December 1, 2008
We are the ones that we have been waiting for.
August Gold from Sacred Heart Center (and many others)
The highway was littered with overturned cars, cars missing their fenders at the hands of a guardrail, ambulances and police cars everywhere along the way. One scene of a white small vehicle stopped in the center of the 3 lane highway, right beyond a hill. The occupants were standing in the rain/sleet/snow mix on the grassy hill, watching as cars approached - helpless, they looked on, no police or red flair in sight to prevent further disaster, but somehow no further disaster transpired.
Happy Thanksgiving indeed.
As I spent Thanksgiving with a party of twenty in a hand built beautiful barn featuring carved railings of wood that were breathtaking, I was thankful to have been welcomed. A new tradition was now to be established, no longer having a reason to go to Ohio to visit my grandma. She's no longer there or anywhere here. But our now smaller family was enveloped amongst this large one, hugged and loved, welcomed.
Happy Thanksgiving.
My ex-boyfriend was held up at gunpoint outside the apartment door a few days before Thanksgiving. But he's still here, unharmed, luckily they were only interested in the wallet and the phone and not in harming him.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Across the world mayham, murder, war, disease and death are apart of the daily routine.
Thanks giving please.
The economy, fears, solutions based on the same old past beliefs. But more and more I hear people, commentators and pundits even, understanding, admitting that the old ways are not working. Instead of simply stating what has always been "facts" there is now space for more inquiries and new ideas to surface, breaking the cycle of sticking to the miseries and systems of the past. They haven’t been working for quite some time. New ideas and inquiries.
Happy Thanks Giving.
Blessings to the many who lost their lives, and whose lives are forever changed by what they witnessed in Mumbai these past few days.
This Thanksgiving I was so aware that the time we have here is not guaranteed. In a month we bring in yet another New Year. Do you want things to be as they were a year ago, what is your vision of your life a year from now? Is it the same ole, same ole - fear, frustration, stress, and stagnation. Our time here isn't guaranteed.
Emotions & Your Money is the key to how you are living in ALL areas of your life. Take a peak. Is there unopened mail, late payments, avoidance, secrets, stress and strain? Notice the similar patterns in your relationships, careers, your health and and your friends.
Driving home today from Upstate New York I saw so many accidents, some quite disturbing. When I pulled up in front of my apartment I said a prayer of gratitude. I remembered that only 4 years ago, sitting on a divide myself, on a busy street, my favorite car totaled, I wanted so badly to just lean back and let some fast moving car "take me." Stressed, strained, saddened and frustrated, I couldn't envision any way out. I was so tired of fighting. I believed the stress, strain and pain was the truth of life. Living in resistance. Luckily I didn't lean back, and stayed long enough to discover through others, through reading, through wanting there to be another way, that our life’s are the manifestation of what we believe. Half full or half empty? Constrained or free? Random or purpose driven? Defeated and complaining or inspired and filled with possibility? My life, because of the shift in my belief, is unrecognizable and fulfilling now. Even with the losses and the fears, the fundamental shift has been in my realization that we are not here simply to pass the time in misery. Live. Life is a gift. We are still here. Let's face our fears, STAND in our lives instead of spending our energy sitting on a medium inbetween, spending our energy on the ways to avoid and lean.
What is it that you are avoiding the most: a conversation, opening the mail, asking a question, calling a creditor, looking in the mirror...the fear and avoidance takes so much more energy day after day after day than simply facing it NOW. Free up the space. Allow. Chance it turning out A. O. K.
www.enlightennext.org every Thursday free meditation, 7pm-10:30pm
www.sacredcenterny.org every Sunday at 11am-12:30pm
or if you like to save A LOT of money and would like to shop for silk trenches, wraps, dresses, semi precious and costume jewelry and much more from $12-$400 in a very healing "space"
Anita Trehan presents Anise Holiday Sale 2008
Thursday, December 4th
Greenwich, CT
Saturday, December 6th
Long Island, NY
For more details visit www.anisenewyork.com
or to get help tackling a task
Curtis G. Schmitt from Turn On To Life presents
Get ready to HAVE FUN and GET STUFF DONE!
December 2, 2008 (Tuesday), 8 AM ET
December 5, 2008 (Friday), 9 AM ET
December 9, 2008 (Tuesday), 9 AM ET
December 10, 2008 (Wednesday), 11 AM ET
December 12, 2008 (Friday), 9 AM ET
December 16, 2008 (Tuesday), 8 AM ET
December 18, 2008 (Thursday), 8 AM ET
December 19, 2008 (Friday), 9 AM ET
To register for one of these dates, visit:
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