Friday, September 08, 2006

September 11, 2006

A moment of silence for the lives forever lost.

A moment of prayer for those who have survived.

(Surprise gift opportunity for first to respond-be sure to read to the end)


Our deepest fear is not that we are
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light,
not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a
child of God. Your playing small doesn’t
serve the world. There’s nothing
enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the
Glory of God that is within us. It’s not just
in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our light shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission
To do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela

When my mom first read this to me almost 10 years ago. I was struck speechless and tears came to my eyes. There is such a profound truth. Can 't you feel it?
I felt it but did nothing about it. I continued thinking life was supposed to be about suffering and lack. I spent another 5 years avoiding the truth of it but I can't any longer.

I have started my business because alone my financial picture, my life was not consistently transforming. But each time I coach someone, I see myself and am constantly reminded my freedom begins with my thoughts. Our freedom begins with our thoughts!
Here is one of my many examples-
I started my business in April. Since then I have said to myself I need to have a printer. But of course I can't afford it-blah, blah. This last month, especially this last week it's been a sort of mantra in my head. " I need a printer. I need a larger computer table. I need a computer-more than just my laptop." I kept saying it to myself, the universe, and to my friends. Do you all know that I am sitting at my computer table that matches perfectly with my wicker and glass dining set from 10 years ago? I have a printer that actually prints, and a computer in the closet that just needs to get a tune up. All for FREE. One minute there wasn't even the possibility. Someone I've known for a year had been looking for someone to help him carry the stuff out to the trash. It was taking up too much room in his house. It all looks brand new! The power of our thoughts, our power is breathtaking. I know we have all experienced these moments. Please take this opportunity to remember them. Please share them. Remember that feeling. Scary isn't it? Let's feel the fear and do it anyway.

I've had so many friends who were amazing. Through tears and heart ache. We told eachother how amazing we were as we suffered over jobs, relationships, health and finances. We knew we were amazing leaders but we stayed small together.

The key is finding those who are amazing-not just talking about it. But in action around it-through the tears, leaving the abusive relationships, through the frustrations, through "lack of finances", no longer complaining but searching-taking responsibility for how our life goes.

Let's shine together not just in conversation but in action and community!

Mastermind group to get rid of debt. I have $20,000 debt. I will have it gone, at the latest, September 11, 2007. If you'd like to join this group please post your comment and/or email me at We don't have to have the answers now-it's not about the how-it's simply what's your financial goal. "What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve," (Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill) Post/Email me today to join this mastermind group! To get rid of our debt!

Emergency Skills Center
$18/hour teaching CPR.
They will pay for CPR certification. Contract with corporations over 30 years.
New contract with the Board of education.
Very flexible and needs a lot of people.
Please call Sarah V. Gillen
email resume to
Let her know Samarra sent you

Recommended Reading:
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (you post the author of this book on the blog first you will get a free copy of the book sent to you)
Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Next Monday, September 18th "Somewhere over the Rainbow"

Copyright 2006

2 comments: said...

What an amazing quote!

Afraid of the light...that's the part that struck me the hardest. It even has literal implications for me! It is so easy to hide out here in my dark office, instead of getting out in the world and connecting with (oh my God) real people. :)

Thank you (once again, of course) for the reminder to play a bigger game!

Samarra Mbenga said...

You are welcome!
Congratulations. You are the winner of a free copy of "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!

You are such a gift-an incredible life coach. Keep reaching out. For next weeks blog I'd like to post your incredible and free time and weight management teleseminar calls!