February 24, 2009
Thank you so much for those that joined me for a lovely Sunday farewell enjoying August Gold's inspirational sermon on love, and for the laughs, sharing yummy muffins and fun. I greatly appreciated your presence!
Embarking on a spirtual journey, we just never know where the next road traveled will lead. As I'm packing my boxes, the terror of the unknown is making itself...known. My computer is freezing (which is why this is late) but amazingly this morning it's working. My phone has frozen and I've gotten it fixed 3 times, my bathtub was clogged to the point where I used a bucket to get the water out and it just gurgled and filled back up! A few weeks ago, I was lit up and inspired and so excited, I still am but the terror and obstacles are more prominant now.
WHAT THE H _ _ _ AM I DOING? But this time I know not to let the terror stop me. Beneath the surface, at my center I am thrilled by what is possible. Many of you are on the spirtual journey and have been faced with hard choices and are feeling that with everything that is going on with the economy, friends and family members losing their jobs, or just feeling a general sense of unease and for some like me sheer terror at the magnitude of the changes. It only means that there is more that is required you. Life, love, growth is not static, it's an everchanging flow that demands continuous growth. When you are in alignment, beneath the terror there is a thrill, an unexplainable excitement, a sense of what is possible. On your path, don't just let the fear, ok terror, stop you. Keep going because your release is found in the follow through. Following a spirtual path, acting on faith beyond what you can see and what you know, having the courage to leap off the cliff, follow your core, and chance what is intellecutally unknown yet spirtually aligned and known simply means that more is required of you, more is required of me, more is required...Meditate, Excercise, Eat Well to help support the spirual path of unknown terror and overwhelming thrill.
I will return to Emotional Money on Monday, March 9th. Thank you for BEING!
Think of someone that you have always admired, famous or not.
Pick up a book on them and/or research them online or if you know them, ask a few questions. You'll find that what they all have in common is that they did several "somethings" in their lives that was not expected of them but what was spirtually required and they leapt, in spite of their fears and the fears of those around them.
ONLY ONE WEEK left, I'm offering a celebratory 25% off of all my packages that are booked during February. (conditions apply)
I've decided to announce my new services and teleseminars series after I relocate!
Committing to Living and Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled and Free!
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009