Sunday, September 24, 2006
September 25, 2006
Do you approach each day saying "HMMMMMMMM!"
with your hand to your head-
wondering, in doubt, perplexed and confused?
Or do you approach each day saying "HMMMMMMMM!" with joy, excitement and anticipation for the wonderful things that are in store for you today?
Same "word" but which context is leading your life?
Excerpt from poem "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
"It doesn't matter to me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for,
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to now if you will risk looking like a fool
for love, for your dream,
for the adventure of being alive.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments."
I've spent most of my life looking for that partner, that performance, that show, that amount of money etc....that would fill in the empty moments and have me say "hmmmmmmmm" with excitement and joy all the time. But I understand now that life is the joy AND the pain, the growth AND stagnation, it is about the JOURNEY not the destination.
Let me say the last three weeks I settled AGAIN-(things have just been going entirely too well-hee-hee) so when the old familiar "relationship" knocked on my door I said "okay." (There will be a blog/seminars dedicated to focusing on relationships in the future of Samarra Am Management.) The first time it took me 7 years to admit my truth, the second 4 years, the next 8 months and this time only 3 weeks to get fed up with the unsatisfying sensation of "settling." My destiny, our destiny-despite what they tell you in the newspapers, on tv, the radio, out of the mouths of our closest friends, our parents and our programmed mind chatter-is to risk believeing we deserve our heart's desire and "HMMMMMMMM" in the adventure of being alive.
Despite your "circumstances" I invite you to spend Tuesday through Sunday of this week testing out your joyful "HMMMMMMMM." I swear it works. It's about the JOURNEY!
I'm doing a play now called "The Imaginary Invalid" by Moliere. The lead character "believes" he is sick. It gets him a lot of attention and that feels good. So he continues being "sick." Practice for a at least a week not being "sick." That attention is only "familar." The "perpetuation of sickness" is the way of the world. BUT...
"I want to know if you can be with joy, mine, or your own,
if you can dance with wildness
and let ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic,
to remember the limitations of being human."
by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
The truth is ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! It simply begins with what you believe!
Still looking for a winner-THIS IS THE LAST WEEK to WIN. I declared Curtis a winner forgetting the rules of my own game. oops.
Contest is actually post on the blog the author of the book "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" and I will send you a free copy.
Monday, November 6, 2006 in Midtown!!
Exciting details in next Monday's "Emotional Money."
In the spirit of building community-there's a twist so Don't Miss next week's announcement!
Morgan Contracting Company
Call Mark Wedderbaum at 212-677-5040
Plan Clerk (great place to work. Call and find out, it may be exactly what you've been looking for)Let him know Samarra sent you.
Emergency Skills Inc.$18/hour teaching CPRThey will pay for CPR certification.Very flexible; needs lots of instructors. Please email resume to: Sarah Gilliam 212-564-6833
Let her know Samarra sent you
Free Teleseminars
These Laurare free calls that you can do from the comfort of your phone!
They are all apart of the community that has altered my life-they are all amazing people dedicated to making a difference for themselves and others.
Nancy Feth-"empowering people to be agents of change!"
This Wednesday, September 27 at 11am.
Please visit and register at
I guarantee you, you will feel refreshed and revitalized at the end of the call!
Laura Allen-"teaches people to market themselves more effectively"
This Thursday, September 28th from 7:00pm-7:30pm
Please visit and register at
You don't want to miss this-she really captures the essence of your passion in a few words!
Curtis Schmitt-"for time management advice that doesn't waste your time"
Register for Time Management Mastery: The 5 Master Keys to Effective Time Management & Planning (and receive a free subscription to the Turn On to Life! monthly ezine)
Wednesday, October 4 at 8pm
Saturday, October 14 at 10am
Please visit and register at
He's an incredible life coach- truly invested in making a difference in your life-the perfect balance of head and heart!
