August 4, 2008
Riding in the car with my mom one day many years ago, I looked at the sky. I had never seen so many stars in all of my life. We were out in the country and I loved looking at the sky, but this was like no sky I had ever seen before or since. I understood for the first time in my life what was meant when we were taught in school that there are billions and billions of stars. I remember asking my mom, what was wrong with my eyes or the reflection? My mind couldn't grasp the idea that I was looking at stars. I kept staring and it wasn't going away. Once I realized that the sky was literally covered in stars, I remember sinking down in my seat. I was excited - it was so beautiful, but I was also scared. Scared partly because how was it possible that I had never seen them before? How could I have not seen what was already there? The lights of the city are blocking so much more than I could have ever imagined.
When we are confronted with the beauty and possiblities of what can be created in our lives, we are terrified. We think "oh my goodness, could this really be true?" "Can I do this?" "Can I cause this to happen?" "Have I always been able to cause this?" Isn't it funny that the feeling of terror isn't really there when we don't accomplish something or when we don't go beyond our expectation? After all, that is a habit that we know all about. We expect and understand that.
The billions of stars are always there illuminating the sky even if we can't see them. The light of our souls are always there, even when we don't choose to express it. But each of us, at least once, had a circumstance where we just had to let it shine and we accomplished, said and/or did exactly what we had set out to do. Afterwards we were surprised, in shock and/or terrified. But we've never forgotten what we were capable of doing. We've never forgotten the thrill of making our lives happen.
The habits bring us the same debts, the same frustrations, the same daily grind. What if our habit became living life from the awe and terror of making our lives happen, clearing the clouds and the glare of artificial lighting?
Venture out into the darkness of the country and behold the beauty of making your life happen!
Identify what you did in the past that thrilled you.
Break down what and how you did it.
Identify a thrill that you could see accomplishing in the next 5 days.
Lay out a plan.
Share your thrill at emotionalmoney@gmail.com.
I'm planning on taking a 3 hour trip Upstate for the day on Saturday, August 16th to listen and participate afterwards in a drum circle. If you'd like to view the stars with me, I have room for 2 or 3 others. You can email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com or call me at 718-350-6095 for the details.
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Share - Sublet (8/15-11/15)
Available 8/15, 1bedroom share in a 2 bedroom apt for 1 month then I will be
leaving town for 2 months and the apt will become a sublet. The rent will be $1250
each of the 3 months. $600 deposit required.
Located in the 140's in Harlem. Top floor, sunny, great view, elevator, laundry
in building. Five minute walk to A,B,C,D and 3 trains. 10 minute ride to mid-town.
Path Mark and New York Sports Club less than a block away.
Cable and heat included. Pay 1/2 Con Ed for 1st month then entire bill the
remaining 2 months.
No smokers or pets please.
Call 646- 232- 7817 or e-mail wiley24@earthlink.net.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2008
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