August 18, 2008
"...Self, a depth that reveals a mystery so awe-inspiring that it simply cannot be imagined. But more often than not, we're unwilling...to face the profoundly liberating implications of our own potential because we're simply not prepared to accept that which our mind cannot comprehend. Always living in denial of our darkness and ever fearful of the overwhelming brightness of our own unexplored heights, the inevitable result can only be mediocrity."
"11 Days at the Edge: One man's spirtual journey into evolutionary enlightenment" by Michael Wombacher
Many of you have heard me say, "I wish I had a pill that I could give you to make this process easier". But I don't. Transforming our habits of the past into actions that are always stemming from our core is a constant work, a constant process. Until we have the courage to face our pains of the past, until we make the decision that the misery we keep placing ourselves in is no longer acceptable and decide to take the leap into the world of our own unknown, we just spin and spin and spin in our own "mediocrity." We choose to spin because at least that is a pain that we know and are familiar with. How many times have you left a job and ended up in a new job with the exact same dynamics? How many times have you left one relationship and ended up with another person that was exactly like the one you thought you had just left? (Imagine my shock when I left my husband and four years later ended up with someone that wasn't only the same person but actually said the EXACT same very painful (and untrue) sentence to me. It was mind boggling. Clearly whatever work I thought I had done, I had more work to do. Instead of doing the work though, I chose to move in with the person. And of course all that could occur was the exact same result of having to leave again. Spin. Spin. Spin.) I don't know what event has to occur that causes us each to make the decision to face our pains, but eventually it usually does occur. How many more jobs, how many more relationships, how much more time? That is up to you. Yes, it is scary to look back at our pains and heal and find closure. Because now what? Who are we without those familiar complaints, familiar stresses and strains? Who are we without our same friends? Who are we to define ourselves versus simply following what and who our families, friends and communities told us we should be? Our days are not promised. I wish I could invent a pill. But like a diet pill it would only be a temporary fix.
Those of you that have worked with me remember the resistance to take actions based on your core. You remember the transformations that occurred when you took the leap. Please email me and share your experiences and/or post them on the blog. The pain for many is seemingly overwhelming and resistance to the leap is occurring increasingly this month. But until the leap is taken you can't know the benefits of standing in the unknown. Many of you took the leap, I'm inviting you to please share your before and after to help someone else make the leap. I'll post them next week.
When you decide that YOU are the most important thing, you make decisions, set up systems, spend time with people, and draw to you, that which is in alignment with your soul. The unknown and not knowing isn't the big bad wolf that we're taught it is in school. The unknown is the key to going beyond the limits of our small, small minds and accessing the energies and limitless abundance of the universe!
Face your pain and live your life "awe-inspired" daily!
We had a wonderful time on Saturday listening to Alode perform and participating in a drum circle of over 25 people. The intent was to be in the coutry where being able to see the abundance of stars is amazing. However, the universe covered the stars and amazed us with a spectacular glowing full moon. I hope you can join me on the next escapade a bit closer to the sky and mother nature.
Two Upcoming Seminars:
Stay tuned for details:
a day long seminar - Saturday November 8th to get your holiday season started off right.
FUN WITH FINANCIALS an evening in October.
Additional Services - Organizing, Gathering, Sorting and Filing. I happen to love putting things in order. If you just haven't been able to face it, give me a call. Believe me, what is in there, is not what you think.
Fee based on individual circumstances and projects.
Call today for inspiration and aid,
Dedicated to building communities living inspired, fulfilled and free!
Every Thursday 7pm-10pm at 243 30th Street, 11th Floor
Meditation, vegetarian meal & a world wide conference call
Share - Sublet (8/15-11/15)
Available 8/15, 1bedroom share in a 2 bedroom apt for 1 month then I will be
leaving town for 2 months and the apt will become a sublet. The rent will be $1250
each of the 3 months. $600 deposit required.
Located in the 140's in Harlem. Top floor, sunny, great view, elevator, laundry
in building. Five minute walk to A,B,C,D and 3 trains. 10 minute ride to mid-town.
Path Mark and New York Sports Club less than a block away.
Cable and heat included. Pay 1/2 Con Ed for 1st month then entire bill the
remaining 2 months.
No smokers or pets please.
Call 646- 232- 7817 or e-mail wiley24@earthlink.net.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2008
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