Any suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars and/or events etc. please email me at
Any comments regarding any of the weekly pieces please post on the blog and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe please send an email to with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.
copyright 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
September 18, 2006
where skys are blue
find the dreams that we dare to dream
really do come true
You're in the subways of New York City. There are hundreds of people behind you, all rushing to get where they're going. You swipe your card. SLAM! It dosen't go through. You are slammed still. So are the hundreds behind you. You're not hurt but you've been slammed to a halt so suddenly that you expect to hurt, but you don't. It's a jolt. For a moment all you can do is stand still, breath, and realize how unconsciously you were moving through your day. You're awake and aware in that moment. Then you feel the hundreds behind you, you swipe again and this time you go forward. It dosen't take long to be unconscious again but for that present moment-you're jolted AWAKE.
I went to a performance in Upstate New York last Sunday. Jill Gardner sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow. She was a saprano and I swear with each soaring note, as she outstretched her arms and her spirit soared I felt like I was going to lift off any minute-I could fly-I could do anything I wanted. Tears streamed down my face with hope, possibility and love.
One moment I was simply enjoying the perfomance, the next I literally felt like I could fly. One moment we're moving along as a group unconsciously to our destination, the next jolted AWAKE. One moment we're alive the next we die.
I started a full time job three weeks ago. One moment they sent me a rejection letter. I sat in front of my radio and cried for an hour. It was the job I had dreamed up 6 months before and wow I didn't get it. After starting a part time job I received a call from the company that had rejected me, saying they'd made a mistake, when could I start. I couldn't believe it. My immediate thought was that's what you get for not choosing me. No way am I going to accept the job. My pride and ego was at full heights. One moment.
In that moment. I called my mom. My plan was to laugh and gloat. "Look mom, now I get to reject them hee-hee-hee." My mom got real quiet. "What's wrong?" I asked. She said very quietly, "I thought this was what you wanted." I was struck silent, slammed into myself. I quickly got off the phone with her. I sat still and tears streamed down my face. SLAM! For the sake of my pride and ego I was literally one second away from having pushed away the exact thing I wanted.
What mantra/affirmation/community/job/game/career/relationship are you committed to claiming for yourself? What will be your jolt-an unpleasant slam against cold metal, the subtle soaring note of a saprano-or getting the exact "thing" you've dreamed of?
"Somewhere over the Rainbow" we, you, I, him, her-is within.
One moment I was.....the next ....
Somewhere over the rainbow
where the skys are blue
And the dreams
That We Dare to DREAM
Still looking for another winner from last weeks contest.
Name the author for Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway-post it on the blog and receive your free copy!
Next Week: "HMMMMMMMMM!"
Morgan Contracting Company
Call Mark Wedderbaum
Plan Clerk
(I don't know details how much, specific duties but I know they have been a great place to work. So call and find out, it may be exactly what you've been looking for)
Let him know Samarra sent you.
Emergency Skills Inc.
$18/hour teaching CPR
They will pay for CPR certification.
Very flexible; needs lots of instructors.
Please email resume to:
Sarah Gilliam
Let her know Samarra sent you
Free Teleseminar
Curtis Schmitt-amazing life coach
Register for Time Management Mastery: The 5 Master Keys to Effective Time Management & Planning (and receive a free subscription to the Turn On to Life! monthly ezine)
Wednesday, October 4 at 8pm
Saturday, October 14 at 10am
copyright 2006
where skys are blue
find the dreams that we dare to dream
really do come true
You're in the subways of New York City. There are hundreds of people behind you, all rushing to get where they're going. You swipe your card. SLAM! It dosen't go through. You are slammed still. So are the hundreds behind you. You're not hurt but you've been slammed to a halt so suddenly that you expect to hurt, but you don't. It's a jolt. For a moment all you can do is stand still, breath, and realize how unconsciously you were moving through your day. You're awake and aware in that moment. Then you feel the hundreds behind you, you swipe again and this time you go forward. It dosen't take long to be unconscious again but for that present moment-you're jolted AWAKE.
