Thursday, July 26, 2007
July 31, 2007
"Helping people connect to the joy of eating healthfully"
Our relationship to our health and finances are two areas that greatly affect our quality of life. I met Cynthia at The Workshop In Business Opportunity course. I was moved by her passion to educate others on their health. Imagine my surprise when I learned that she was once a pastry chef!
Samarra: Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me. I know you are very busy. I am dying of curiosity-how did you go from being a pastry chef to a nutritional counselor?
Cynthia: It was actually a natural progression. We shared part of a farm with several other families when I was growing I was raised on lots of fresh vegetables. I have always eaten healthy - even as a pastry chef or when I was making 4 course meals for my friends, for fun, I used all natural ingredients. I've always been interested in my health and in the health of those around me. When I went to culinary school in France and worked at Hotel Le Bristol and a small pastry shop called SucreCacao, I began to really see people's connection to food. People were consuming mass quantities of sugars and sweets. Being in the kitchen, I was watching some consume it all day long. At the same time, I was encountering many people with major health issues - weight gain, muscle pain and arthritis. I had a lot of ideas about what I was witnessing. The transition to health counselor occurred because my ex boyfriend’s sister was starting a healing center. She is an acupuncturist and she asked me if I would join her based on her knowledge of my passion and the ideas I had regarding these issues.
Samarra: Funny how that happens.
Cynthia: Yes, it is. The timing was amazing. Do you know before I went to culinary school to become a pastry chef, I was a financial analyst for 10 years?
Samarra: What? Are you kidding me?
Cynthia: My undergraduate degree is from Boston University. I majored in Mathematics and Economics. Math was always easy for me in high school. When I went to college they had a dual program so I signed up for it. I ended up working for AT&T in an office with a helipad outside my window for my first job. Over the ten years that I was with them I transferred several times which provided me great experiences and I lived in Denver, New Jersey, DC and San Francisco. I was given the option to take my pension early and I decided to take it. I enjoyed what I was doing but I was working a lot of hours and it wasn't my passion. Actually being a pastry chef was very mathematical. You're measuring things out constantly. (laughter) Natural progression.
Samarra: (laughter) I guess that's true. Amazing. Were you encouraged as a child to take risks? How were you able to make such drastic life changes?
Cynthia: Am I a risk taker? I don't know. Actually I think I played it very safe. Every year and a half to two years I expected and received a transfer and salary increase. I think I was raised to do something that would provide stability. Stability meant financial stability. Although I was encouraged to live a life I was interested in, the emphasis was to get married and have kids. Maybe I am a risk taker. I always wonder what else is out there. I love traveling and reading, changing and growing.
Samarra: If on one end you were encouraged to be stable and on the other you really wanted to explore, how did you reconcile the two? Were you afraid?
Cynthia: Yes, I remember asking myself when I was working 14 hours a day, 6 days a week for no pay in a pastry shop in France just for the experience, "Am I crazy?" But I tend to put my whole foot in and then my whole body follows.
Samarra: But how do you put your whole body in, despite your fears?
Cynthia: I take action. When my friend asked me about becoming a nutritional counselor- I started a nutrition program with Bauman College, and then I eventually packed up my things in California and moved to New York. I have my practice now full-time. It's like when we're kids and we want to build, we just do it. This is my passion. It's not just about nutrition. One small aspect of what we eat relates to many aspects of our quality of life. We have to remember that the food industry is a business. They have a bottom line and they need to make sales. We take the information given to us in advertisements by manufacturers forgetting about our choices, options and the consequences to our own health.
Samarra: As with our finances. The key is to not stay afraid and avoid our ailments - but to face them head on and learn more.
