Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24, 2009


Thank you so much for those that joined me for a lovely Sunday farewell enjoying August Gold's inspirational sermon on love, and for the laughs, sharing yummy muffins and fun. I greatly appreciated your presence!

Embarking on a spirtual journey, we just never know where the next road traveled will lead. As I'm packing my boxes, the terror of the unknown is making itself...known. My computer is freezing (which is why this is late) but amazingly this morning it's working. My phone has frozen and I've gotten it fixed 3 times, my bathtub was clogged to the point where I used a bucket to get the water out and it just gurgled and filled back up! A few weeks ago, I was lit up and inspired and so excited, I still am but the terror and obstacles are more prominant now.
WHAT THE H _ _ _ AM I DOING? But this time I know not to let the terror stop me. Beneath the surface, at my center I am thrilled by what is possible. Many of you are on the spirtual journey and have been faced with hard choices and are feeling that with everything that is going on with the economy, friends and family members losing their jobs, or just feeling a general sense of unease and for some like me sheer terror at the magnitude of the changes. It only means that there is more that is required you. Life, love, growth is not static, it's an everchanging flow that demands continuous growth. When you are in alignment, beneath the terror there is a thrill, an unexplainable excitement, a sense of what is possible. On your path, don't just let the fear, ok terror, stop you. Keep going because your release is found in the follow through. Following a spirtual path, acting on faith beyond what you can see and what you know, having the courage to leap off the cliff, follow your core, and chance what is intellecutally unknown yet spirtually aligned and known simply means that more is required of you, more is required of me, more is required...Meditate, Excercise, Eat Well to help support the spirual path of unknown terror and overwhelming thrill.

I will return to Emotional Money on Monday, March 9th. Thank you for BEING!

Think of someone that you have always admired, famous or not.
Pick up a book on them and/or research them online or if you know them, ask a few questions. You'll find that what they all have in common is that they did several "somethings" in their lives that was not expected of them but what was spirtually required and they leapt, in spite of their fears and the fears of those around them.


ONLY ONE WEEK left, I'm offering a celebratory 25% off of all my packages that are booked during February. (conditions apply)

I've decided to announce my new services and teleseminars series after I relocate!

Committing to Living and Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled and Free!

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 16, 2009



Reoccuring theme for this week:
Do you know that feeling you get when a certain decison enters your...consciouness and everything just makes sense? You may have been feeling confused and overwhelmed one second before but the moment a certain decision, usually the one that wasn't expected, arises, everything gets very clear. We usually experience it and then push past that point until we return back to feeling confused and overwhelmed again. Sometimes for a few days, we'll remain in that confused state. Then we end up choosing between two decisions that have nothing to do with THE decision that brought us clarity.

Many times the sense of overwhelm that we feel is simply due to our lack of preparation and planning. For example: if we have several bills due, we'll fret over not having enough money instead of choosing instead to face what it is that we fear: tally up our expenses and make a plan to figure out how to bring in what we are going to need.

If we choose our decisions from our places of clarity followed by a plan to implement it, what a one, two knockout punch it could be?!!
Imagine what we could accomplish if we choose those unexpected clear decisions continously instead of just every once in a while.

Choose (not make) CHOOSE decisions from your place of clarity!


If you'd like to schedule a consultation before I move Upstate March 1st, I'm offering a celebratory 25% off of all my packages that are booked during February. (conditions apply)

In the next two weeks, I will be announcing my regularly scheduled monthly teleseminars that will begin in March, and my new service for Samarra Am Managment clients only: 30 minute Core Check-In Consultations. Don't waste time trying to figure out anymore if you should do something or not - your core will reveal all in a matter of a few minutes. Let me help you allieviate the fears to do what you know you really want to!

Please join me for an informal farewell gathering on Sunday, February 22nd at Sacred Center New York from 11am-12:30pm at 16 Clarkson Street. www.sacredcenterny.org. It's one block from the Houston Street stop on the 1 line. And after the service we'll take a walk to a place close by to talk and laugh and have a fabulous time!
Please be at Clarkson at 10:45am and we'll meet in the lobby. Please let me know at emotionalmoney@gmail.com if you'll be coming!

Committing to Living and Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled and Free!

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2009

Monday, February 09, 2009

February 11, 2009


When I left my job, my security, my safe haven I had no idea of the true step that I was taking. I was taking a step towards my commitment to Samarra Am Management.