I went to a performance in Upstate New York last Sunday. Jill Gardner sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow. She was a saprano and I swear with each soaring note, as she outstretched her arms and her spirit soared I felt like I was going to lift off any minute-I could fly-I could do anything I wanted. Tears streamed down my face with hope, possibility and love.
One moment I was simply enjoying the perfomance, the next I literally felt like I could fly. One moment we're moving along as a group unconsciously to our destination, the next jolted AWAKE. One moment we're alive the next we die.
I started a full time job three weeks ago. One moment they sent me a rejection letter. I sat in front of my radio and cried for an hour. It was the job I had dreamed up 6 months before and wow I didn't get it. After starting a part time job I received a call from the company that had rejected me, saying they'd made a mistake, when could I start. I couldn't believe it. My immediate thought was that's what you get for not choosing me. No way am I going to accept the job. My pride and ego was at full heights. One moment.
In that moment. I called my mom. My plan was to laugh and gloat. "Look mom, now I get to reject them hee-hee-hee." My mom got real quiet. "What's wrong?" I asked. She said very quietly, "I thought this was what you wanted." I was struck silent, slammed into myself. I quickly got off the phone with her. I sat still and tears streamed down my face. SLAM! For the sake of my pride and ego I was literally one second away from having pushed away the exact thing I wanted.
What mantra/affirmation/community/job/game/career/relationship are you committed to claiming for yourself? What will be your jolt-an unpleasant slam against cold metal, the subtle soaring note of a saprano-or getting the exact "thing" you've dreamed of?
"Somewhere over the Rainbow" we, you, I, him, her-is within.
One moment I was.....the next ....
Somewhere over the rainbow
where the skys are blue
And the dreams
That We Dare to DREAM
Still looking for another winner from last weeks contest.
Name the author for Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway-post it on the blog and receive your free copy!
Next Week: "HMMMMMMMMM!"
Morgan Contracting Company
Call Mark Wedderbaum
Plan Clerk
(I don't know details how much, specific duties but I know they have been a great place to work. So call and find out, it may be exactly what you've been looking for)
Let him know Samarra sent you.
Emergency Skills Inc.
$18/hour teaching CPR
They will pay for CPR certification.
Very flexible; needs lots of instructors.
Please email resume to:
Sarah Gilliam
Let her know Samarra sent you
Free Teleseminar
Curtis Schmitt-amazing life coach
Register for Time Management Mastery: The 5 Master Keys to Effective Time Management & Planning (and receive a free subscription to the Turn On to Life! monthly ezine)
Wednesday, October 4 at 8pm
Saturday, October 14 at 10am
copyright 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
September 11, 2006
A moment of silence for the lives forever lost.
A moment of prayer for those who have survived.
(Surprise gift opportunity for first to respond-be sure to read to the end)
Our deepest fear is not that we are
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light,
not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a
child of God. Your playing small doesn’t
serve the world. There’s nothing
enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the
Glory of God that is within us. It’s not just
in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our light shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission
To do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela
When my mom first read this to me almost 10 years ago. I was struck speechless and tears came to my eyes. There is such a profound truth. Can 't you feel it?
I felt it but did nothing about it. I continued thinking life was supposed to be about suffering and lack. I spent another 5 years avoiding the truth of it but I can't any longer.
I have started my business because alone my financial picture, my life was not consistently transforming. But each time I coach someone, I see myself and am constantly reminded my freedom begins with my thoughts. Our freedom begins with our thoughts!
Here is one of my many examples-
I started my business in April. Since then I have said to myself I need to have a printer. But of course I can't afford it-blah, blah. This last month, especially this last week it's been a sort of mantra in my head. " I need a printer. I need a larger computer table. I need a computer-more than just my laptop." I kept saying it to myself, the universe, and to my friends. Do you all know that I am sitting at my computer table that matches perfectly with my wicker and glass dining set from 10 years ago? I have a printer that actually prints, and a computer in the closet that just needs to get a tune up. All for FREE. One minute there wasn't even the possibility. Someone I've known for a year had been looking for someone to help him carry the stuff out to the trash. It was taking up too much room in his house. It all looks brand new! The power of our thoughts, our power is breathtaking. I know we have all experienced these moments. Please take this opportunity to remember them. Please share them. Remember that feeling. Scary isn't it? Let's feel the fear and do it anyway.