Cynthia: Exactly. Four years ago when I started my business, I was focusing on my one-on-one consultations and I couldn't have imagined doing seminars. But now I am focusing on doing seminars and corporate conferences. I want to speak to as many people as possible at once because it will have an even greater domino effect than when I was focused only on one person at a time. When I first started doing the seminars, I remember asking myself "What am I doing in front of these people?" I was afraid. But I took action. I started speaking and then I would feel a natural poise and it was as if something greater than myself was channeling through me. We never know where our actions will lead us. I've started at square one twice in my life. It's wonderful because I have that to share with my clients. Each step IS a natural progression.
It is such a privilege to see my client's hopes reignited. I get to watch them transform themselves and want to be in their body. Wow, it's amazing. I get to participate in this now. The joy of seeing what is possible once their food choices and fears are addressed makes me want to share it with as many people as I can. When we are educated about our nutrition and health, the possibilities for the quality of our lives are vastly improved.
Samarra: As one who has obesity and diabetes in the line of both sides of my family weight has always been an issue for me. I love honey buns but I am getting older. As I'm also focusing now on getting out of debt and saving money, I'll buy the prepackaged meal because I tell myself that eating healthy costs much more.
Cynthia: I help my clients to see how it all adds up in both the short term and long term. How many days are missed from work, how much are the medications? I look at this way, we have to eat to live and every meal we eat we have an opportunity to make healthier choices for our bodies...the choices we make are cumulative...the healthier you eat, the better the odds for you being and staying healthy.
Samarra: I never thought of it in quite that way before. What are your top recommendations towards improving our health?
Cynthia: 1. Hydrate Daily with 64 ounces (8 eight-ounce cups) of spring or distilled water.
Most people are chronically dehydrated...this impacts your digestion, your elimination, your sleep, your ability to lose weight, your ability to concentrate, your pain and inflammation issues—just to name a few. If you drink caffeinated beverages, you make it extremely difficult to stay hydrated because coffee, black tea, and caffeinated energy drinks all de-hydrate, i.e. 1 cup of water plus 1 cup of coffee = 0 (zero) for your daily water consumption. Try to avoid or limit excess juices or water that has sweeteners (natural or artificial) in it.
2. Eat 5-6 smaller, healthier meals daily.
Your stomach is about the size of your fist. We have a tendency to overeat for many reasons. We are tired, stressed and have limited time to eat. Eating smaller meals will aid in digestion, give you a reason to take a mini-meal break at work, provide consistent blood sugar for your brains and bodies to function throughout the day.
3. Eat balanced meals that consist of good proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates—all of which should be minimally processed.
Never eat a carbohydrate alone. Carbs are vegetables, fruits, grains, and sweeteners. When you combine carbs with a good protein or healthy fat, you are able to balance your blood sugar levels. This is key to weight loss/weight maintenance and your ability to function and live your life.
4. Vary your diet.
We have a tendency to eat the same 10-15 items every week. It is good to vary your choices to ensure that you are getting enough nutrients (vitamins and minerals) from your real food source. Taking vitamins and eating poorly is not the's actually very expensive when you add it up.
5. Deal with your emotions and your stress.
Nutrition isn't all about food. It is important to deal with your emotions (anger, sadness, resentment) in a healthy way. Do not suppress these emotions as they can impact your health in a negative way. Try to find positive outlets for dealing with your emotions and your stress levels. Suppressing your emotions are linked to diseases.
Samarra: Thank you so much for sharing your journey and your passion. You truly are practicing what you preach: "Helping people connect to the joy of eating healthfully."
Cynthia: It has been a pleasure. Remember to take action. Our bodies are constantly trying to give us signals when things are not working well in our diet or lifestyles. As you mentioned in your blog last week, our bodies are constantly regenerating and restoring itself...and the better nutrients we provide for our bodies, the better and faster it regenerates and repairs itself!
To work with Cynthia Magg and/or schedule a seminar at your office you can contact her at
Share this information with at least 2 other people.
Please pass this information to a friend and/or loved one. We are experiencing alarming rates of poor financial and physical health. Foreclosures/credit card debt and obesity/illnesses are becoming the norm. Take action. Address your financial and/or health fears today. Cynthia and I guarantee, hope greets you on the other side of the past familiar habits and fears!
