November 10, 2008
"What we think or what we know or what we believe is, in the end of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do."
John Riskin
We campaigned, we donated money, we talked to our friends, family and neighbors about getting out to vote. We pined, we prayed, we hoped, we believed and on November 4, 2008 we took action and we VOTED.
I celebrate this because it is a vote for transformation. He is a man that approaches life from what is possible versus from what is not possible. He is also a man that understands that we are all, regardless of race, culture, class, financial background, etc. that we are ALL connected! The way to transform the world isn't through the fears and keeping everyone separated but through faith, hard work and connecting everyone to their own greatness. As Rev. August Gold said on Sunday at Sacred Center New York, we all know that the bar has been raised. We understand that in order for him to make it we must do our part. We can't vote for the change and then not follow through with the actions to back it up. As Obama has reminded us from the beginning, he can't do it on his own. We each first, in our own lives, need to take actions towards what we say we want. If we do what we've always done, the results will be heartbreaking. As many of you are experiencing on Wall Street and around the country. When we try to take a short cut, or not be authentic, or accountable, eventually the walls come tumbling down. We must be willing to be the leaders in our own lives and in our communities. Barack Obama said he can't do it alone. I remember so vividly when I first heard that he was running, I totally dismissed it. I didn't have an ounce of faith that America was ready for transformation. But each time I heard him speak, his faith and his view of possibility then caused me to think maybe America could be ready. Then for a period of time, I was so afraid for him and his family. what if something happened to him? I sort of wished that he would change his mind. But over time, because of his faith and steadfastness and consistent message about the possibilities, my fears and concerns simply fell away. And as he beat one odd after another, after another, after another, I was overcome with...hope that his faith never faltered. So much more is possible when we tap into that which is beyond what we know and what we can see.
As you may be watching your retirement funds dwindle, your friends and family speak of their fears, as you read the paper and watch the t.v., remember Barack Obama and what he has accomplished. Have faith in yourself! I know someone that has lost $75,000 in their retirement account. They are not worried, or stressed or scared. They have faith, that all will be well. So instead of spending their energy on the fears, they are working as they have, taking responsibility for their finances by monitoring viable investments, continuing to save, and not spending beyond their means. We must follow Barack Obama's and this person’s example. Remember when you get tired, frustrated and scared (maybe turn off the television that is telling you 24 hours a day to be scared.) Turn off the fear in your mind. Take some deep breaths; don't just say you want something, go get it, do all that you need to (build alliances, do research, put your ego in check, be willing to say "I don't know" so you can get others that do) before you distract yourself with the world, start from where it begins, at home, with you!
It's the end of an era of talking. It's time to get to work....not horizontally but vertically. Transcend the fears and smallness in your life. Transform.
www.enlightennext.org every Thursday free meditation, 7pm-10:30pm
www.sacredcenterny.org every Sunday at 11am-12:30pm
Enjoy a wonderful production of
Twelfth Night
by William Shakespeare
Directed by Rebecca Patterson
Saturday Nov 8 thru Nov 23
Tues-Sat at 7:30pm
Sun at 3pm
Two matinees Sat Nov 15 & 22 at 2pm
Post-show discussion after the Sat Nov 15 matinee
At Urban Stages
259 W30 Street (btwn 7 & 8 Ave)
Tickets are $18
Reservations at 212.868.4444 or
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