March 23, 2009
LEANING IN The announcements I'm going to make today are nothing that I imagined. But leaning into the root, the truth is the only way. This week the recurring theme is trying to force ourselves to be what we think we should be. We can't. At the root, the core, the foundation, is WHAT IS. When we try to go around WHAT IS, we might get away with it for a little while. But the foundation/the authentic truth/ will eventually show itself. Why not deal with WHAT IS the truth NOW? Because we are afraid, afraid that what we fear is already true. It is not already true. It is not true at all. But we have no way of knowing that unless we lean into the fear, lean into the pain, lean into WHAT IS our authentic core. Only from this scary place can we receive something more than the temporary fix of surface things. There is no way around it. As scary and painful as it may seem, everytime we lean in authentically to WHAT IS at the root, we find release from pain and fear and faith in ourselves waiting on the other side.
My last weekly "Emotional Money" blog will be next Monday, March 30th. I will do it monthly and in between continue to announce the activities for Samarra Am Management and other businesses and/or opportunities.
The Emotional Money Woman's Retreat scheduled for May 1-3 is postponed. When the retreat was planned we had no idea that I would be living here. Resources have been of course needed and used towards my move. And my increased schedule of becoming Business Manager for Big Tent Cultural Center and doing 4 Weight Watchers meetings in addition to my roster of clients won't allow for the time needed to plan and promote the retreat.
I am moving to take action based on the core work around faith. This work will concentrate on building an active, intentional, ENGAGED community that takes actions to support each other through the scary process of leaning toward release and faith.
I have been blessed with some incredible clients who have been willing to take risks, be authentic and take actions in alignment with their core versus their habits. This is the life-altering work I want to be engaged in. My blog has given me the chance to talk about this work -- a first step. The next, and I feel mandatory step, is actually building the support systems for taking those "scary authentic" actions CONSISTENTLY. That is how we build our faith in ourselves -- through consistent action.
The blog has been...incredible. It has been such a gift to share the thoughts that go on inside my head and have others respond or share their insights and experiences. But it's time for me to take that next step to focus on actions that support a collective "leaning in". I am grateful to each and every one of you.
My business over these three years has grown each year and it has all been from referrals. To thank you, moving forward, I will be giving 10% of the cost of the package purchased, to those that referred someone.
In April I'll send out information on how to sign up for the new list (which I feel will have a different title) for those interested in engaging in the practices discussed and having conversations with myself and other readers regarding our processes and journies which will be officially launched in May. It will include monthly commitments around meditating and being willing to not only explore but to take actions and build your faith in who you are at your core.
I'll see you next week for the final rendition of Emotional Money has it has always been. Here's to the next step!
THANK YOU for sharing this incredible journey!
Barbara Sher's big 24 hour GLOBAL IDEA PARTY to celebrate the
30th anniversary of her first book, Wishcraft. Don’t miss this giant
brainstorming festival of ideas! We welcome you to call in and tell us your dream and obstacle and we’ll help figure out how you can get it.
The Idea Party will start on Monday, March 23th, at 8pm USA Eastern Standard
time and end 24 hours later, on Tuesday, March 24th, at 8pm Eastern Standard
time (New York time)
Here’s some info about the party, including the phone numbers and access codes.
The party will be happening simultaneously in 2 places, online and by phone, and we welcome you
to join in at either one or both places at any time during the 24 hours.
You’re invited to ask questions, make comments, and give suggestions. Success Team leaders from around the world will be there to help come up with ideas.
For directions on how to use Twitter, go to this link:
Once you’ve registered in twitter, you might find that it’s easier to follow
what’s going on during the party by using this site, which parallels
The access phone number will be used the whole time, but every six hours the
access code will change, so there will be a slight pause and everyone will
dial in again and enter the new number. The main number and all access
codes are in this link:
Since we are expecting a large volume of callers, we ask that once you are
connected to the call, you mute your phone by pressing *6.
If you want to make a comment during the call or ask a question, you can
un-mute your phone by pressing *6 again, but once you’ve gotten an answer,
please go back to mute.
Let’s make this a grand party. Can’t wait!
Andrea Reese, NYC Success Team Leader
INTEGRITY DAY INFO & SCHEDULEAs of Monday, March 23, 2009
Hi Samarra,
I just posted the first group of April Integrity Days. Several of
the March days filled up, so make sure to register ASAP.
To view the latest schedule of upcoming Integrity Days, visit:
If you'd like to suggest a date and time for an Integrity Day, or
if you'd like me to host one for you and your friends and
colleagues, please call me at 203-659-6636.
You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in four hours --
and how much fun you can have doing it -- when you have an
enthusiastic support group cheering you on.
I look forward to "seeing" you at an Integrity Day soon! Get ready
Peace & Passion,
Curtis G. Schmitt
Turn On to Life! Coach
203-659-6636 | 610-696-3731
Committed to Building Communities Living Inspired, Fulfilled & Free
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or events please email me at emotionalmoney@gmail.com. Any comments regarding any of the weekly "Emotional Money" issues please post and join in the conversation. To unsubscribe to "Emotional Money" weekly ezine type in subject line "unsubscribe Emotional Money." To unsubscribe to all notices regarding Samarra Am Management events type in subject line "unsubscribe Samarra Am Management."
Copyright 2009