Persistent Stress Caused by Financial Worries Can Lead to Physical and Mental Problems Such as Hypertension and Eating Disorders, Say Experts
By January W. Payne
Special to The Washington Post
Tuesday, July 24, 2007; Page HE01
(If you are unable to retrieve this article, email me at:
samarra and I can forward it to you.
Personal Finance for Dummies: Discover how to lower expenses, tame debts, invest wisely, and achieve your financial goals. 5th Edition
by Eric Tyson, MBA
p.107 Organic Food Worth Spending For
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
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Copyright 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
July 24, 2007
A few weeks ago I was running for the train and wearing my cute new sandals. My exposed big toe banged into the raised sidewalk - suddenly there I was, 7:00 a.m. in the morning and sprawled on the ground. Raising myself up, though embarassed, I noticed there was a red blood clot on my big toe. It was sore, but mostly I hated the way that it looked. Trying to hide it, I curled my big toe which meant that all my toes were curled. I wondered how long this ugly spot would be there? Forever, I thought.
Many of my customers have spent time "working" on themselves. They've done years of therapy, attended seminars and have spent many hours discussing their "issues." They find themselves frustrated because they recreate the same patterns despite the work they've done. However, as the weeks pass, and through our discussions and excercises, they are astounded to realize that so many of their decisions today are in response to certain incidences from their past. It is the acknowledgement of admitting to ourselves how much that past incident affected us, that provides the opportunity for it to be released. Discussing the incident is one layer - tracing it to discover how much it affects all of our decisions and the state of our lives today - results in its release.
Begin Dream Sequence:
With my toes curled, and me trying to hide my blemish, of course, it affected the way I moved. I start feeling pain in my hips. I'll spend a lot of time going to the doctors, reading about chronic hip problems and talk to all my friends about their pains. Finally, I find a remedy for the hip pain. Although, I'm not willing to recall the painful memories of being at the pool. As a child, when my feet were peeling and the kids were making fun of me, I fought back my tears of shame. As an adult, I didn't return to the root of the problem: the pain hidden and stored by my body and mind was never released. Now, I just see that there is a ugly spot on my toe and I feel horrible about it. I continue to pretend that "I am fine" as I did when I was a child. My actions and reactions will now become about hiding, pretending, making sure that no one sees that spot so I won't be made fun of again. A friend invites me to come over. I know shoes have to be removed upon entering her house. Instead of talking about the blemish, I might say my hip still hurts, or let's go out. Everything I do will stem from the root of this original pain and I begin to believe that this is simply who I am.
Recently, I inspected my big toe again, expecting to find a permanent mark. I decided to touch it. With one gentle pluck, the red piece of skin fell. Underneath there was clean, clear skin. Free of blemishes. Beautiful and healed.
In that moment, I was reminded of the power and wonder of nature. The body is always naturally trying to heal itself. Always. Through each fall, scrape, bruise, abuse, failure or mistake, our cells will replenish and heal us over a lifetime. My blemish was already healed. I had to have the courage to touch it again.
Touch your root wound.
Trace it to your behaviors today.
Cynthia Magg - Turtle Bay Nutrition
This nutritional counselor was once a pastry chef.
Don't miss her story and nutrition tips!
Thank you to those who signed up for the credit card discussion special!
Be sure to stay tuned for future summer specials.
Reminder: As I continue to adjust to having an editor,"Emotional Money" may continue to be featured on Tuesday's instead of Monday. I hope to be able to return to Monday's by September. Thank you for your patience.
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
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Copyright 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
July 17, 2007
There was a time when one person in the family stayed in one job for an average of twenty years. They retired, traveled, watched sports, played with their grandchildren and seemed to live happily ever after. There was a time when you would ride the bus and people would greet each other. Kids played together in parks; outside. There was a time when a person reached old age and the children would care for them. But times have changed.