I've had so many friends who were amazing. Through tears and heart ache. We told eachother how amazing we were as we suffered over jobs, relationships, health and finances. We knew we were amazing leaders but we stayed small together.
The key is finding those who are amazing-not just talking about it. But in action around it-through the tears, leaving the abusive relationships, through the frustrations, through "lack of finances", no longer complaining but searching-taking responsibility for how our life goes.
Let's shine together not just in conversation but in action and community!
Mastermind group to get rid of debt. I have $20,000 debt. I will have it gone, at the latest, September 11, 2007. If you'd like to join this group please post your comment and/or email me at We don't have to have the answers now-it's not about the how-it's simply what's your financial goal. "What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve," (Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill) Post/Email me today to join this mastermind group! To get rid of our debt!
Emergency Skills Center
$18/hour teaching CPR.
They will pay for CPR certification. Contract with corporations over 30 years.
New contract with the Board of education.
Very flexible and needs a lot of people.
Please call Sarah V. Gillen
email resume to
Let her know Samarra sent you
Recommended Reading:
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (you post the author of this book on the blog first you will get a free copy of the book sent to you)
Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
Next Monday, September 18th "Somewhere over the Rainbow"
Copyright 2006
A moment of silence for the lives forever lost.
A moment of prayer for those who have survived.
(Surprise gift opportunity for first to respond-be sure to read to the end)
Our deepest fear is not that we are
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light,
not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a
child of God. Your playing small doesn’t
serve the world. There’s nothing
enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the
Glory of God that is within us. It’s not just
in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our light shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission
To do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela
When my mom first read this to me almost 10 years ago. I was struck speechless and tears came to my eyes. There is such a profound truth. Can 't you feel it?
I felt it but did nothing about it. I continued thinking life was supposed to be about suffering and lack. I spent another 5 years avoiding the truth of it but I can't any longer.
I have started my business because alone my financial picture, my life was not consistently transforming. But each time I coach someone, I see myself and am constantly reminded my freedom begins with my thoughts. Our freedom begins with our thoughts!
Here is one of my many examples-
I started my business in April. Since then I have said to myself I need to have a printer. But of course I can't afford it-blah, blah. This last month, especially this last week it's been a sort of mantra in my head. " I need a printer. I need a larger computer table. I need a computer-more than just my laptop." I kept saying it to myself, the universe, and to my friends. Do you all know that I am sitting at my computer table that matches perfectly with my wicker and glass dining set from 10 years ago? I have a printer that actually prints, and a computer in the closet that just needs to get a tune up. All for FREE. One minute there wasn't even the possibility. Someone I've known for a year had been looking for someone to help him carry the stuff out to the trash. It was taking up too much room in his house. It all looks brand new! The power of our thoughts, our power is breathtaking. I know we have all experienced these moments. Please take this opportunity to remember them. Please share them. Remember that feeling. Scary isn't it? Let's feel the fear and do it anyway.
I've had so many friends who were amazing. Through tears and heart ache. We told eachother how amazing we were as we suffered over jobs, relationships, health and finances. We knew we were amazing leaders but we stayed small together.
The key is finding those who are amazing-not just talking about it. But in action around it-through the tears, leaving the abusive relationships, through the frustrations, through "lack of finances", no longer complaining but searching-taking responsibility for how our life goes.
Let's shine together not just in conversation but in action and community!
Mastermind group to get rid of debt. I have $20,000 debt. I will have it gone, at the latest, September 11, 2007. If you'd like to join this group please post your comment and/or email me at We don't have to have the answers now-it's not about the how-it's simply what's your financial goal. "What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve," (Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill) Post/Email me today to join this mastermind group! To get rid of our debt!
