December 22, 2008
I just spent 45 minutes trying to get into my own parking space. Yesterday after a half an hour I gave up. But today after 10 minutes I had already gotten in further than I had the night before. That was reassurance that it would be worth it for me to hang in there this time and figure it out. I came prepared with a broom and a dust pan ready to tackle the ice. Instead I used the heels of my shoes. A woman sitting in her truck across the street, was clearly upset by my using my shoes and suggested that I should really just back in instead. She and her nice black truck were exactly across from my space which made backing up an impossibility. I decided not to tell her "yeah, great idea lady but you're in the way." It's the holidays after all. And instead for 20 more minutes implemented the back up, drive, back up, drive rocking momentum I learned watching my mother as a child, an excellent driver. Yesterday I had given up after only a half an hour but today after each rock, I got a little further, enough to feel that there would be a "potential" click and my car despite ice and snow would glide right in. Just about the time that I was starting to doubt myself and the potential of my rock, the lady and her black truck, who made the suggestion that she herself was the cause of blocking me from, decided to drive away. Yes, I thought, NOW I can back in. Did I mention that my parking space has two poles on either side of it and is on an incline. But I happen to love backing in, another great trait I learned from my mother, that reverse can really be your friend. Bounce, bounce, slide, I'm almost in. But not quite enough since I'm blocking the sidewalk. But now I'm stuck, oh so close but not quite in far enough. So out comes my broom, dust pan and the handy dandy heel of my boot. Now I can pull all the way out so that I can pull in again. I envision a nice smooth glide in to my own space. But wait I think let me just take one more glance at the lay of the land. The ice is shining where my tires got stuck so I decide to kick a little snow, maybe that will help with some traction. I look at one tire and then the other - I kick some more snow, what can it hurt. I envision a nice glide in. I go to the wheel, rock forward, shift to reverse and wow a smooth glide in.
I thought it was a perfect playing out of the events of my life this past year. In life we sometimes give up pretty quickly when things appear to be a slippery slope. But we try again and isn't it funny, how we can feel even if we haven't made it to our destination, the potential for it to all fall in place. Feeling the potential is enough to keep you going. Someone (often a friend or family member) shows up to give you all sorts of advice. They are the ones we allow to block us and be directly in our way. When they leave or when we can, get rid of them, we are then free to try another approach and the potential is so exciting. We're bursting with possibility. We decide to take a moment and do some final, "just in case", tweaking. We envision what we want, it's suddenly so clear, we get behind our own goal and ta da everything clicks in place, and mmmmm it's a smooth glide in.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and no matter the stage you are in on this drive of life, remember some tweaking, a vision and some time may be all that is required. To align with who we already are and glide, that is the space awaiting our surrender and arrival every moment of every day.
May this be your last year of being committed to suffering and struggle.
If you are in any need, and/or believe that who you are is a sin, please, please, please go to
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Great 2 bedroom sublet available (1 full size, 1 kids room) for 3 months, off 63rd Drive & Queens Blvd-5 min walk from R & V train, & all shopping. 30 minutes into midtown Manhattan. Rent $1600 negotiable. Heat/Gas included. Cable available at extra cost. Contact Natalie via email,
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