This week I observed a father holding a child enciting a fight with the bus driver. The bus driver's response, "I'm on my last run. Put the kid down and let's go." I've read that now most people change careers at least 4 times in their lifetimes. I had a friend telling me about seniors with no money in an emergency room alone, no family members by their sides. I listened to a mother tell me a story of her child being cussed out at the neighborhood playground. This resulted in both mothers cussing at each other in front of their boys, both children with the same name. It's a different time.
I think we all sense that times are changing. They have changed. The rising debt, increased cases of illnesses such as cancer, aids, obesity and asthma in adults and in our children. Even the weather seems inconsistent and severe. Desperate, most of us are looking for some control. We take on names that were once used by our enemies, we cuss out a child that is not our own, we pick fights with our child in our hands, we charge cards, overeat, spin into each other, bounce off and spin again. How can balance and our sense of security be restored?
We must start from within. We must take responsibility for our own lives. We must have the courage to ask questions, admit when we don't know, admit when we are wrong, stop doing, doing, doing and stand still. We must have the courage to admit our fears.
I was at a business meeting on Sunday. A woman, Viola Plummer currently the NYC Council aid to Byron Lewis was being interviewed on television. I'd never heard of her but the woman I was meeting with, froze. She recounted how she and Viola Plummer 35 years before had fought and gotten her landlord to finally do something about the terrible conditions she and her children had to live in. Tears came to her eyes as she looked around her gorgeous apartment remembering what it once was. They fought, took action and won. That same apartment building now has a waiting list. Despite all I'd seen throughout the week my hope was instantly restored. Both of these women are still taking responsibility and action in their mid to late 60's. If they can have hope with the changes they've witnessed, so can I.
Times are a'changin. They have changed. But the secret ingredient remains the same. When we know we are responsible for the condition of our lives then we no longer go through the world as a victim, blaming, complaining and lashing out. We have respect for ourselves and commit to the restoration of our own peace. Respect for self means we will have respect for others. As times continuously change, hope also remains!
Do you often feel as if you're a victim or powerless?
Experiment/Brainstorm, share the situation with someone older than yourself.
What new options present themselves when you take responsibility?
Only (1) 1 hour appointment left for only $20.00.
Reduced from $60 for this one day only!
Monday, July 23rd 6pm-9pm
Credit Card questions: Let's discuss any issues or questions you have about your credit cards. Let's open a few envelopes and formulate a plan of action together.
Email me at or call me at 718-350-6095 to reserve your time slot today!
July 30th "Emotional Money" Interview with Cynthia Magg
Turtle Bay Nutrition-nutritional consultant
Sterling Investment Management, Inc
Free Teleseminar TONIGHT!
"...this is the perfect time to do a financial review - to ensure you are maximizing your earnings, following a smart savings plan, investing appropriately and spending your money wisely! And that's the focus of this month's interview with Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar, the authors of "On My Own Two Feet" - A Modern Girl's Guide to Personal Finance. "A book that is perfect for beginners, perfect for those who need a refresher and perfect for a quick summer read (it's less than 200 pages!)."
TONIGHT, Tuesday, July 17th at 8:00pm!
Purpose: To further expand your awareness about you and your money.
Time: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
To register contact Jacquette M.Timmons at
Nursing Program / Free Tuition
If you know of anyone between 18-28 years old, interested in the
Nursing field, University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is
offering FREE tuition, FREE books, a $250 monthly stipend, and
guaranteed job
placement as a nurse at Providence Hospital upon graduation
(it's a
3-year program) with a starting salary of $40,000.
The program is recruiting new students now!!