Each week there tends to be a common theme that shows up with my customers, on the radio, conversations with friends, etc. It shows up everywhere. This week it has been being unconscious to the cost of the price we pay for engaging in our habits. We oftentimes will decide that we are strong enough to take it, strong enough to stay, strong enough to bide our time, strong enough to make it ok for the other person. It is only later that we notice that we've put on weight, that we said "yes" to someone we've said "no" to for years because a piece of us knew that they really weren't the right choice, that we are drinking more, that we are crying more, that we are spending more....etc. We are all paying such high prices to keep our lives in the realm of what we know.

Leaving my job this time, was different. I have gone back to jobs so many times in my life only to always HAVE to leave desperate to be free - desperate to have a deeper conversation and a need for more security than the pay check could ever begin to satisfy. But this time as I wasn't able to pay some of my bills, I knew going back AGAIN was not an option. But what was I going to do? Going back to a job is what I knew. But this last time I was so aware of the price that I was paying to get that paycheck. I woke up everyday tired and crawled into bed every night at 8pm anxious to go to sleep. I stopped working out, I stopped working my business and I was gaining weight and franky I still felt like I didn't have enough money. When we changed floors and I was going to be sitting facing a wall with a 6 foot cubicle around me it was a final straw that I just couldn't bear. The next day after walking out of my job, my phone rang and I signed 8 new clients in two weeks. I attended networking events and had a blast, acquired through a client a gig with an amazing and spirtual jewerly designer who every time I am in her presence I receive "healing." I was working out again, lost my weight again and couldn't wait to wake up every day and get moving. I was free and spending my days doing what I love. So when fewer clients came in and I couldn't meet all my expenses on time, I was faced with the same choice I'd faced my entire life. Before I've always chosen to return to the security. This time, I knew that the cost I was paying to do that was a price that I was not willing to pay. By following what I believe is my calling, what I began doing was instead of strategizing around a job - I began stategizing around what fulfills me. What has steadily developed was to shed and let go and invest in what will build, build, build Samarra Am Management.

On March 1st I will be moving about three hours away to Upstate, NY. Many of you don't know this, but when I moved to New York City four years ago - I only knew two weeks before arriving that I was coming. I simply began to follow and trust my core and what I have gained since arriving here, I could have never even imagined. It is four years later and moving Upstate showed up in the exact same way. I will cut my expenses and have access to being able to hold regular seminars and retreats in a space that has a pure energy within it, that is owned by my mother. I can help her administratively with Big Tent Events, LLC and she can help me with marketing. I strategized from my core and once again have been amazed by what is the perfect partnership for both of us. I have no idea what lies in store for me up there but I feel an unbelieveable...certainity in the unknown, just as I felt when I moved here. When I stepped away from my job this last time, I was actually stepping towards my commitment....I was taking a final step towards myself, understanding the costs of staying in the sytem I know, a price I am no longer willing to pay. And hey, it has never gotten me what I really wanted anyway. Wealth, and living my life fulfilled, inspired and free!

I am reminded everyday of the costs to ourselves when we choose what we think we should do over our core values. I understand this path may not work for everyone. It requires a lot of letting go, it requires a lot of responsibility and it requires continuously growing. The only time I feel stagnant living this way is when I get scared and resist having to learn and grow and having to "move" again. But when I trust and have faith and follow my core - which is in alignemnt with the universe and my purpose for being here, as it is for every one of us, I want to do everything in my power to build systems and network and programs that support those who have chosen to explore the choices that are in alignement with their core. What we have been taught, isn't the truth. Go get a good job, pay your bills and retire. Don't be too passionate or dream too big because you might get hurt. I love that being alive in this time we get to have a reminder every single day of what is possible when you live your life from your core and do the work that inspires you. Barack Obama. I saw a video on You Tube yesterday by an Indian musician and the song was called Obama, Obama. it brought tears to my eyes. Inspiration coupled with action goes beyond fears, race, creed, money, and all the tools that we all use to keep us seperated. We aren't all Barack Obama's but we all have something inside of us that inspires us and encourages us to live beyond our fears and conform to the systems that are in place. What is happening now with the economy is the universe's way of trying to help us all let go of the old system that wasn't working. Fear, control, restraint, irresponsibilty and oh, did I say fear, fear, fear. There is no better time than now to let go of what is actually not serving you and begin strategizing from your core, not from money, status, things, but from WHO YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN!


