August 14, 2007
Returning from a trip in the beautiful mountains of Vermont remembering the peace of swinging on a tire from a tree. Stepping off the airplane at JFK to hordes of people and loud noises. Amazing the difference nature provides only a half an hour plane ride away.
Returning from a long slow day at the office, I push for the elevator-it's only four flights but it's hot and I'm tired. The elevator doesn't come. After pushing many times, loaded with bags, up the stairs I must climb. There is a woman, my neighbor, just standing on the 4th floor holding the elevator door. With no signs of furniture or visible explanations, my neighbor apologizes to me profusely. From her reaction, I realize, my smile and nods were unable to hide the effects of my long slow day at the office and my load of bags.
Watching my beautiful kitty's in the hallway my neighbor all the way on the other side asks me questions. Her tone causes me to ask "what's the matter, you don't like cats?" Her response, "...not only do I not like them I want to kill them. If anything ever happens to them you'll know where to come." Beware, venom arrives at your doorstep when completely unprovoked and unprepared.
Standing in my living room, I hear a man making threats, a woman pleads, "please leave it alone." Looking out the window to the building next door, a man's testosterone rages demanding that another man move out of his parking space immediately. His woman tries to explain it to him, the man and woman in the other car try to explain to him. No listening, only yelling, he's enraged ready and wanting to attack. The guy in the other car tries to drive away but the enraged testosterone keeps yelling and calling him out of his name long after he's moved from the parking space.
The rage continues long after he's moved from the parking space.
Two men face to face, one enraged, the other wanting to make him understand, the woman terrified placing herself between, while pleading with her man. Raging testosterone now yells at his own woman to get out of the way. This cycle-rage, explaining, pleading, no listening-just get out of the way. This cycle-rage, explaining, pleading, no listening-just get out of the way. This cycle-rage, explaining, pleading, no listening-just get out of the way.
I suddenly felt like I was witnessing a snapshot for the reasons our young are dying in another land. I suddenly felt like I was witnessing a snapshot for the reasons our young are dying in this land. I suddenly felt like I was witnessing a snapshot for the reasons fear governs our land. The noises in my window below ended with all going their separate ways, but I felt that I had glimpsed a profound truth to the terror and destruction that is governing our land. This cycle -rage, explaining, pleading, no listening-just get out of the way.
One day on my job a person is there, two hours later, no longer. Fired.
A cross country drive planned 6 months in advance. A drive with 3-planned 6 months in advance. 2 weeks before the trip, it's now 2 instead of 3. Only one number a way, two weeks before, variables planned so far in advance, now changed.
One day there is no surgery-dancing and fun. Suddenly surgery. Tests run. A heart murmur. One week all was fine, the next pain, murmur's and unanswered questions.
Balance from within. That is truly all we can aspire to.
Everything else, unknown. Balance from within.
"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion and desire." Aristotle (384 BC - 322BC)
Seek a daily activity that will aid you in being grounded from within.
"Emotional Money" in August
August 20th: I Want To Start A Revolution-A Poem Dedicated to CCC
August 27th: Interview: Natasha Yannacanedo-actress, director, writer,
teaching artist, acting and public speaking coach as well
as an Argentine tango dancer. Her motto: The first principle of a
warrior is not being afraid of who you are.
If you have an upcoming event, seminar, performance, etc. please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com. It may be exactly what someone has been looking for.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
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