Please contact Ms. Beshon Smith (202) 266-5481 or email
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
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"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
Copyright 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
July 10, 2007
If you have a credit card and any debt PLEASE do not avoid looking at the bill. Look at the bill monthly. Create and discuss with supportive friends, family members, a financial coach, mentor etc. different strategies that you could do to possibly get rid of your debt for the long term. This will allow you to save on hidden fees, late fees, fluctuating and rising interest rates. As afraid as you may be to confront the buried pile of credit card bills, I urge you to face them any way. Facing it now could save you thousands of dollars.
As many of you may recall, it's my mission to get out of debt in one year. My financial advisor's plan was going to take three years to remove my $14,000 debt. I am holding fast to my goal despite what may be in front of my eyes. Continuously things have been occurring that have helped me to believe that I could make my goal. I have received bonuses at work, a huge tax refund and other small surprises that contributed to reducing all but $300 from the first of my three credit cards. I was really getting excited. Then suddenly I received a notice from the two other credit card companies that they are going to raise my interest rate from my current percentage of 16% to 24%. If I didn't want to accept this I needed to write them a letter so that the interest on the remaining balance would stay the same. However, new purchases would be at the new higher 24% interest rate.
I haven't used either of these cards in months. Instead, I have just been steadily paying them down. The fact that they would now choose to double my interest rate was astounding to me. When I received the first letter, I couldn't react. I did nothing, hoping it would just go away. But when I received my next bill, clearly the 24% interest had been implemented. Now I was annoyed that I hadn't done anything. So, I decided to take action and call the second credit card company. They replied, "looking at your balance we really want you to just pay it down at this point." After ignoring the customer service representative's attempt to make me "feel bad" I asked several questions and learned that my option was to accept the 24% interest rate or close my account to retain the 16% interest rate on my remaining balance. The irony is that all I had been doing was paying down the card! I closed that account.
Regardless of your debt amount - $400 or $100,000 - the key is to be proactive. Start by opening your envelopes. We are giving away so much money to these credit card companies. It isn't that we aren't paying it off - it's just that there is a large hole on the other side that only grows and grows with each envelope we don't open. Unless you are facing it head on and being proactive, the debt will not go away. Yes, we live in a society where we have to use credit. But use credit cards only as they were intended. Pay for what you have charged within 30 days. If you can't, don't buy it. Credit cards seem "free" in the moment. Make no mistake -they are not. Open the envelopes, create a plan, build support systems, so you're not doing it alone. Make the calls, write the letter, make arrangements, get your FICO score and be informed. It is your hard earned money that is being poured down the drain each time you choose to not open an envelope. The past is the past. Whatever you owed, whatever mistakes were made - let it go. Start now by taking action! Stop throwing thousands away.
Samarra Am Management Events
(3) 1 hour appointments for only $20.00. Reduced from $60 for this one day only!
First come, first served.
Monday, July 23rd 6pm-9pm
Credit Card questions: Let's discuss any issues or questions you have about your credit cards. Let's open a few envelopes and formulate a plan of action together.
Email me at or call me at 718-350-6095 to reserve your time slot today!
July 30th "Emotional Money" Interview with Cynthia Magg
Turtle Bay Nutrition-nutritional consultant
Sterling Investment Management, Inc
Free Teleseminar
"...this is the perfect time to do a financial review - to ensure you are maximizing your earnings, following a smart savings plan, investing appropriately and spending your money wisely! And that's the focus of this month's interview with Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar, the authors of "On My Own Two Feet" - A Modern Girl's Guide to Personal Finance. " A book that is perfect for beginners, perfect for those who need a refresher and perfect for a quick summer read (it's less than 200 pages!)."
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, 17 July at 8:00pm!
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Purpose: To further expand your awareness about you and your money.
Time: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
To register contact Jacquette M.Timmons at
Nursing Program / Free Tuition
If you know of anyone between 18-28 years old, interested in the
Nursing field, University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is
offering FREE tuition, FREE books, a $250 monthly stipend, and
guaranteed job
placement as a nurse at Providence Hospital upon graduation
(it's a
3-year program) with a starting salary of $40,000.
