.healingfinances.com and click on "Emotional Money Retreat."
Committed to Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled & Free
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009
I love the contrast you paint between the "bad" and "good" events of the past week. I believe that every experience has enough evidence to make a case that it was a good experience, and enough evidence to make the case that it was a bad experience. Maybe faith is what allows us to choose the good interpretation, to trust that we are the creator (the artist) of our own reality. Thanks, Samarra!
I"m so happy to hear that you are settling in well and deep in your FAITH!!!
I'm inspired just reading this letter and I really need it!
I just left my job yesterday, abruptly, and am back to being a full time musician. I wasn't planning to make this move until August when school started but here I am.
Its so scary!!!! But some part of me feels deeply satisfied to be back to working for myself!!! I'm inspired by how hard I worked for my former employer, an artist, and if I could do the same for myself I know that I will succeed. Succeeding at this moment means being able to write, sing, save and live from my core, healthily and happily. Right now, I feel shaky but courageous. I look forward to reading your blog as I make this transition back to my art. I am also open to finding a part time (no more than 2 days/wk) job to supplement my income so we'll see what happens.
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