July 2, 2007
I just finished reading NASD Arbitration Solution: 5 Black Belt Principles to Protect and Grow Your Financial Services Practice by Thomas J. Hine and John K. Brubaker. There is a section describing the 5 cycles of learning. They are:
Humility, Integrity, Duality, Awareness and Dedication. Once you reach the 5th level you begin again at stage 1 and repeat.
Oftentimes in our lives we feel as if we aren't making any progress. Maybe it's simply that we've cycled back to stage one, because we've reached the 5th level of the previous stage. We have, in fact, moved to the next level.
Welcome to the many new readers that have joined the "Emotional Money" mailing list. The first one was posted on September, 4th 2006. Thank you to those readers who have remained from the beginning. As we all look forward to celebrating the 4th of July this week, I feel as though today's blog, "Independence" marks the beginning of my stage one-Humility.
Over the past few months, I have been resistant to changing the blog. I really wanted it to stay like it was despite the fact that all other aspects of the business were progressing to another level. An important turning point occurred when a client said to me, "If I didn't already know you and I only saw your blog, I would not have signed with you." She was disturbed by the misspellings and grammatical errors. I never forgot what she said, but I also wasn't willing to do anything about it. The blog was mine. Who cares about the misspellings and run on sentences I thought? My client did. I'm sure she wasn't the only one.
When I lost my blog on June 18th, I really felt like that was my wake up call. I felt like I'd lost my "child." I was stunned, shocked, and in tears. Then I had to ask myself, why am I so upset? I was forced to accept that it wasn't mine to hold on to anymore. If I had been willing to have an editor review it s/he would have stored a copy. By holding on, I lost it. With the decision to be supported by an editor's objective eye, I know that I'll be able to continue trusting first thoughts.
Today marks my independence to let go of my tight grip and trying to always get it right. I am now ready to begin the next phase of my journey. I am now at a different level. Starting over at stage one. Humility. I am now connecting your suggestions and my mission. I am now secure enough to be connected so that I can sustain my independence.
Here is an excerpt from the first "Emotional Money" that speaks to my mission and recommitment:
"I had no where to turn so I had to reach up and out, outside of myself. I discovered so many people of all ages, races and colors who felt the exact same way... unfulfilled. Just having those conversations and seeing how much we related filled my time with laughter, tears and moments of peace. I was not alone. We are not alone. You are not alone. And each time a connection is made, the dots connected are infinite. I am interested in the line between the dots. The line creates the connections. What does this have to do with finances you ask? My answer: EVERYTHING! Our finances are the root to what makes this world tick-right or wrong-the green is the power-in all circles, and in each and every one of our lives. We, in most cases, are living out the unhealthy financial patterns of our parents, families and communities.
I have found that a constant conversation and accessibility is so important to retaining "a new pattern." I am launching this blog as the line that can connect an unlimited number of dots. My goal is simply to be one of the many lines connecting the dots... Come as you are-I promise as we speak and check in, you will hear YOU in the voice of another."
1)Emotional Money will now be edited.
2)Emotional Money will be posted/sent weekly. The goal is that it will be posted by 5pm on Monday's. As I adjust to an editing schedule, there may be some occassions it will not be posted/sent until Tuesday.
3)To satisfy the range of responses from receiving the link or the blog entry itself - I will be sending both to coincide with what you said you preferred. If you didn't respond then I'll continue to send you the link.
4) I will continue to cover a broad range of subjects because I believe how we feel about our finances reveals the roots to how we live in all areas of our lives. This will be conveyed via personal stories, interviews with others, poems, opinion pieces, plan of actions and postings of upcoming events and seminars.
Happy Independence Day to each of you!
What connection(s) have you resisted that may be key to your growth and independence?
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
Copyright 2007
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