September 4, 2007
One year ago today I launched "Emotional Money." It has truly been a labor of love!
My original goal was to provide a connection. I assumed the connection would manifest in a whirl of communications between blog readers. The connections instead have been more personal, more gradual, less of a whirl and more of a steady stream.
The steadiness that has been provided through our shared expressions, experiences and lessons, through laughter, pleasure and pain, has been a gift beyond what I imagined. I hope that at least one of the topics of "Emotional Money" over this year has provided some healing around your emotional connections to your finances.
Thank you so much for being here from the beginning!
A special thanks to my mommy for always teaching and supporting me to follow my dreams.
Thank you Charlotte, Andrea Woodhull Institute and Pam for helping to push me and my image to the next level.
Thank you Curtis, Laura, Scott, Heather, Sandra, and Cynthia for your courageous and inspiring interviews. It was a pleasure speaking to each of you. You inspire me!
Thank you Richard for being such a supporter of "Emotional Money". Your almost weekly responses to my thoughts of the week are a precious gift that always keep me blogging!
Thank you to each of you that wrote a response to "Emotional Money" throughout the year. There are too many to list but please know that your responses have meant the world to me. Connection!
I've learned over this year that the saying is very true: the only constant is change. This year has seen a new website, a new logo, new picture, new clients, new friends, new goals, new interests, all of which demand my continued growth. As we move forward to year #2, in case you're wondering, as I have - Will Emotional Money remain edited or unedited? Will it run on Monday or Tuesday? Will the interviews run monthly at the beginning of each month? Will the topics only be about finances? I won't provide the answers today that I know may change tomorrow. What I can commit to today, through any and all changes, is that "Emotional Money" will remain a weekly blog dedicated to spurring thought and conversations for our financial and emotional healing! Through our connections: email, conversations, realizations within oneself, we can teach each other what we haven't been taught and know firsthand that we are never ALONE! In year two, I am dedicated to CONNECTIONS that HEAL.
To celebrate this one year anniversary the last Monday of every month for the next 3 months I will have a free teleseminar (except the cost for the long distance phone call) from 8pm-9pm to discuss topics that are related to your emotions and your money. Mark your calendar today.
September 24, 2007 Demystifying Money-as a child you were taught money was...
Discover how much those lessons are impacting you today. Join me from 8pm-9pm. Please RSVP to samarra_am_management@yahoo.com to retrieve the conference call and log-in information.
By the way, I still have no words for my 2700 mile journey but a friend, John, said it perfectly in his response to last weeks' blog:
"Hey..!! Did you get a chance to listen to SILENCE..?? GIRL...!! I was amazed, at silence being so loud..!! It kinda engulfs you..!! It's really amazing..!!"
Your words nailed what I, through language, have not been able to.
Thank you for connecting!
To each of you, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading "Emotional Money."
Please spread the word.
I look forward to an exciting year #2; hearing from you and sharing our
Please send any questions or topics you'd be interested in having for the upcoming Emotional Money One Year Anniversary Teleseminars at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Bask in your moments of silence!
"EMOTIONAL MONEY" next Monday, September 10th-
An inspiring interview with Natasha Yannacanedo-actress, director, writer, teaching artist, acting and public speaking coach. Learn first hand from someone who turned her financial life around without a fixed income!
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email
me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. It may be exactly what someone
has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line
"unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding
Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra
Am Management."
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