Thursday, June 21, 2007
The next EmotionalMoney entry will be on Monday, July 2, 2007.
I apologize for Monday, June 18th. As I went to publish my blog, I accidentally erased it. It was heartbreaking.
Luckily, I had something else to occupy my thoughts. I was preparing for my graduation from my business course (www.wibo.org) and graduated on Tuesday, June 19th. We had the opportunity to do an exhibit and I was 1 of 3 winners for "Exceptional Business Display" winning a gift certificate to Staples. I was chosen to speak for my class. Being able to give my 2 minute speech from the exact same podium at Cooper Union where Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, Victoria Woodhull and many other incredible leaders spoke was an absolute honor.
I am now going to rest and return on July 2nd.
Thank you for your continued support. Have a wonderful 2 weeks.
May your summer be bright and filled in love, laughter and abundance!
I'll see you on July 2, 2007 to announce more exciting improvements to EmotionalMoney.
Here is a beautiful message and ritual by Mamma Donna, an urban shaman.
My Dear Ones,
[Today] is the Summer Solstice, the longest day
of the year. How long is that? The only way to really
understand how long it is, is to experience it. Get up
with the sun and stay in its presence until it sets.
SOLSTICE SUNRISE: 5:07AM Eastern Daylight Time
SOLSTICE SUNSET: 8:25PM Eastern Daylight Time
Do what the sun does: Declare your finest intention at
first light and follow it as it rises with the day. Express
the fullness of your own inner illumination, your high
noon zenith. Shine light and warmth into the evening.
Set after a long day with the satisfaction of the glorious
lightness of being.
A Simple Solstice Ceremony
* Get up at dawn.
* Watch the sun rise.
* Greet it.
* Bless it.
* Put a circular mirror outside in a sunny place.
* Fill a glass container with cold water and several
tea bags -- black, green or herbal — and place
it on top of the mirror.
* Go about your business for the day.
* The mirror reflects the strongest sun of the year.
* The tea steeps in it.
* Watch the sun set.
* Drink the tea.
* Look into the solar-powered mirror.
* Bless your self.
Join us in person or in spirit at the exact solstice
moment: 2:06PM to chant for peace.
I send you all sizzling solstice blessings,
xxMama Donna
WomanVision (http://www.womanvis.com/home.html)
Start your summer off by claiming your personal power!
Summer Solstice, the longest & brightest day of the year, is a time to be radiant and shine. Join us for a community celebration in a magical spot in Central Park where you will have the opportunity to cultivate your confidence, tap into your passion (what you get excited about!), and set a powerful intention for your summer.
Please bring with you a small candle in a candle holder, and a small amount of food or drink to share.
When: Today, Thursday, June 21st at 7pm
Where: Central Park, Enter at 102rd Street off of 5th Ave
Cost: $25 pre-registration; $30 at the door
RSVP: at 212-501-3892 or info@womanvis.com
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues
please post and join in the conversation.
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Copyright 2007