October 9, 2006
If you are just joining "Emotional Money" for the first time "Welcome!" For the month of October each week I will be doing an interview with the business owners that will be featured at our upcoming seminar: Adventures in Abundance: Ignite your Time, Money, Passion and Health. To register and for more information, please visit our website at www.adventuresinabundance.com. I invite you to look at the past issues from the month of September which feature my opinions regarding different aspects of my observations in life. Please fill free to post your comments. I'm dedicated to building a community in action: living with a philosphy to create abundance in health, wealth and spirit! Welcome!
I dedicate this issue of "Emotional Money" to the many who feel that because they haven't already arrived-then what's the point? This interview points out so clearly that everything we do in our lives serves a purpose. It is not about the destination but about the journey.
Scott Foster owner of Clean and Feed Total Health Solution started his business about a year ago. He's a computer consultant. He lives in Manorville, New York with his wife, 3 children (17, 15 and 8) a dog and a cat. He grew up in Carmel, NY. He went to Cortlandt University and majored in music and graduated from NYU with honors majoring in film/tv.
Samarra: Many of my readers are at a crossroads in their lives feeling like their circumstances are overwhelming. What advice do you have for them-how can they focus on their health when they are trying to survive the daily grind?
Scott: Don't change anything your doing. Just start adding things.
Start with the food you're already eating. For example if you like broccoli with cheese. Okay have the brocilli with cheese-at least you are having broccoli. Start from where you are-don't change anything. Eventually the new things will begin to take up more room in your life.
Samarra: On your website www.cleanandfeed.com you talk about "the testament of truth in each of us.." What do you believe that is?
Scott: There is a fundamental truth that we all share. This truth exists outside of our opinions. We all have different ways of plugging into it-career, spirtual...but the same truth exist within each of us. For example there are all different kinds of flowers but they all need the sun to survive. Without the sun-the source-there is no life. The source of survival-the same truth-exists in each of us.
Samarra: How did you develop your Clean and Feed Philosphy?
Scott: It has been a process. I am a real trier of everything. Sort of a gypsy. I immerse myself in things from the inside. I've studied dietetics, vegetarianism, zen buddism, symbology, hyra christna, green food years before it became "popular", vitamins, meditations, went to Kripalu for a month (my family really thought I was going off the deep end) and through all my years of studying various practices, faith, spirtualities, meditations I noticed a simililarity and consistent theme with each of them. I noticed the "answers" are right there-it's much simpler than we think. At the heart of everything. The earth moves in a circular pattern, the tide goes in and out, the atoms in our bodies-all the same pattern. At the base of everything-there is a cleansing and feeding cycle. And the 4 Pillars are the tools that people can utilize to connect the dots. Very powerful and very simple. Everything we need we already have. It's simply about reestablishing the connection that is already right there within each of us.
Samarra: What your 4 Pillars of Health and which do you think is the most important?
Scott: The 4 Pillars of Health are Live Food, Oxygen, Positive Emotion and Water.
Positive Emotion is the most important.
Because that is what is inside you. (Zen monks would drink posion to show the power of belief) I teach that Emotion is 50% and physical is 50% but in actuality what is inside you-your belief is everything. I don't teach emotion is 100% because no one is ready for that-I'm not even ready for that. Where does reality begin? With our beliefs, which is why it is most important.
Samarra: Did you grow up with "health" being practiced in your house?
Scott: No, in fact the running joke is my parents always say to me "you ate oreos and you turned out fine."
Samarra: What has led you to practice and follow your dreams despite your circumstances or the lack of support from family and friends?
Scott: The death of both of my brothers. After losing my second brother my first few months in college it launched me into asking more spirtual questions. During that time, I remember seeing an episode of David and Goliath and one of them had fallen into a hole and he kept hearing
"God Is Everywhere, Everywhere, Everywhere." And that stuck with me. Like a mantra "God is Everywhere, Everywhere, Everywhere."
Samarra: How did you go from film/tv to computer consultant to health?
Scott: Trial and Error. After graduating from school I realized I wasn't interested in working the crappy jobs that went along with the film/tv industry for example sitting in a truck all night to make sure it wasn't ripped off. I started pitching show/magazine ideas. Ironically the topics were around health. I even had aninterview with Time magazine that was interested in one of my ideas. But they never materialized. I was painting houses, my own business, at the time and realized I didn't want to do that anymore either. I saw an ad for computer teachers and got that job with no experience-I just knew I liked computers. And to this day that is how I earn the majority of my income. Throughout all my my careers and experiences I've always been studying and immersing myself in health and spirtually realted topics and settings. My business simply combines what I've always been doing.
Samarra: But what finally caused you to be in action and do it?
Scott: I have a lot of friends my same age that have been diagosed with cancer. My passion and my love as always been discovering ways to learn and improve myself spirtually and physically. I have this burning fire. What am I going to do with it? I have a gift and a skill set-seeing, feeling, understanding the fundamental truth and tools to allow people from exactly where they are to get them healthier spirtually and physically. As I improve myself, I improve the world because I'm apart of the world. At some point I had to take responsibility and own my gifts. My son is currently asking the questions and as we're taught he's looking outside of himself to find the answers. I'm teaching him to look within. We're each the pebble in the pond creating a ripple. We're each on our own solo journey but as a friend told me: Always open your circle-the truth of our spirtual journey doesn't move us toward or away from others but it encompasses. As I help myself I help others and vice versa and we all help the world. All encompassing. Don't change anything you're doing. Simply add. Take deeper breaths, drink more water, eat more live food and know the answer is RIGHT THERE -in our noses (the air we breath), underneath our noses (the food we eat.)
Thank you so much Scott for a wonderful and enlightening conversation. You can visit his website at www.cleanandfeed.com.
You do not want to miss his workshop on Novemeber 6th. Find out specifically for you and your life how to improve your spirtual and physical health from what you are already doing. Please go to our website www.adventuresinabundance.com to register today. Seating is limited.
Affirmation: (please repeat every morning and every night until next Monday):
Next Monday (October 16th) on Emotional Money: Interview with Laura Allen co-owner of 15secondpitch.com. An incredible, inspirational woman who has spent her life connecting dots regardless of circumstances. An interview you will not want to miss.
Free Teleseminars:
Laura Allen-featured guest next week on "Emotional Money"
"The 4 Key Elements of a Successful 15 Second Pitch" Thursday October 18th at 7:00pm.
Please visit and register at www.15secondpitch.com.
Curtis Schmitt-"for time management advice that won't waste your time"
Register for Time Management Mastery: The 5 Master Keys to effective
Time Management & Planning.
This Saturday, October 14 at 10am.
Please visit and register at www.TurnOnToLife.com.
Any suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation.
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"What the mind can conceive and believe, it can ACHIEVE."
Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
Copyright 2006
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