February 19, 2008
The sun is going to rise again and I have to keep breathing because I never know what the tide may bring in.
Tom Hanks from Cast Away
I ran into someone today that I haven’t seen in about a year. She had lost at least 70 pounds. She looked wonderful but what struck me was that she moved exactly the same. Her body was slightly bent forward, slowed pained steps, and when she stood both her hands were placed on her back to provide “support.” Everything in her energy was as if the same 70 pounds were still attached to her. I thought that this was a perfect analogy for how we often move through our lives, and how we view our finances. How many times have you paid for a bill and thought "but I have this many more?" How many times have you wanted extra money and as soon as you get it you think "...oh but if only I had…" You experience the exact same lack that you had a moment before you received what you asked for. The interesting thing about this dynamic is that no matter what the tide brings in, it doesn’t matter. Regardless of what is occuring in the present, we move through life carrying the weights of the past. The circumstances may have gotten rid of "it" but are you willing to truly LET IT GO?
"....wanted to let you know that as of tomorrow afternoon, when the electronic transfer goes through, I will have all zero balances on my credit cards. It was ten years and over $60,000 in the making, but it is done. I thank God for giving me the strength to make it through and not end up on the street. I started transferring balances about 5 years ago to get the lowest rate so I could pay off the principal and not just the interest each month. The time is here!
GOD's love and blessings...
Deacon Brother Ron Potochar
CONGRATULATIONS RON! May you move through life having shed this past weight!
What did the tide bring in? Is it exactly what you asked for?
Is the weight of it in the past, present or future?
February 19, 2008: Getting Your Groove On Teleseminar, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
The Modern Venus Ltd. teleseminar series launches with "Get Your Groove On!" hosted by our new Luscious Lifestyle Diva Coach, Yolanda "Shoshi" Shoshanda. For more information or to register, please visit www.modernvenus.net and click "press/events."
Go to www.sterlingchoices.net and join Jaquette Timmons mailing list so you can be apart of her wonderful 3 part teleseminar series in February and March:
Making Credit Work for You - Wednesday, Feb 20th
The Best of Both Worlds-Be A Passive and Active Investor
Right Mind, Right Behavior, Right Results.
Paramjit L. Mahli
The Sun Communication Group
"Building Successful Relationships Between Law Firms and Clients"
8 Part Teleclass “How to Grow Your Law Practice on a Shoestring Budget”, for Solo Practitioners, Law Firm Associates or Small Practices, paralegals, office managers, those wearing multiple hats, who want to grow their legal practices WITHOUT breaking their bank accounts. For more information visit: www.suncommunicationsgroup.com.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com.
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