Emergency Skills Center
$18/hour teaching CPR.
They will pay for CPR certification. Contract with corporations over 30 years.
New contract with the Board of education.
Very flexible and needs a lot of people.
Please call Sarah V. Gillen
email resume to
Let her know Samarra sent you
Recommended Reading:
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (you post the author of this book on the blog first you will get a free copy of the book sent to you)
Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
Next Monday, September 18th "Somewhere over the Rainbow"
Copyright 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
September 4, 2006
My name is Samarra. I am a complex woman. I am an artist, a business woman, a lover of learning new things and a resister of change. I always described myself as a person definitely not of this planet. I stayed by myself, read a lot, worked hard and worked hard some more. I am also a simple woman. Made all the goals I set out to accomplish by 25 and was unfulfilled, separated and totally at a loss as to what I was supposed to do now for the rest of my life.
I had no where to turn so I had to reach up and out, outside of myself. I discovered so many people of all ages, races and colors who felt the exact same way. Okay, maybe not from another planet, but complex and unfulfilled. Just having those conversations and seeing how much we related filled my time with laughter, tears and moments of peace. I was not alone. We are not alone. You are not alone. And each time a connection is made, the dots connected are infinite. I am interested in the line between the dots. The line creates the connections. What does this have to do with finances you ask? My answer: EVERYTHING! Our finances are the root to what makes this world tick-right or wrong-the green is the power-in all circles, and in each and every one of our lives. We, in most cases, are living out the unhealthy financial patterns of our parents, families and communities. For Donald Trump-excellent training ground-but for most of us it was not the best training ground toward financial abundance. Instead financial lack and fears are controlling us. Samarra Am Management provides the coaching to reveal what that pattern is. Once you know what it is, we can then set up some practices that allow you to create an entirely new pattern. Many times, the reason we stay "stuck" is because what was formerly done was done unconsciously. There is no way around this -to create a new pattern consistently, first the unconscious "tape" has to be exposed. As Landmark Education describes it, I’m exploring “what you don’t know that you don’t know.” If interested in having a free private consultation please just keep reading to find out how to sign up.
My name is Samarra. I am a complex woman. I am an artist, a business woman, a lover of learning new things and a resister of change. I always described myself as a person definitely not of this planet. I stayed by myself, read a lot, worked hard and worked hard some more. I am also a simple woman. Made all the goals I set out to accomplish by 25 and was unfulfilled, separated and totally at a loss as to what I was supposed to do now for the rest of my life.
I had no where to turn so I had to reach up and out, outside of myself. I discovered so many people of all ages, races and colors who felt the exact same way. Okay, maybe not from another planet, but complex and unfulfilled. Just having those conversations and seeing how much we related filled my time with laughter, tears and moments of peace. I was not alone. We are not alone. You are not alone. And each time a connection is made, the dots connected are infinite. I am interested in the line between the dots. The line creates the connections. What does this have to do with finances you ask? My answer: EVERYTHING! Our finances are the root to what makes this world tick-right or wrong-the green is the power-in all circles, and in each and every one of our lives. We, in most cases, are living out the unhealthy financial patterns of our parents, families and communities. For Donald Trump-excellent training ground-but for most of us it was not the best training ground toward financial abundance. Instead financial lack and fears are controlling us. Samarra Am Management provides the coaching to reveal what that pattern is. Once you know what it is, we can then set up some practices that allow you to create an entirely new pattern. Many times, the reason we stay "stuck" is because what was formerly done was done unconsciously. There is no way around this -to create a new pattern consistently, first the unconscious "tape" has to be exposed. As Landmark Education describes it, I’m exploring “what you don’t know that you don’t know.” If interested in having a free private consultation please just keep reading to find out how to sign up.