If you'd like to schedule a consultation before I go, I'm offering a celebratory 25% off of all my packages that are booked during February. (conditions apply)

In the next two weeks, I will be announcing my regularly scheduled monthly teleseminars that will begin in March, and my new service for Samarra Am Managment clients only: 30 minute Core Check-In Consultations. Don't waste time trying to figure out anymore if you should do something or not - your core will reveal all in a matter of a few minutes. Let me help you allieviate the fears to do what you know you really want to!

Please join me for an informal farewell gathering on Sunday, February 22nd at Sacred Center New York from 11am-12:30pm at 16 Clarkson Street. www.sacredcenterny.org. It's one block from the Houston Street stop on the 1 line. And after the service we'll take a walk to a place close by to talk and laugh and have a fabulous time!
Please be at Clarkson at 10:45am and we'll meet in the lobby. Please let me know at emotionalmoney@gmail.com if you'll be coming!

Committing to Living and Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled and Free!

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2009

Monday, February 02, 2009

February 2, 2009


"The moment you settle for less than you deserve, you then receive less than what you settled for."
Reverend August Gold, Sacred Center NY

Thank you to the many of you that responded so favorably to The Emotional Money ® Retreat for Women. I have been amazed by the consistency of the incredible women that I keep meeting that are settling for far less than they deserve. Their partners aren't meeting their needs financially, physically, spirtually or emotionally and yet they continue to stay. The consistency is frightening. By gathering together and having a conversation, which will be far more than just about our finances (as my clients can attest), we hope to begin the process to provide the healing & strength to "see" the abundant choices that await them. Me, my mother and two other wonderful women put on a workshop several years ago in Binghamton, NY and the women that attended still meet to this day, to gather, connect, grow and heal. If you or a woman that you know could benefit, please forward them to www.healingfinances.com and ask them to click on "Emotional Money® Retreat for Women". It is really time that we all, men and women, collectively stop settling, so that we may live and fulfill our true life's destiny and purpose. In a world of settling, short cuts, ATM's, no time, and microwaves, it's much easier to dare to refuse to settle when you have a connected community of people rooting for you to align with your core versus your habits.

Many of you have asked and the registration deadline for Emotional Money® Retreat for Women is April 3, 2009. There are only 14 spaces available! May Day, May Day! The times of being able to afford to live life less than who we truly are, have come to an end. Register today for The Emotional Money® Retreat for Women. Gentlemen sign up for a free consultation. Let's answer our own calls for help! Connect, Connect, Connect.


Where in your life have you settled? What has been impacted the greatest, your spirit, your heart, your finances, your health and/or all of the above?
What would it take for you in 2009, to say "Yes You Can" and live a life from your core, inspired, fulfilled and free?


I am thrilled to say that we have many new clients that joined in the last two weeks and I welcome you each to the Emotional Money Blog Family. Welcome! I hope that you enjoy the weekly blog, plan of actions, and event announcements. If you have an upcoming event or announcement, please let me know by emailing me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com and I would be happy to post it on the blog. There are more details regarding the Upcoming Retreat at www.healingfinances.com. And I have pasted below the link to my Happy Holidays message. I wanted to share it with you. Happy New Year and I'm thrilled to welcome you as a part of the family!

TURN ON TO LIFE w/ Curtis G. Schmitt
Here's the latest schedule of upcoming Integrity Days:

February 3, 2009 (Tuesday), 8 AM ET
February 6, 2009 (Friday), 9 AM ET
February 11, 2009 (Wednesday), 12 PM ET
February 13, 2009 (Friday), 9 AM ET
February 17, 2009 (Tuesday), 8 AM ET
February 20, 2009 (Friday), 9 AM ET
February 25, 2009 (Wednesday), 12 PM ET
February 26, 2009 (Thursday), 8 AM ET

To register for one of these dates, visit:


You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in four hours --
and how much fun you can have doing it -- when you have an
enthusiastic support group cheering you on.

I look forward to "seeing" you at an Integrity Day soon! Get ready

Curtis G. Schmitt
Turn On to Life! Coach
203-659-6636 | 610-696-3731

If you would like to start your week off being inspired and fulfilled please go to www.sacredcenterny.org.
Every Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm.

Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."

Copyright 2009