November 13, 2006
I realized today, what if every dream I've ever had, the only reason I haven't attained it is simply because I didn't believe I could? Throughout my life, even from a very young age I had very specific things I wanted-to wear those perfectly fitted costumes on stage, to have long hair that would move when the wind blew, to live in a place that wasn't Arlington, Va. but that was just like it. These dreams I've attained, but completly unexpectedly. I had the thought and really wanted it. I dreamed it and then let it go. They were easy to let go of because they all seemed farfetched. My mind couldn't make a plan, so it was easy to let them go. Then in a moment the memory of the dream would return as I was looking in the mirror at myself in a perfectly fitted costume. The first time I felt MY hair blowing in the wind and as I live in East Orange, NJ which is so much like Arlington, Va. I want the formula so I can figure it out-how do we get our dreams? For those that my mind thinks I can master-like getting the perfect partner, or acquiring a certain amount of money, the perfect job or the perfect part, I think I have a formula, an answer. I don't let it go and then everything gets off track-my insecurities come back to haunt me and the voice of doubt looms over everything. Because I'm using my mind to try to force things to happen. But today for some reason it hit me that if you have a dream, dream, take steps and actions towards your dream but mostly just let it go. Assume it's already done-the difference in how we move forward when we already know we have it, versus how we move forward when we already know we don't.
How are you moving forward in your days?
Are you prepared to take on the responsibility that your dreams that have been deferred, only you had the power to defer them?
Speaking of Dreams, Adventures in Abundance was an incredible success. Thank you so much to each of you that attended. Those that weren't able to make it we have a CD ROM for sale for only $5 that has inspiring tools from each of us:
Laura Allen: 15secondpitch
Scott Foster: Clean and Feed Total Health Solution
Samarra Mbenga: Samarra Am Management
Curtis Schmitt: Turn On To Life
Increase your abundance around your time, money, health and passion. To get your copy call me at 718-350-6095 or email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
The power of community-it was only going to be that one event, but due to popular demand we've scheduled another adventure in abundance in January! Stay tuned for details!
Curtis G. Schmitt: Register for Time Management Mastery: The 5 Master Keys to Effective Time Management & Planning @ http://www.turnontolife.com/
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006, 10:00 AM EST
Morgan Contracting Company:
Full time, salary $30,000
detailed, able to work in fast paced environment-in charge of getting drawings to subcontractors-keeping track copying and getting them to them by specific due dates.
If interested, please call Mark Wedderburn at 212-377-2600.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.
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Copyright 2006
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