I have found that a constant conversation and accessibility is so important to retaining "a new pattern" I am launching this blog as the line that can connect an unlimited number of dots. Every Monday I will have a sort of opinion piece. And I invite, encourage and hope that you join in the conversation. This will be the one place you CAN go daily and tell your truth, tell your story, or simply visit to find out about free teleseminars, job opportunities, interviews, specials, surprises and much, much more. My goal is simply to be one of the many lines connecting the dots. Come be a dot, a line, a person with a simple question silently checking out responses. Come as you are-I promise as we speak and check in, you will hear YOU in the voice of another and immediately you experience peace.
Wow! What an amazing session with Samarra ! In one hour, I was able to connect to my beliefs about money and recognize how I have been limiting myself from experiencing joy, abundance and financial freedom. Samarra helped me to develop clarity and a plan of action around this important dimension of my life. Her insight, compassion and ability to create a space to imagine what's possible when love replaces fear was so empowering! I now have a powerful vision to guide me as I recreate my financial destiny.
Nancy Feth, Professional Coach, Pembroke , MA
My natural ability to hear what’s not being said, coupled with my leadership training, organizational skills, love of figuring out plans and being in community has resulted in
Samarra Am Management. If you want personal attention with someone trustworthy, who’s dedicated to you living your life fully, discover the emotion that’s truly spending your money resulting in keeping you unfulfilled in life.
Don’t delay another moment-get in communication with me privately and/or on this blog so you can get in conversation with your full, uninhibited self.
"Samarra , thank you so much for coaching me through your powerful personal money management process. I am very meticulous and consider myself a numbers person, and I have to admit I was a little skeptical at first. But what I never accounted for was the emotional side of managing my money. Not only did you show me that I have negative emotions around spending, but I feel the negative emotions of each purchase TWICE! First when I pay at the register with my credit card, and then again when I pay my credit card bill. I don't want to feel bad once let alone twice! You gave me the clarity I need to develop much healthier emotions around money. Thank you. And I'll be referring several of my friends who could use your help, too!" --Curtis G. Schmitt, Shelter Island , NY
Its more than just about your money with Samarra its about your life and who you are and how you feel are all one in the same with you and your money. It was an absolute pleasure having Samarra to work with and being able to set a goal for my financial freedom……..thanks Samarra!!
Rhosael Ciandre, Franchise Owner
Schedule your free 30 minute consultation!
Don’t delay another moment-get in communication with me privately and/or on this blog so you can get in conversation with your full, uninhibited self.
"Samarra , thank you so much for coaching me through your powerful personal money management process. I am very meticulous and consider myself a numbers person, and I have to admit I was a little skeptical at first. But what I never accounted for was the emotional side of managing my money. Not only did you show me that I have negative emotions around spending, but I feel the negative emotions of each purchase TWICE! First when I pay at the register with my credit card, and then again when I pay my credit card bill. I don't want to feel bad once let alone twice! You gave me the clarity I need to develop much healthier emotions around money. Thank you. And I'll be referring several of my friends who could use your help, too!" --Curtis G. Schmitt, Shelter Island , NY
Its more than just about your money with Samarra its about your life and who you are and how you feel are all one in the same with you and your money. It was an absolute pleasure having Samarra to work with and being able to set a goal for my financial freedom……..thanks Samarra!!
Rhosael Ciandre, Franchise Owner
Schedule your free 30 minute consultation!
Your satisfaction. I guarantee.
Call 718-350-6095 or email me at
If you attended my "Free Your Financial State of Mind" Seminar with special debt-free guest Naomi Austin on July 31st, please share your experience.
Everyone please share your feelings and experiences regarding money.
Next Monday, September 11, 2006 my opinion piece is "Our Deepest Fear..."
Happy Labor Day!
Here's to creating a community that will together transform our relationship to work and money. A community committed to living inspiring, fulfilled and prosperous lives!
Picture the sun rising.
Focus on the image. Rest mind, body and spirit. Focus only on you.
copyright 2006
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