December 8, 2008
"Remember in times of economic uncertainty, true passion is your greatest security."
by Tama Kieves.
"It's supposed to be hard. When you struggle, it proves how much you're willing to fight for it." I can't tell you how many different versions of this phrase, I have heard this week. Why is it that we believe that things are supposed to be so hard? I USED to believe the same thing. Until my very stubborn Aries self was ramming into so many walls that after so many years of doing it, by the age of 27 I literally prayed to God for death. Literally. Death did come, but not in the way I thought. The death that came was of the belief that I was destined to spend my precious time on earth frustrated, angry, depressed and so tired I just couldn't ram and slam to PROVE myself anymore. The universe must have shouted “she's finally out of the way.” I suddenly started meeting people who believed in a different message, I ended up leaving my home town, my husband, old friends, my career and suddenly there was a lot less ramming going on. (I can't say that there is no ramming now, I am still an Aries and find myself slamming sometimes especially when it comes to relationships BUT I don't slam for nearly as long.) I know and believe to my core, by experience, that if I'm slamming, it is only because I'm not willing to let go of something that isn't actually mine and/or I'm heading down a path that may not be right for me. If we believe that our life is supposed to be struggle, then it will be.
This week, a few weeks before the new year begins, I invite you to take these next couple of weeks to see what different decisions and actions you might take if you didn't just start from "it's supposed to be hard." What else is possible? When you watched the coyote on the cartoon try over and over and over and over again to catch the Roadrunner, wasn't it amusing at first? But over the years, didn't it just seem silly? Most importantly didn't you reach a point when you no longer laughed or felt anything, you were just resigned to the fact that the coyote wasn't going to get the road runner. You already knew the ending and watched "blindly." That is often how I believe we live our lives. We may get a rush every once in a while but if you truly believe it's going to be a fight to get it then, eventually you numb your emotions to keep yourself from the rush because you already know it's not going to work out. Or you know your partner, friend or family member won't approve. You believe you can't have it or aren't supposed to because it sends a little thrill inside of you. Funny, how over and over it doesn't work out and we come to the conclusion that "we weren't supposed to have it anyway." Not realizing that from the beginning we believe it's supposed to be a struggle and we charge after the things we already believe we aren't supposed to have. Maybe we should practice charging towards the things that thrill us internally and lay the "struggle belief" down for a moment.
Discover and have the courage to follow YOUR true passions. The market,
he/she said, husband/wife said, boss said, father/mother said........in the end there is YOU. Stop slamming into the wall and see it for what it is, a "belief" that can be let go. You may ask, as I did, in terror, what if something worse appears, at least I know the wall. I don't know what will replace the wall for you but what if, like it was for me, whatever it is A LOT less painful than the wall, would it be worth it to start your new year letting the road runner go right on by so you can discover the thing that you were actually meant to have & to hold so that YOU MAY LIVE and BE in ease?
1) Notice how often you and those in your close circle not only speak of struggle
but brag about your survival of it.
2) Practice a few moments a day engaging in what gives us a thrill internally. (I'm not referring to thrills gained from people or things outside of yourself.) Thrills gained from you being with you. For instance, every time I write a blog. Every time I workout, every time I develop a new package for the business....
3) Practice believing that YOU were placed here for something other than simply to be able to say you are strong because you survived all the struggles. The strength, is being able to not need the struggle and to live passionately with purpose and in alignment with YOUR core and discover and live YOUR dream.
Curtis G. Schmitt from Turn On To Life presents
Get ready to HAVE FUN and GET STUFF DONE!
December 9, 2008 (Tuesday), 9 AM ET (TOMORROW)
December 10, 2008 (Wednesday), 11 AM ET
December 12, 2008 (Friday), 9 AM ET
December 16, 2008 (Tuesday), 8 AM ET
December 18, 2008 (Thursday), 8 AM ET
December 19, 2008 (Friday), 9 AM ET
To register for one of these dates, visit:
Visit our website http://www.sterlingchoices.net.
To participate in an upcoming tele-seminar, join our mailing list.
Our TalkingLive series resumes this month with a two-part tele-seminar:
"Converting Financial Stress into Financial Success"
Session One: "Half Full" is a 45-minute open call.
The financial crisis has affected each and every one of us, even if not equally. Tough times such as these provide a fertile ground for sharing, learning, and growing. As we wind down 2008 and gear up for 2009, we are hosting this call-in to provide a platform for you to share how you have responded to the financial crisis - what changes, tactics, and/or ideas are you employing to help you confront your financial challenges? Whatever you are doing or experimenting with to convert your slow-downs or setbacks into opportunities just might be what someone else on the call needs to hear or try... and vice versa!
Join us on Tuesday, 9 December, (TOMORROW) at 8:00 p.m. for the "Half Full" call-in.
Session Two: "Mortgage Hell No More" is a 60-minute tele-seminar session designed exclusively for mortgage holders who are in need of their own bailout plan. My guest this evening is Harold Ford, president of Global Real Estate Holdings, specialists in foreclosure consulting and workouts with banks.
Do you owe more than your house is worth - in other words are you under water?
Are you struggling to make your mortgage payments?
Has your mortgage lender already begun the foreclosure process?
If you answered "yes" or have a relative or close friend who would answer "yes," this is a session you won't want to miss. You will learn what you can do to save your home and regain your peace of mind, and/or gather valuable information on behalf of someone for whom you care deeply.
Join us on Wednesday, 10 December at 8:00 p.m. for the "Mortgage Hell No More"
To get the call-in details please sign up on their mailing list at www.sterlingchoices.net.
Congratulations to Andrea Reese (the designer of my logo and angel to me and many, many others) for her featured interview on W-NBC-TV on Saturday Today in NY.
Although the show is now SOLD OUT please visit her website to stay tuned for further updates on future shows.
"Cirque Jacqueline" on December 18th and 19th at
The Players Theatre
Call 866-811-4111 or
Visit Theatermania...
For more info on the show, please visit...
www.jackieoshow.com http://www.jackieoshow.com/bv
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2008
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