July 17, 2007
There was a time when one person in the family stayed in one job for an average of twenty years. They retired, traveled, watched sports, played with their grandchildren and seemed to live happily ever after. There was a time when you would ride the bus and people would greet each other. Kids played together in parks; outside. There was a time when a person reached old age and the children would care for them. But times have changed.
This week I observed a father holding a child enciting a fight with the bus driver. The bus driver's response, "I'm on my last run. Put the kid down and let's go." I've read that now most people change careers at least 4 times in their lifetimes. I had a friend telling me about seniors with no money in an emergency room alone, no family members by their sides. I listened to a mother tell me a story of her child being cussed out at the neighborhood playground. This resulted in both mothers cussing at each other in front of their boys, both children with the same name. It's a different time.
I think we all sense that times are changing. They have changed. The rising debt, increased cases of illnesses such as cancer, aids, obesity and asthma in adults and in our children. Even the weather seems inconsistent and severe. Desperate, most of us are looking for some control. We take on names that were once used by our enemies, we cuss out a child that is not our own, we pick fights with our child in our hands, we charge cards, overeat, spin into each other, bounce off and spin again. How can balance and our sense of security be restored?
We must start from within. We must take responsibility for our own lives. We must have the courage to ask questions, admit when we don't know, admit when we are wrong, stop doing, doing, doing and stand still. We must have the courage to admit our fears.
I was at a business meeting on Sunday. A woman, Viola Plummer currently the NYC Council aid to Byron Lewis was being interviewed on television. I'd never heard of her but the woman I was meeting with, froze. She recounted how she and Viola Plummer 35 years before had fought and gotten her landlord to finally do something about the terrible conditions she and her children had to live in. Tears came to her eyes as she looked around her gorgeous apartment remembering what it once was. They fought, took action and won. That same apartment building now has a waiting list. Despite all I'd seen throughout the week my hope was instantly restored. Both of these women are still taking responsibility and action in their mid to late 60's. If they can have hope with the changes they've witnessed, so can I.
Times are a'changin. They have changed. But the secret ingredient remains the same. When we know we are responsible for the condition of our lives then we no longer go through the world as a victim, blaming, complaining and lashing out. We have respect for ourselves and commit to the restoration of our own peace. Respect for self means we will have respect for others. As times continuously change, hope also remains!
Do you often feel as if you're a victim or powerless?
Experiment/Brainstorm, share the situation with someone older than yourself.
What new options present themselves when you take responsibility?
Only (1) 1 hour appointment left for only $20.00.
Reduced from $60 for this one day only!
Monday, July 23rd 6pm-9pm
Credit Card questions: Let's discuss any issues or questions you have about your credit cards. Let's open a few envelopes and formulate a plan of action together.
Email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com or call me at 718-350-6095 to reserve your time slot today!
July 30th "Emotional Money" Interview with Cynthia Magg
Turtle Bay Nutrition-nutritional consultant
Sterling Investment Management, Inc
Free Teleseminar TONIGHT!
"...this is the perfect time to do a financial review - to ensure you are maximizing your earnings, following a smart savings plan, investing appropriately and spending your money wisely! And that's the focus of this month's tele-seminar...my interview with Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar, the authors of "On My Own Two Feet" - A Modern Girl's Guide to Personal Finance. "A book that is perfect for beginners, perfect for those who need a refresher and perfect for a quick summer read (it's less than 200 pages!)."
TONIGHT, Tuesday, July 17th at 8:00pm!
Purpose: To further expand your awareness about you and your money.
Time: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
To register contact Jacquette M.Timmons at jacquette@sterlingchoices.net.
Nursing Program / Free Tuition
If you know of anyone between 18-28 years old, interested in the
Nursing field, University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is
offering FREE tuition, FREE books, a $250 monthly stipend, and
guaranteed job
placement as a nurse at Providence Hospital upon graduation
(it's a
3-year program) with a starting salary of $40,000.
The program is recruiting new students now!!
Please contact Ms. Beshon Smith (202) 266-5481 or email
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
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Copyright 2007
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