September 29, 2008
Can you believe what is going on today in the world? Moment to moment as I sit glued to CNN I go between laughing, crying, being terrified, being proud, but truthfully most of the time I'm just baffled. What in the world will happen next? I've written and spoken many times about the difference between "thinking and actually "taking action." I'm sure we all have our own opinions and views regarding the candidate we're going to vote for, an opinion on whether you wanted the bill to pass or not pass in Congress, whether you identify yourself as a member of Wall Street or as a member of Main Street. Regardless of our individual views, everyone is talking, watching, praying and feeling "affected." There is a sense that this time there is no escape.
I wrote two other blogs for today because as you all know I always have a lot to say. But instead of adding to the swirl, I've decided to end this very special September with the laser sharp advice and very specific honesty of Suze Orman. If you did not see Suze Orman on Oprah Winfrey this past week, please, please, please, please click or copy the link below. Suze Orman, I feel lays out a very clear explanation for what has occurred and provides very specific advice on what to do with your money. She also interviews two families who have had very different approaches to how they have handled their finances. (Which one do you identify most with? What are you willing to do about it?) Yes, what is going on right now seems almost surreal but I guarantee you, please take the time to watch or read this show. It will provide some specifics to alleviate your general fears to get to something you can do something about - your specific, personal ones. At the end of the day, it is about what we are doing in our lives day to day to day to day. It's time to get honest and real with our financial lives - if you are still spending beyond what you have, no matter how long you've been able to get away with it, it will eventually catch up with you. Let what is happening be a lesson to us all. START NOW. Dare to be honest with yourself. It is the only way. Take action now. Start by watching this show!
Transformation always requires the forced end to an established belief system. This isn't an ending but a beginning. We are being reminded that it is time to start being accountable emotionally and financially. Are your finances where they were five years ago, ten years ago? Do you want them to be where they are now, five years from now? If we keep doing what we've been doing we WILL keep getting what we've been getting or worse. START NOW. Carve out an hour this week, invite a friend, take some notes and please watch this show. It's time for us all to get accountable for OUR deeds.
Watch this show please, please, please, please.
I'd love to hear your comments/responses/realizations/plans of action at emotionalmoney@gmail.com.
Stay Tuned to Samarra Am Management's Weekly Wednesday Gatherings starting October 8th. I'll announce the specific schedule & information for the month, next week. I'm hoping that by some of us connecting in conversation we can help each other alleviate our fears and get focused on using this opportunity to collectively get honest; the necessary first step in living a life inspired, fulfilled and free. I hope that you will join me!
October 8th - Samarra's Journey, The Other Side of Through
October 15th, 22nd- confirming event and interview (TBA)
October 29th, 6pm-8pm
Inspiring & Empowering Your Financial Goddess
Samarra Mbenga, Emotional Healer & Carol L. Buchman, CPA, Financial Planner
243 W. 30th Street between 7th & 8th, 11th Floor
Call 718-350-6095 to register today.
A seminar for women addressing the emotional, spiritual, and practical pieces
of your financial life.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
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