*Event Added: 2/13 see below
February 12, 2008
As young children we are taught that there is a family unit and it is filled with love, kindness and peace. Seperate from the family unit, romantically there is a prince charming or princess, it's love at first sight and you walk off into the sunset living happily ever after.
As young children today we are shown images of screaming, fighting, being put down and kids yearning to runaway. Romantically, being a couple means being physically, emotionally and/or sexually abused. You may be unhappy sometimes and down right scared at others but more than anything you are not alone and this means that you are loved. You decide to stay no matter what because there will be no one else out there to love you.
The extremes of these ideals...neither is consistently true. When your own parents are the main source of your pain who can you confide in? When you find your prince or princess and you realize the amount of work it takes to maintain a good relationship, that must mean there is something wrong with you. When someone is interested and they seem really wonderful we can't quite trust it because there is supposed to be some horrible pains inflicted, right? If you won't inflict it on me then I will inflict it on you. And on and on the cycle of broken loves, familial and otherwise continue based on ideals that are not based in reality. The love that is everlasting, that acts as the foundation is your love of you. Everything else builds from that core source of you.
What is "ideal" is what is familiar. Just because it's familiar doesn't mean it's the best thing for us. This V-Day do something different. If you're single and always hate this holiday take yourself on a date. The best V-Day I had was last year when I decided I was going to take myself out and do the things that I enjoy on that day. If you're partnered say where you want to go, don't wait for the surprise only to be disappointed, speak up and say what you want. When we were born we understood that we were whole, perfect and complete. But after only a couple of years we learned that there was something wrong with us that only an outside person or action could make us whole again. I get to be reminded everyday when working with my clients that their smile returns when they are honored for who they are, not who they think or were told that they were supposed to be. The ease and abundance that opens for them immediately is breathtaking. I wish every single one of you a breathtaking week filled with love for yourself and surrounded by those unthreatened by you being who you are. HAPPY LOVING WEEK!
Defenders of Love Benefit for Single Mothers
Date: February 13, 2008
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: The Cake Shop (152 Ludlow Street at Stanton)
Enjoy musicians, poets, DJ, and a ventriloquist. Raffles could win you a fake chocolate cake autographed by Amy Sedaris and other sweet prizes or get your Valentine a real cake at the bake sale. Proceeds of the raffle go to The Brooklyn Young Mother's Collective.
You can learn more by visiting http://defe ndersoflove.eventbrite.com.
Come see who will win at my raffle table.
Engage in Conscious Evolution
Experience many of the fundamental teachings of Evolutionary Enlightenment and come together with others to explore the liberating potential of this new perspective on human development and conscious evolution.
Date: Thursday, February 14th
Time: 7pm- (you can come and go at the start of the sections that you wish)
Free of charge
Location: 243 West 30th Street, 11th Floor NY, NY
(I attended a seminar on Saturday and I literally felt as if the top of my head blew off and light, ideas and energy was shooting to the sky -I highly recommend any part of this evening that you and or you and a loved one can attend)
7:00pm Meditation
A 45-minute guided meditation
As in many traditional spiritual paths, this meditation practice brings you to a deep experience of consciousness beyond ego. But its purpose is also to create a stable ground for cultivating a fully engaged and transformative relationship to your entire life.
8:15pm A light vegetarian dinner
9:00pm The Universe Project teleconference calls
Jeff Carreira and Katherine Miller conduct conference calls discussing fundamental themes of Evolutionary Enlightenment, responding to questions and exploring the frontiers of consciousness over the airwaves. We invite you to join us to listen to these inspiring calls at the NY Center and participate in the enlightened communication discussion that follows.
Visit http://www.enlightennext.com/ to learn more
Bitter Songs for Bitter People: A Valentine's Day Cabaret.
Date: Thursday, February 14th at 7pm & Friday, February 15th at 9:30pm
Location: The Duplex 61 Christopher Street at 7th Ave.
Performed by Linda Jones (an incredible actress)
For those weary of the candy hearts and saccharine sweet-nothings, we invite you to bring out your inner bitter, stir it up in a cocktail and celebrate a darker, funnier Valentine's Day.
Short and sweet - we're at The Duplex in the West Village, a one-hour set, Tix are $10 plus a two-drink minimum. Reservations are highly encouraged, and the details and links are below.
If you have some events this week where you can invite others, please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com and I will post them daily this week at www.emotionalmoney.blogspot.com.
New Posts 2/13/08 Thank you for sharing these events
*CREATIVE PIER Visit http://www.creativepier.com/Services.aspx?type=3
Romance with Art Beg. Feb 14, Thursday eveCelebrate the upcoming Valentine's Day with an evening of 'Romance with Art'.
For singles - join everyone in engaging group art projects. Transform past into future and play a part in creating a 'lost and found' art mobile, find ways to connect in 'creative junction', or express yourself in a feelings bouquet with colorful tissue paper.
For couples - choose a joint art project from Creative Pier's special "Couple's Menu" and discover new passions! Pick a color and take turns spinning out shapes and lines in watercolor conversation, let yourself slip back together to a time of playful innocence of finger-painting, discover the sensuousness of clay or create your own dream house.
Admission fee: singles - $20
couples - $30 & up
Complimentary wine and chocolates are offered throughout the night! 6:00-9:00pm,
833 Broadway, 3 Fl, , 10003 Routa Segal, Greg Kessler$20
Saturday, February 16, 1-6pm
Meditation Seminar
Led by Gail Margulis and Jason DiTullio
Through periods of guided meditation and facilitated discussion you will uncover the power that Andrew Cohen's practice of meditation has to liberate us from the compulsive identification with the mind.
"The powerful thing about meditation is its radical simplicity-be still, be at ease, pay attention. That's the beauty of it-meditation means doing absolutely nothing. It is only in the exquisite simplicity of doing absolutely nothing that you begin to be able to see yourself in ways you ordinarily would never be able to do. "
- Andrew Cohen
This seminar will be held in conjunction with EnlightenNext's director of education Jeff Carreira and senior instructor Katherine Miller's virtual meditation retreat.
Cost: $20
1. Be conscious of what, why and when you're choosing to spend this V-Day.
2. If you're always miserable or disappointed during this week (single or partnered
or both day to day - choose to do at least one activity that will bring a smile
to YOUR face.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
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