The program is recruiting new students now!!
Please contact Ms. Beshon Smith (202) 266-5481 or email
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
Copyright 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
July 2, 2007
I just finished reading NASD Arbitration Solution: 5 Black Belt Principles to Protect and Grow Your Financial Services Practice by Thomas J. Hine and John K. Brubaker. There is a section describing the 5 cycles of learning. They are:
Humility, Integrity, Duality, Awareness and Dedication. Once you reach the 5th level you begin again at stage 1 and repeat.
Oftentimes in our lives we feel as if we aren't making any progress. Maybe it's simply that we've cycled back to stage one, because we've reached the 5th level of the previous stage. We have, in fact, moved to the next level.
Welcome to the many new readers that have joined the "Emotional Money" mailing list. The first one was posted on September, 4th 2006. Thank you to those readers who have remained from the beginning. As we all look forward to celebrating the 4th of July this week, I feel as though today's blog, "Independence" marks the beginning of my stage one-Humility.
Over the past few months, I have been resistant to changing the blog. I really wanted it to stay like it was despite the fact that all other aspects of the business were progressing to another level. An important turning point occurred when a client said to me, "If I didn't already know you and I only saw your blog, I would not have signed with you." She was disturbed by the misspellings and grammatical errors. I never forgot what she said, but I also wasn't willing to do anything about it. The blog was mine. Who cares about the misspellings and run on sentences I thought? My client did. I'm sure she wasn't the only one.
When I lost my blog on June 18th, I really felt like that was my wake up call. I felt like I'd lost my "child." I was stunned, shocked, and in tears. Then I had to ask myself, why am I so upset? I was forced to accept that it wasn't mine to hold on to anymore. If I had been willing to have an editor review it s/he would have stored a copy. By holding on, I lost it. With the decision to be supported by an editor's objective eye, I know that I'll be able to continue trusting first thoughts.
Today marks my independence to let go of my tight grip and trying to always get it right. I am now ready to begin the next phase of my journey. I am now at a different level. Starting over at stage one. Humility. I am now connecting your suggestions and my mission. I am now secure enough to be connected so that I can sustain my independence.
Here is an excerpt from the first "Emotional Money" that speaks to my mission and recommitment:
"I had no where to turn so I had to reach up and out, outside of myself. I discovered so many people of all ages, races and colors who felt the exact same way... unfulfilled. Just having those conversations and seeing how much we related filled my time with laughter, tears and moments of peace. I was not alone. We are not alone. You are not alone. And each time a connection is made, the dots connected are infinite. I am interested in the line between the dots. The line creates the connections. What does this have to do with finances you ask? My answer: EVERYTHING! Our finances are the root to what makes this world tick-right or wrong-the green is the power-in all circles, and in each and every one of our lives. We, in most cases, are living out the unhealthy financial patterns of our parents, families and communities.
I have found that a constant conversation and accessibility is so important to retaining "a new pattern." I am launching this blog as the line that can connect an unlimited number of dots. My goal is simply to be one of the many lines connecting the dots... Come as you are-I promise as we speak and check in, you will hear YOU in the voice of another."
1)Emotional Money will now be edited.
2)Emotional Money will be posted/sent weekly. The goal is that it will be posted by 5pm on Monday's. As I adjust to an editing schedule, there may be some occassions it will not be posted/sent until Tuesday.
3)To satisfy the range of responses from receiving the link or the blog entry itself - I will be sending both to coincide with what you said you preferred. If you didn't respond then I'll continue to send you the link.
4) I will continue to cover a broad range of subjects because I believe how we feel about our finances reveals the roots to how we live in all areas of our lives. This will be conveyed via personal stories, interviews with others, poems, opinion pieces, plan of actions and postings of upcoming events and seminars.
Happy Independence Day to each of you!
What connection(s) have you resisted that may be key to your growth and independence?
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
Copyright 2007
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