November 24, 2008
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
Dale Carnegie
Depending how you are choosing to spend your time, you may be surrounded by those that are filled with fear regarding the current economic situation. Spinning in fear will get you very, very little. If you are scared, identify the specific reasons why, as it pertains to your life right now. Once identified, choose an action that you can take that can address it. If you are just generally scared, that can only render you helpless and hopeless. Sometimes we like that because, "hey, it's not my fault, there is nothing I can do."
It has been such an interesting education for me to realize that in every place I'm going, meditation center, the two places I volunteer my time, networking events, church, lunch with friends, there is celebration and an overall feeling of excitement and possibility regarding what is happening right now. Overall, we feel that what is happening is simply the truth of what has actually been occurring for years, the masks could just no longer be maintained. When one of us gets scared because we are surrounded by this overall positive energy, we don't get stuck in fear for long before we are reminded of possibility. Some of these people, like you have lost their jobs, watched their investements shrivel and their savings disappear, but they've also discovered opportunities to start their own business, pursue interest based on what they love, and focus their energies in new and exciting places. When you have the top executive of the car dealerships go to Congress to request money with no sort of plan, while using their private jets, it just shows the mentality and type of unaccountablity that has been occurring for so many years. We get to look at them and lay blame but the truth is it is exactly what we have been doing with our credit cards, automatic bill payments and bounced check protection. We use the system to help us avoid what we don't want to deal with. We haven't been holding ourselves accountable. It has finally caught up with all of us. We're all connected. Now is the opportunity to grow, change, and to discover brand new possibilities now that the core root of what has been going on has been exposed. The good news is that we don't have to do it alone.
It was the day after Thanksgiving that my grandmother had her knee surgery. That was the beginning of the end of my life as I had always known it. There are these occurences in life that are apart of its natural cycle. They are scary, and sometimes extremely difficult. But at the end of the day, at the end of the cycle, time continues ticking, and those still here have the opportunity to continue to grow, to have another chance. There is nothing wrong with being afraid. But understand it is simply the cycle of life. This Thanksgiving week, if you are feeling very scared, take some deep breaths and be willing to hold yourself accountable for yourself and your life. Choose to take a look at what you are specifically afraid of and see if you can identify some action steps that you can take to allieviate your fears. Spinning and doing nothing only adds to your fears.
Yes, there is something that you can do. The first is to stop pretending, avoiding, and hiding. You are still here, how do you want to spend the remainder of your time?
Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Mother Theresa, and so many unsung heros like my grandmother, Eunice Simpson, spend/spent their time not only talking about change but were/are willing to take actions on their beliefs. Again and again and again they inspire/inspired us by what they did regardless of the odds. This Thanksgiving give gratitude for the people and things in your life that inspire you, and moving forward be willing to take action and go beyond your fears. Make yourself smile and be inspired by taking responsibility for your life. Life is short, cyclical and nothing is guaranteed. We're all in this together! Holding ourselves accountable and choosing to engage in taking responisbility for our part in this fiasco is step numero uno!
Identify 1 to 3 things that are the cause of your specific fears right now.
What can you do about? What will you do about it? By when will you take action?
Take action.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
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